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Old 11-26-2004, 10:39 PM   #1
St Petersburg, Florida
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Bush, Communism, and the County Dem headquarters

These are from Bradford County, pre-election. What started out as a joke within our gunslanging group turned into a real eye-opener in this area.

The missions went like this:

Look for the most visible location or the most potentially irritating location, and put the biggest FING Bush sign you can there. Planting a sign with direct lighting on it earns bonus points. Four by eight signs are obviously better.

All missions start after 10pm but preferably after midnight.

So, people are driving down the street on the way home from bible study -- no signs. When they woke up the following day -- BIG signs all over the FING place.

These big signs were popping up all over town and country. There was a lame effort from the opposition to plant their own signs, but they couldnt get the big signs and their little signs ended up vanishing in very large numbers. We also had people watching our signs because....we own the night.

The two below are some of the best; right across the street from the Dem county headquarters. The adjoining neighbor is also filing a suit against these ...people....for damage done by cars tearing up the lawn while getting in and out of the Kerry HQ parking spaces.

This was the most fun I have ever had at a job that doesnt pay money.
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Old 11-26-2004, 10:57 PM   #2
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I didn't realize that Kerry was a's news to me.
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Old 11-26-2004, 11:19 PM   #3
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Excellent Exxxxxcellent!
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Old 11-26-2004, 11:58 PM   #4
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Did you, uh, I mean the people who did this, hum the MISSION: Impossible theme while planting the signs?
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Old 11-27-2004, 12:37 AM   #5
St Petersburg, Florida
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Originally Posted by sycamore
I didn't realize that Kerry was a communist..
You don't get out much then. He's was very cozy with the Vietnam comms, which is one of many reasons he lost.

Sure, he can speak well and has great hair. He would have been a disaster to have in the White House though.

Of course, that's just my opinion though. Mine and that of the majority of people that went to vote.

Relax Sycamore. You'll have your chance to actively participate in 06 or 08. Get those fingers typing for your local Dem party grassroots efforts.

Last edited by slang; 11-27-2004 at 12:39 AM.
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Old 11-27-2004, 12:47 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by slang
Sure, he can speak well and has great hair. He would have been a disaster to have in the White House though.

Of course, that's just my opinion though. Mine and that of the majority of people that went to vote.
Eh, no. The majority of people thought Bush was a better choice, not that Kerry would have been a "disaster to have in the White House."

Of course, your opinion didn't mean shit anyway, since this state went to Kerry.
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Old 11-27-2004, 12:52 AM   #7
St Petersburg, Florida
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Originally Posted by sycamore
since this state went to Kerry.

This time, my friend, this time it did....and all the difference it made.
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Old 11-27-2004, 01:16 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by slang
This time, my friend, this time it did....and all the difference it made.
Not just this time...the last 4 times.

Sure, Kerry lost overall in the end. But how many times did Bush come here in the past 4 years? Yeah, that helped him a lot, didn't it?
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Old 11-27-2004, 09:58 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by sycamore
I didn't realize that Kerry was a's news to me.
Not only that, but the 100 million people is an interesting figure. Of course, the other two reasons to fight wars are capiltalistic and religious. Stalin as the world's premier communist probably accounts for most of that total, although China and North Korea have done their share.

It is generally agreed by historians that if famines, prison and labour camp mortality, and state terrorism (deportations and political purges) are taken into account, Stalin and his colleagues were directly or indirectly responsible for the deaths of millions. How many millions died under Stalin is greatly disputed. Although no official figures have been released by the Soviet or Russian governments, most estimates put the figure between 8 and 20 million. Comparison of the 1926-39 census results suggests 5-10 million deaths in excess of what would be normal in the period, mostly through famine in 1931-34. The 1926 census shows the population of the Soviet Union at 147 million while the 1939 census at 162 million. (Another census from 1937 is known as the "wrecker's census"; its figures were suppressed.) The highest death estimates are 50 million from the 1920s to 1950s, but they are probably greatly exaggerated.
I found this resource totaling death tolls from wars and other conflicts. If we try to total the results by the political/economic system of the aggressor or stated reason, we would find that monarchies and religion are also to blame for millions of deaths. In fact, you will find that many nations, including the US, are built on the suffering and deaths of neighbors, indigenous populations, or slaves. I would like to see an estimate of Native American and slave casualties in the US from 1600-1900.

Communism is probably more susceptible to famine than capitalism, but I'm sure there were deaths during the Great Depression in the US due to famine. Noone was really to blame for the Spanish Flu Pandemic, which killed 21 million worldwide and about 850,000 in the US.

We also do not know at this point how many civilians in Iraq we have killed in order to liberate them or who have died from starvation or disease due to the collapse of the Iraqi infrastructure as a direct result of the war and inadequate reconstruction. So I do find it ironic in Bush supporters bringing up the topic of 'death tolls'.
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Old 11-27-2004, 10:24 AM   #10
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If these signs turn ordinary Democrats into blithering apologists for Communism who can't help but work Iraq into it, it would appear that they work correctly.
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Old 11-27-2004, 10:59 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by slang
because....we own the night.

...This was the most fun I have ever had at a job that doesnt pay money.
Gosh, that does sound like fun. Really brings back the memories too, we used to do that kind of shit all the time back when I was 12. Didja manage to get any pool hopping in?
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Old 11-27-2004, 02:23 PM   #12
St Petersburg, Florida
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Originally Posted by jinx
Gosh, that does sound like fun.
It was. You should try it sometime. Are you allowed to stay up past 10?
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Old 11-27-2004, 03:14 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Undertoad
If these signs turn ordinary Democrats into blithering apologists for Communism who can't help but work Iraq into it, it would appear that they work correctly.
Any more than the rest of the campaign turned Republicans into blithering apologists for Iraq who can't help but work 9/11 into it.

Here is a list of countries with communist parties. In some cases, these parties play a role in a coalition government. Let me know who you want to bomb next.

BTW, I don't apologize for Communism or for Capitalism. I just don't believe Stalin represents all Communism any more than I believe that Kenneth Lay represents all of Caplitalism or Boss Tweed represents all of Democracy. Nor do I believe you can discuss Communism without differentiating between, say, Marxism, Leninism, and Stalinism - any more than you can say Democracy without discussing the difference between a true democracy and a republic, which is what the US actually is. If you want slogans like Communism=Murder or Capitalism=Greed, then for that kind of simplistic crap you have to talk to the Jingoes. There seem to be a lot of them around these days.

Afghanistan - Peoples' Democratic Party of Afghanistan (Khalq)
Algeria - Algerian Party of Peace and Socialism
Argentina - Communist Party of Argentina
Australia - Communist Party of Australia
Austria - Communist Party of Austria
Bahrain - National Liberation Front of Bahrain
Bangladesh - Communist Party of Bangladesh
Belarus - Communist Party of Belarus, Party of Belorussian Communists
Belgium - Communist Party of Belgium
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Workers Communist Party of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bolivia - Communist Party of Bolivia
Brazil - Brazilian Communist Party, Communist Party of Brazil
Britain - Communist Party of Great Britain (Provisional Central Committee) (Leninist), Communist Party of Britain, Communist Party of Scotland, New Communist Party of Britain
Burma - Burmese Communist Party
Canada - Communist Party of Canada, Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) or Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada, Revolutionary Communist Party (Organizing Committees)
Chile - Communist Party of Chile
Colombia - Communist Party of Colombia
Costa Rica - Popular Vanguard Party, Costa Rican People's Party
Cyprus - Progressive Party of the Working People of Cyprus
Czech Republic - Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia
Denmark - Communist Party of Denmark, Communist Party in Denmark
Dominican Republic - Force of the Revolution
Finland - Communist Party of Finland
France - Communist Party of France
Ecuador - Communist Party of Ecaudor
Egypt - Communist Party of Egypt
Germany - German Communist Party
Greece - Communist Party of Greece
Guadeloupe - Communist Party of Guadeloupe
Hungary - Workers Party
India - Communist Party of India, Communist Party of India (Marxist)
Iran - Tudeh Party of Iran, Worker-Communist Party of Iran
Iraq - Iraqi Communist Party, Worker-Communist Party of Iraq
Ireland - Communist Party of Ireland, Workers Party of Ireland
Israel - Communist Party of Israel
Italy - Communist Refoundation Party, Party of Italian Communists
Japan - Japanese Communist Party
Jordan - Communist Party of Jordan, Communist Workers' Party of Jordan
Kazakstan - Communist Party of Kazakhstan
Lebanon - Lebanese Communist Party
Lesotho - Communist Party of Lesotho
Luxemburg - Communist Party of Luxemburg
Malta - Communist Party of Malta
Martinique - Communist Party of Martinique
Mexico - Popular Socialist Party of Mexico
Moldova - Communist Party of Moldova
Morocco - Party of Progress and Socialism
Nepal - Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist-Leninist)
Netherlands - New Communist Party of the Netherlands
New Zealand - Socialist Party of Aotearoa
Norway - Communist Party of Norway
Panama - People's Party of Panama
Paraguay - Paraguayan Communist Party
Pakistan - Communist Mazdoor Kisan Party, Communist Party of Pakistan
Peru - Communist Party of Peru
Poland - Communist Party of Poland
Portugal - Communist Party of Portugal, Portuguese Communist Party
Reunion - Communist Party of Reunion
Russia - Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Communist Workers Party of Russia
San Marino - Communist Refoundation (San Marino)
Serbia and Montenegro - New Communist Party of Yugoslavia
Senegal - Party of Independence and Labour
Slovakia - Communist Party of Slovakia
South Africa - South African Communist Party
Spain - Communist Party of Spain
Sudan - Communist Party of the Sudan
Sweden - Communist Party of Sweden
Switzerland - Swiss Party of Labor
Syria - Syrian Communist Party (Bakdash), Syrian Communist Party (Faisal)
Sri Lanka - Communist Party of Sri Lanka
Tajikistan - Communist Party of Tajikistan
Turkey - Communist Party of Turkey
Ukraine - Communist Party of Ukraine
United States - Communist Party USA, Maoist Internationalist Movement, Progressive Labor Party, Revolutionary Communist Party, Socialist Workers Party, Spartacist League, Workers World Party
Uruguay - Communist Party of Uruguay
Venezuela - Communist Party of Venezuela
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Old 11-27-2004, 03:57 PM   #14
St Petersburg, Florida
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Originally Posted by richlevy
Here is a list of countries with communist parties.
In power?? With a candidate running for the highest elected office in a democratic country?

That is an impressive list but really doesn't relate to the conversation. There are a large number of countries with Communists parties active. Are they in power? Very few. When they take power, then we'll talk about bombing them. We'll have to see what the "list of countries to bomb" looks like at that time.

It is interesting to me how many people here go out of their way to defend or explain Communism. Socialism I could understand but not Communism.

Any way you slice it, Kerry wont be the pres in the next 4 years and there are a boatload of people that are very happy for that.

So.....cry, insult and counter post on......the facts are the facts, Kerry lost and the cellar is short of right thinking people.
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Old 11-27-2004, 04:45 PM   #15
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Look for the most visible location or the most potentially irritating location, and put the biggest FING Bush sign you can there. Planting a sign with direct lighting on it earns bonus points. Four by eight signs are obviously better.

So, people are driving down the street on the way home from bible study -- no signs. When they woke up the following day -- BIG signs all over the FING place.

Woo, yeah, I'm always glad to see when a very serious election is reduced to the goal of merely irritating people. Well, maybe you were expecting to change some voters' ideas with these signs and just thought that slightly-oversized signs were funny. You know, like clown shoes! Oh, man! I bet those bible study groups just went absolutely crazy when they saw those signs! How many of those church-goers' votes do you think you were able to sway away from Kerry?

He's was very cozy with the Vietnam comms, which is one of many reasons he lost.

As an American, I'm so pleased that this election was determined by intelligent sound bites from commercials that were so well put together -- sound tracks and all. Without these, the common voter would have never have known that Kerry stood before the Senate and shamed all of our troops in Vietnam by revealing the war crimes the US was committing. I personally thank god that, today, we have an administration in the White House who will take every effort to cover these up and preserve the integrity of our soldiers. A clearly communist president would have been the worst thing to happen to this country! We're fortunate that slightly more than half of the population voted on the most important issues presented thirty second clips and voted for the Freedom-loving, small-government candidate!

*cough*...patriot act, phone taps, e-mail sniffing, spying on citizens, detaining citizens without cause for indefinite periods without fair trial, free-speech zones, faith-based government...*coughcough*
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