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dave 12-27-2001 02:11 PM

12/27 Extra: High School Logo
In my browsing, I come across many downright hilarious things. However, this one has got to take the cake.

Let me explain a little bit: This is a real High School logo. Not Photoshopped or anything. It's a real high school in good ol' ID. You know how all high schools have a mascot. We were the South Carroll Cavaliers. Well, these kids are the...

For those of you who didn't get it, take a look at this other image I pulled off their website:

The <b>Butte Pirates</b>.

I cannot control my laughter.

Ardax 12-27-2001 02:16 PM

You're so juvenile.

I'm can't help but to laugh.

My ass is firmly planted in my chair though.


Man, why do those smileys have to be nose-less in order to get the graphic?
Noses rule!!! (Hearkening back to ancient flame wars from the long-ago, in a place called Fidonet's TEEN Echo... Ah, the memories)

dave 12-27-2001 02:16 PM

I meant to add in there:

How do they come up with that kind of mascot? What were they thinking? Or rather, what were they smoking? The Butte Pirates. Someone must have chuckled when they mentioned it. The Butte Cougars or something wouldn't have been nearly as funny. Now you got people saying like "Oh, you go there. So you're a butt pirate?" :) Man, I would not go to that high school.

CharlieG 12-27-2001 02:19 PM

Not funny
I guess I just pronounce it right - took me a while to "Get It"

jaguar 12-27-2001 03:01 PM

omg this is classic
can jsut image in jokes....christ...."what school do you go to" "i'm a butt pirate!!"
Now THERES a pickup line

ndetroit 12-27-2001 05:33 PM

that's pretty contraversial on its own, considering he's got a sword and gun... pretty un-PC these days... ..

never mind the fact that they are the ass-pirates.. ..... of course, I suppose that could be construed as anti-anti-homosexual, and thusly, quite PC... ;)

fumachi 12-27-2001 05:38 PM

Extreeeeemly funny!

You would think that someone would have had the good sense to sound that out before deciding on that as their mascot. It's kinda like some of those bad names given to kids by parents who are either very naive or just plain crewl. When I was living in New Hampshire for a few months there was an incumbent congressman who was running for re-election named "Dick Sweat". With a last name like Sweat the last thing you should name your kid is Dick. I just imagine the hell he went through in school. :p

Ardax 12-27-2001 07:41 PM

Yowch! That's just not right. One of my friends has the given name "Kyle Kieth Kizer". That's right, his initials are "KKK". I haven't figured out if his parents are malicious or just related. :) He was a really nice guy, but he's probably a bad-ass killing machine after joining the Army's Green Berets though.

Then there are those kooks who change their name to something really dumb, like Optimus Prime. (Yes, there's some dude in Ohio who changed this name to the leader of the Autobots.)

elSicomoro 12-27-2001 08:42 PM


Originally posted by fumachi
Extreeeeemly funny!

You would think that someone would have had the good sense to sound that out before deciding on that as their mascot.

I would think that the school is older than that particular vernacular...

It's so damned immature that it's funny. :)

warch 12-27-2001 09:23 PM

*whines* ...but I don't wanna be a pirate.:(

That Guy 12-28-2001 10:45 AM

Now <b>that </b> I heard.

doc 12-28-2001 01:54 PM

Ok, so I have too much time on my hands at work I s'pose. I found a couple of interesting people on the web talking about the laughable Butte Pirates.

One girl even has a tee shirt from the '00 football team!.

Anyways, I found a link to this larger image which says "Butte Pirates." I guess they used to have it on their website and they took too much flak for it.

<a href=><img src=></A>

kisrael 12-28-2001 08:05 PM

Optimus Prime? Yikes. That might even beat my old co-worker, "Mega Zone" (I kid you not. Check out ) I think "Mega Zone" was some anime.

Anton 01-02-2002 08:55 AM

This image got the photoshop treatment on Fark a while back....

<a href="">Check it out</a>

Not that it wasn't funny enough all ready! :D

Undertoad 01-02-2002 03:09 PM

I have nothing to add here, just want to say welcome Anton, because I too am an Anton and we are very rare, at least in the English speaking world.

Welcome to Anton and all Antons everywhere.

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