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Pi 03-11-2004 09:05 AM

Europe can't escape!
Today Madrid was hit by one of the most horrible terror attacks ever known to Europe. This morning about 7.30 local time 4 bombs exploded during rush-hour in different trains,1020,337328,00.jpg
Right know the death toll is up to 180 people and 1000 wounded. Most people believed it was ETA a nationalistic terror organisation which wants independance of a part of northern Spain. But until now they always warned the authorities at time or only had a few deaths. So more and more are thinking this attack could have an islamistic background...
My thoughts are with the death, the wounded, their family and friends.

OnyxCougar 03-11-2004 09:37 AM

No, they have seen what suicide bombers can accomplish. So they may have been thinking: Why not?

There's a thread somewhere here about how anyone who feels strongly enough about a cause to blow themselves up should be listened to, and negotiatied with.

The counter argument is: if you negotiate with terrorists, then anyone with a cause will become a terrorist and blow people up.

Man, I hate it when I'm right sometimes.

Beestie 03-11-2004 10:23 AM

As more powerful weapons work their way down the food chain we should be prepared for more and bigger of the same.

I'm just waiting till they hit a subway here in DC. I quit taking them. Yeah, I know, I know.

Mundofer 03-11-2004 10:30 AM

It was ETA
The CSI policemen (they're called CEDAX here) have said that the explosives use the same components that ETA have used in other attacks.
Actually ETA has lost many people and they are using unexperienced people. They think that this is the reason there was no phone call in advance about this attack.
Clearly this has got a lot worse than ETA thougth (no, I'm not saying that if they call in advance this thing would be better, but ETA think so) and they are creating a lot more hate than expected.

aerion_13 03-11-2004 02:51 PM

It looks like it's our mideast friends at it again. They found a note inside a van. Too bad for the Spanish. Think it had anything to do with them being with us on the Iraq War? I think so.

xoxoxoBruce 03-11-2004 03:39 PM

The Basques don't consider themselves Spanish.

Elspode 03-11-2004 03:59 PM

Al-Qaeda has now claimed responsibility, and it appears that 10 bombs detonated on several different trains nearly simultaneously, and three more unexploded devices were found.


wolf 03-11-2004 08:09 PM

I'm wondering when something similar will occur on either an Amtrak train (especially the Acela because it is their flagship line) or one of the major city's train systems. They seem to be inevitable targets.

Troubleshooter 03-11-2004 08:37 PM


Originally posted by Elspode
Al-Qaeda has now claimed responsibility, and it appears that 10 bombs detonated on several different trains nearly simultaneously, and three more unexploded devices were found.


That was just a training run, so to speak. Give them time, something like that would be easy to do here as well.

aerion_13 03-11-2004 11:37 PM

I'm not happy at what they did in Madrid. But I wonder if our Homeland Security is working so well that they aren't able to come here and do what they did there. I like thinking that. They keep making threats about doing things in our country; but so far it just hasn't happened.

You just know Al Quida did this in Madrid because Spain stood with us in favor of the Iraq War and also their election is coming up in a few days. Skanks.

Now France and Germany are finally becoming concerned about their countries.

godwulf 03-12-2004 08:38 AM

OnyxCougar wrote:

There's a thread somewhere here about how anyone who feels strongly enough about a cause to blow themselves up should be listened to, and negotiatied with.
Unfortunately, the public position of the Bush administration (and I'm not sure but that an administration led by any other current U.S. political leader would be any different in this regard) is that "the terrorists hate America because of our freedom", period. Oh, yeah, and because they're evil. And they're criminals, too - but this is a war, so they're also soldiers. Evil criminal soldiers who hate us because we're free. Next question.

Anybody suggesting that our treatment (by proxy) of the Palestinians, to name just one Middle Eastern policy of mass destruction, might be even a minor factor in their thinking is labeled a traitor, an anti-Semite, and worse.

American citizens, and the citizens of our allies of the month, have lived pretty much out of harm's way until recent years - cushioned from the outrage and resentment emerging from an American foreign policy rooted in lies, intrigue, backstabbing, and blind self-interest. Each of us now has a target painted on his or her back, and it's not there because "we're free".

Radar 03-12-2004 08:51 AM

This is just another example of how Bush's foreign policy is paying off. The entire world is a more dangerous place.

Undertoad 03-12-2004 08:54 AM

It's always interesting to watch people twist the events to fit their concept of what's happening in the world.

hey i do it too

Beestie 03-12-2004 09:13 AM


This is just another example of how Bush's foreign policy is paying off. The entire world is a more dangerous place.
[In my best Frankenstein voice]


Bush NOT goooooooD



Radar 03-12-2004 09:23 AM

Amusing. But what's really laughable is some people are stupid enough to believe Bush is defending America when in fact he's more dangerous to America than the combined effort of every single terrorist in the middle-east.

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