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Undertoad 03-13-2004 12:04 AM

3/13/2004: Madrid terrorism protest

And so millions of people in Madrid go to the streets in grief and anger in a massive protest against terrorism.

Reuters story

xoxoxoBruce 03-13-2004 12:18 AM

My God, think of the damage a couple of suicide bombers or a poison gas cloud could do, to that crowd.:eek:

CzinZumerzet 03-13-2004 05:29 AM

I imagine they have all thought of that and it didn't stop them turning out.

Those of us who lived or worked in London throughout thirty years of bombing by Irish and other terrorists continued every day in the knowledge that the next one might have our name on it. This is a wonderful pictorial record of the courage and steadfastness of people hurt and angered by the cowardice of the bomb planters, my heart and solidarity goes straight to them.

Griff 03-13-2004 06:50 AM

That is an interesting reaction, especially considering how we Americans cowered in our houses after 9-11.

Mundofer 03-13-2004 07:50 AM

Just to let you know that this have been the biggest protest ever in Spain. In Madrid (population 4 million) there was an estimation of 2,3 million. And the same in all cities in Spain.

quzah 03-13-2004 08:39 AM

Imagine losing a contact...


wolf 03-13-2004 08:41 AM

Q, you have proven several times today (this and the lame suicide bomber conversation ... left a nasty stain on the carpet!!) that you are indeed funny. :thumb:

xoxoxoBruce 03-13-2004 09:37 AM


Originally posted by Griff
That is an interesting reaction, especially considering how we Americans cowered in our houses after 9-11.
We did?:confused:

ndetroit 03-13-2004 12:59 PM

No, I'm pretty sure the americans didn't cower in their houses.... In fact, if memory serves me correctly, they sent out a good whack of their population half way around the world to try and meet the threat head-on...

was it the right thing to do? ... were they successful? ...

history will be the judge, I suppose...

Griff 03-13-2004 01:05 PM

I could have chosen my words better there, but I don't recall 2.3 million New Yorkers getting together immediately after the mass murder. I recall all our media looking to our political leaders to tell us what to do instead asking us to look into ourselves. I never really thought about 9-11 as a media driven mass culture event before so I'm just thinking out loud here.

ndetroit 03-13-2004 06:40 PM

hah, fair enough.. I don't even live in america, but let me tell you: I was cowering plenty...

the thing about 9/11 that kind of makes it different than other the other terrorist attacks, for me at least, is that you had multiple things going on in a very short span of time...

the first plane into the tower... people were like "wow, that's a hell of an accident"... but then the next one hit, and people were like "Jesus, what's going on?" ... and then the next plane hit the pentagon, and people were really starting to panic.. and the the tower fell, and people were positive the world was going to end.. and there was still the plane in pennsylvania that those brave dudes managed to stop.. bound for the whitehouse I guess...

but the the point is that people started to think "holy shit.. what's next?" ... I mean, they destroyed the twin towers with airplanes!!! that's INSANE! .. These dudes are CRAZY... they could pretty much do ANYTHING after this...

so yeah... I think people were justified in being paranoid...

it would have been nice if they'd protested I guess... but ... what are they protesting? terrorism ? .... I'm not sure that's very effective.. .. I mean, you don't see a lot of pro-terrorism rallies... .. .... I'm not sure that they're getting their message to the right people by just having a protest..

quzah 03-13-2004 07:59 PM


Originally posted by ndetroit
... and then the next plane hit the pentagon, and people were really starting to panic..
You mean when the missile hit the pentagon...


Undertoad 03-13-2004 08:32 PM

i see stupid people

quzah 03-13-2004 08:38 PM


Originally posted by Undertoad
i see stupid people
Show me a picture with:
1) Plane wreckage.
2) Scattered luggage and the like.
3) Bodies.

Explain why in the very first released photos, the grass is all there, but for some reason, they bulldoze it all away. And again, there is no wreckage at all anywhere. Compare this to the wreckage of any other aircraft you picture you'll ever see. There is no luggage; no bodies were ever recovered from this "crash". Where'd they go?


Elspode 03-13-2004 09:07 PM

I'm gonna need to put on my tinfoil hat before I start doing the research on this, though.

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