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Undertoad 01-06-2004 10:54 AM

1/6/2004: Dutch fan ban

This was a European item that never made it to the states, so some of you have already seen it.

These gents are Dutch. On the right is Mayor Wim Deetman, posing gladly with a fan of the local football club (aka soccer team). What the Hon. Mr. Deetman doesn't know is that the fan's, er, unit is proudly on display. He learned that a few days later, when the image started getting distributed on the net.

Writing from Philadelphia, where the fans have a terrible reputation of being uncultured, uncivilized beer-bellied louts -- it gives me great joy to highlight fans of not just other cities, but altogether other cultures, acting worse than any Philly fan ever would. (Sure, we booed Santa Claus, but what they never report is what a crappy Santa Claus it was. And sure, we threw snowballs at Jimmy Johnson. Please - it was Jimmy Johnson! Enough said.)

The mayor apparently pressed charges, and the team banned the fan from their stadium.

It's the look on the guy's face that makes the shot.

full story

ndetroit 01-06-2004 11:20 AM


Yes, that is the look of "Please sir, may I now have my 15th Heineken?"

I know it well...

But sorry UT, I don't think anyone will ever surpass philly's fans... I mean, you guys booed a local boy during his homecoming at the NBA all-star game, when he got the MVP award...

Where's the love?

(of course, in retrospect... it *was* kobe... hmmm... )

ukamikanasi 01-06-2004 11:47 AM

Uncensored, if anyone's interested (NSFW):

xoxoxoBruce 01-06-2004 12:04 PM

I think the guy in the background knew.

Undertoad 01-06-2004 01:03 PM

Thanks Uk. I did take a look around for the full version, but didn't find it, I guess because I don't read the language.

Kobe: the kid said something totally disrespectful about Philly the week before the game. I can't remember what it was.

There was also:<ul><li> the Irvin injury booing (in which years of Irvin's taunting the crowd were forgotten);

<li>the San Francisco Monday night game in which a flair gun was fired, spawning the in-stadium courtroom;

<li>Kids fighting it out on national TV on the Phils' opening day;

<li>a Destiny's Child smackdown for wearing a Lakers logo (they deserved it)
But they also flew down to Miami and took over the stadium for the Monday night game. How often does that happen? They also fill Carolina's arena for away hockey. Away hockey!

SteveDallas 01-06-2004 01:11 PM


Originally posted by Undertoad

<li>a Destiny's Child smackdown for wearing a Lakers logo (they deserved it)

Yeah I remember seeing that---but I didn't hear about a smackdown.. Glad there was one.

Undertoad 01-06-2004 01:29 PM

I don't remember how bad it was, but I do remember the one D.C. member being pretty unhappy about her treatment. Bah-hah.

It strikes me that the Dutch fan can still say that his love for his team is uncut.

ndetroit 01-06-2004 02:26 PM

Didn't JD Drew get smoked in the head when he was playing outfield by a bunch of fans throwing batteries at him as well? ;)

I'm sure every city has wacky fan stories ... you just hear about them more often coming out of philly...

hah! :)

elSicomoro 01-06-2004 08:16 PM


Originally posted by Undertoad
a Destiny's Child smackdown for wearing a Lakers logo (they deserved it)
In their defense, one had a Lakers pseudo-jersey on, one had a Sixers one on, and the third had one with the NBA logo. Plus, they were entertaining a national television audience, the vast majority of them probably rooting for the Lakers. What the Philadelphia fans did was pathetic, but not really surprising.

I've been to several towns, seen several teams...and I have to say that Philadelphia fans are probably the worst fans in the United States. The only fans that come close are Washington, DC fans...but they're not overly hateful, just delusional.

Drew was recently traded to the Braves, which should increase Phillies fans' hatred of him that much more. He sucks's not like the Phillies were missing anything.

xoxoxoBruce 01-06-2004 08:57 PM


I've been to several towns, seen several teams...and I have to say that Philadelphia fans are probably the worst fans in the United States
Or the best, depending which side of the fence you're on. REAL philadelphia fans, feel they are the best. It's only we CASUAL Philadelphia fans that find them an embarassment.;)

elSicomoro 01-06-2004 09:10 PM

There's nothing wrong with being passionate. Being fairweather and ridiculous is another story...

I do think it's important to note that I said "in the United States." Some of the shit that goes on in Europe at football matches makes Philadelphia fans look charming.

lumberjim 01-06-2004 09:27 PM


Originally posted by sycamore
There's nothing wrong with being passionate. Being fairweather and ridiculous is another story...

I do think it's important to note that I said "in the United States." Some of the shit that goes on in Europe at football matches makes Philadelphia fans look charming.

How can you call Philly fans "fairweather" when there hasn't been any fair weather? Besides, I thought Cowboys fans were the most hated? Philly fans are honest. People need to get a sense of humor about it.

elSicomoro 01-06-2004 09:46 PM


Originally posted by lumberjim
Philly fans are honest. People need to get a sense of humor about it.
Sometimes the way they act is indeed funny. But when they behave in the ways that UT mentioned above, I find it sad...and embarrassing.

Nothing But Net 01-06-2004 10:18 PM

After seeing that hideously deformed unit, I'm thinking of changing my tagline to Proudly Circumcised.

SteveDallas 01-06-2004 10:31 PM


Originally posted by sycamore
What the Philadelphia fans did was pathetic, but not really surprising.
I'm sorry, I refuse to believe the league could plunk down an entertainer wearing the visiting team's colors at halftime at ANY arena and not have them get booed.

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