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Pamela 04-09-2014 02:37 PM

currently, near Houston...
A good friend of mine has been suspended, pending a decision by the school board, who apparently is expected to fire her.

I have known her for years and she is a real sweetie who would never corrupt children. She is devastated by this.

Gravdigr 04-09-2014 02:50 PM

Considering these kids are, what 10-12 yrs old, I don't see how it couldn't be a distraction at the least.

We have male teachers. We have female teachers. Ability is not at issue. But, remembering how a 10-12 yo mind works, it would almost have to interrupt the learning process to some degree.

I can't understand how anyone ever thought this would be a good idea.

What don't kill ya makes ya stronger...hope she comes out the better for it.

DanaC 04-09-2014 03:23 PM


it would almost have to interrupt the learning process to some degree.
For a few minutes. Until it's explained.

Here's the crux:


"If it does affect my child and his ability to learn or if it causes questions that I don't feel are appropriate then undoubtedly there's an issue with having somebody transgender, transsexual or transvestite, to be teaching that age group," Beard said.
There's the problem right there. This has nothing to do with kids being confused and everything to do with parents being uncomfortable.

xoxoxoBruce 04-09-2014 03:37 PM

Of course it's about the parents, the kids have no say. The parent says they are concerned about how it will affect their kid. Right, wrong, or indifferent, I have no reason not to believe them and neither do you. How would they know how it would affect their kid when they themselves have no clue.

All they know is it ain't right that this shit be happening in Texas.

I can see a sudden transition in the middle of the school year confusing the kids, but this doesn't sound anything like that. I want to know how the parents found out?

monster 04-09-2014 06:57 PM

Everything and anything can be a distraction to kids that age. this is nothing to do with education. Which is sad, because it could be a great learning experience in acceptance and compassion and um what's that c-word with the big c said to be so popular in TX? Not cancer ....the other one.....

I wonder if a busty female teacher who had a double mastectomy (for whatever reason) would be considered to be a distraction? Or an Army vet with a disfigured face?


zippyt 04-09-2014 10:00 PM

thats a discrimination law suit waiting to happen ,
i hope your friend gets a FAT settlement

Griff 04-10-2014 06:00 AM


Originally Posted by zippyt (Post 896433)
thats a discrimination law suit waiting to happen ,
i hope your friend gets a FAT settlement


footfootfoot 04-10-2014 08:21 AM

The best is at 1:08

"How am I supposed to explain this to my child?"

DanaC 04-10-2014 08:24 AM


That was brilliant.

Pamela 04-10-2014 10:06 AM

I had a long talk with m friend LJ last night. It seems that her devastation was all in my head. She was remarkably chipper after a short chat. She was merely overwhelmed by the outpouring of support, even from strangers. She has gotten a lot of notes on her FB as well as email and even in person regarding this issue. A local TV station ran a poll that shoowed 86% support for her.

Dana nailed it perfectly. This looks like a tempest in a teapot started by a few unimportant bigots who are perpetually outraged at anything that contradicts their little world.

Gravdigr, the parent seems to be most worried about his son getting a crush on teacher ;)

Bruce, she was hired recently, as she appeared in the pictures (which were lifted from her FB page without permission). Her surgical status is pre-op. I say thi because she doesn't make it a huge secret; but she doesn't wear it on a Tshirt either. She would never discuss the subject with the children or at the school. She loves children and would not try to poison their little minds. And, to put the subject to rest she is NOT there for any nefarious purposes, as has been implied by some (I'm looking at YOU,!).

She was outed by a neighbor child whose parent cannot accept LJ as a person, only as a freak and who has instilled that mindset in their child, who blabbed to anyone who would listen about LJs status. Children will do scary things to gain their parents' approval.

Zippy, she has spoken to lawyers but is taking no action yet. She is wisely waiting to see how the school board will decide.

The Lumberton area is served by an ISD and is not subject to the city anti-discrimination, which protects gays and transsexuals from discrimination. State law offers no such protection. Bills amending the state laws have been defeated, even though an ISD is not beholden to the state, either.

EEOC rulings and recent court decisions have protected transgender peoples jobs. But ENDA continues to be defeated in the Congress.

I have heard that there is a petition out there but I was unable to find it. If anyone can share a lilnk to one, I would appreciate it.


Clodfobble 04-10-2014 05:32 PM

Social change is a progression, and there always comes a time with any such issue when it's good for this type of thing to happen. It allows that 86% to speak up and declare their support, and only speeds the silencing of the conservationist minority. It's not enough to reach critical mass; you have to collectively know you've reached critical mass. I'm proud that we get to live in these times, on the lee side of the hill.

[sidenote]It amuses me that you are calling your friend "LJ" and this is happening in the "Lumberton" district.[/sidenote]

xoxoxoBruce 04-10-2014 08:17 PM


Bruce, she was hired recently, as she appeared in the pictures (which were lifted from her FB page without permission).
When are people going to learn FB is a gun for shooting yourself in the foot.:facepalm:

footfootfoot 04-11-2014 07:43 AM

beg pardon?

DanaC 04-11-2014 07:58 AM


Bruce, she was hired recently, as she appeared in the pictures (which were lifted from her FB page without permission).

They weren't made aware because of the Fb picture. The FB picture was just what was shown without her permission in the report.

xoxoxoBruce 04-11-2014 09:28 AM

Just one more example of FB coming back to bite your ass. What is the number, 20%, 30%, 50% of divorces involve FB? Stupid people. :p:

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