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Old 12-14-2011, 07:42 PM   #551
Goon Squad Leader
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Seattle
Posts: 27,063
I love footfootfoot's story. I've been the golem, and I've been the child. Being the child is more fun.

Glatt, I am reminded of this story. I feel I may have posted it already. In truth, I'll answer all your very good questions later today.

Short version of the story:
In a small village there is a hideous stone statue in the middle of the village square. No one can remember who put it there or when, and no one can even begin to imagine who would have sculpted such a thing, but there it sits. This is how it came to be there.

A long time ago, a rabbi found a golem in a trunk in his basement and decided to re-animate it by placing a sacred scroll with the name of god written upon it into the golem's ear. The Golem came to life, immediately demanding to be given something to do. The rabbi tells the golem the lawn needs mowing and all the hedges need trimming. The golem goes off to do the yard work. The rabbi is no sooner at the top of the cellar steps when the golem comes back to him saying, "I've done as you asked. Give me something else to do!" The incredulous rabbi looks and sees the yard is perfect. He then tells the golem to re-wallpaper the upstairs of the house. The rabbi sits down to read his paper and no sooner is in his chair when the golem reappears demanding to be given another task.

The rabbi tells the golem to paint the house. Before the rabbi has a chance to pick up his paper the golem is back, angrily demanding something more to do. The rabbi has had enough of this by now and reaches up to the golem's ear to remove the scroll. The golem smacks the rabbi's hand away, roaring, “I WANT TO LIVE.” The rabbi, terrified tells the golem to go cut seven cords of wood, split it and stack it behind the house. As the golem heads off to cut the wood, the rabbi runs down to road to the home of an older rabbi. He hurriedly blurts out everything to the older rabbi who slowly shakes his head and says “You’ve done a foolish thing…” They are interrupted by the golem smashing down the rabbi’s door demanding to be given something to do.

The older rabbi tells the golem, “After you repair my front door, I want you to go down to the village square where the children are playing and answer all of their questions.”

The Golem repairs the door and goes to the village square where he sits down and begins fielding questions from the children, “How high is the sky? Why does it rain? When is tomorrow? Why is it dark at night? Do dogs go to heaven?”
After about an hour of answering the children’s questions the golem slowly reaches up to his ear and pulls the scroll out.
Be Just and Fear Not.
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