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Old 02-13-2009, 09:18 PM   #144
Urbane Guerrilla
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Originally Posted by Redux View Post
You mean like the Republicans did for six years...running wild, rubber stamping everything Bush wanted,
Running wild? Not at all: discommoding the Left is hardly "running wild" among wise persons. The "rubber stamping" was bipartisan, I'll have you recall and henceforth keep in mind. Keep your memory good, or I'm likely to embarrass you.

giving Bush unprecedented 'war powers' (warrantless wiretaps of citizens, circumventing US treaty obligations...)w/o a Congressional war powers resolution,
Trying to tell somebody who remembers the Congress did authorize the President to do whatever he had to to win the war, and did authorize the President to prosecute the conflict that matters were otherwise, doesn't say a lot for your understanding of recent history, Redux. See how very badly served hewing to liberal-left opinion leaves you? Congress' resolution did tell GWB "go to it." Nobody responsible or thoughtful (in other words, the left-liberals aren't in the picture) says otherwise.

The war powers are by no means "unprecedented." Compared to war powers during declared states of war, the Bush Admininstration's are somewhat reduced -- check what Roosevelt did with strikers during WW2. Granted, what we saw was a try at assuming war powers without the legal aegis of a Congressional declaration of war, which would have completely smoothed the President's road. Those exact war powers are still held by the Obama Presidency, by the way.

politicizing the Dept of Justice,
Here you seem to be mistaking the Bush Administration for its unfortunate predecessor. Watch your sources -- the Left is full of shitheads who assume their audience either has always had bad memories -- or convenient Memory Holes.

nearly doubling the national debt to over $9 trillion
A fiscal sin that is totally bipartisan, so I say you're throwing a null at me. Besides which, the present Administration is on track to double that nine trillion, no? Bipartisan idiocy, helloooo... no wonder I profess a third party. One that hasn't had a chance to run the deficit up or down.

I guess we shall see if the Democrats meet that lofty standard, but people w/o an agenda, by that I mean most Americans, will probably wait beyond one month before making that judgement.
We are gathering data. These data will be reflected in the judgement we make -- now, or ninety days from now. I'm still quite without reasons to trust the Democratic Party.

The Republicans did things I wanted done, that I really wanted done, which I think will ring down the decades as heroic, wise things. The Democrats haven't managed that in any particular since 1991, and I think the last time I voted for a Democratic candidate might have been well before that year. That's a long time for a national party to be consigned to the "Idiots" box.
Wanna stop school shootings? End Gun-Free Zones, of course.
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