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Old 01-06-2009, 02:21 PM   #1
Junior Master Dwellar
Join Date: Mar 2003
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Onyxcougar's Update Thread

Hello Dwellars!

Wolf asked me to post a thread to update everyone on my whereabouts the last few years, so here goes. Up front warning: it's boring, so feel free to skip it. :p

Let's see..

I've been in NC for a little over 5 years now, after moving from Vegas, where I lived for 7 years.

I'm with the same cable company, and I've gone from lowly CSR to E-Commerce to Escalations Supervisor to HSI/Digital Telpehy Tech Support Team Leader to (finally) Billing Analyst and Software support rep for the whole state.

I've been married to Arimoose for over 5 years now, and while the going has been rough at times, that's to be expected, I suppose. In March this will be the longest running marriage/relationship I've ever had. My therapist tells me I have committment issues, but that's before I stopped going to her.

Actually, I did go on Zoloft for awhile last year, and it helped, but then I went to the Czech Republic (more on that later) and didn't pick up my prescription when I got back. I've been mulling the idea over of late, but it kills my sex drive (which I didn't think was possible) so I'm hesitant to go back on it.

My oldest son, (the one whose father murdered my fiancee for those of you keeping track) is now 21. I kicked him out at 17. He had gone from living with my ex to living with his best friend to moving in with those fucks that killed Steven in Texas. I was beside myself when he told me. I honestly expected them to kill him too. He called infrequently while he was there, and said that their version of events was far different than the version that I got from the police. I told him of course it was and impressed upon him that if he wanted to know, to look at the police report. Whatever happened, he seemed to realize that they were not the kind of people he wanted to model his life after, and he asked if he could come back and live with me. I said yes, and he transferred his job to a local outlet, and started paying rent. Things have been going really really well. It seems that he has realized that I'm not out to get him, and that I just *might* know what I'm talking about. Wonder of wonders. He proposed to his girlfriend of 2 months on Dec 31. I'm a little concerned about the speed at which he's moving, but I'm told that they aren't going to actually get married until Spring of 2010, so if that holds true, I will be a happy camper. He's moved in with her and all seems to be going well.

My middle child, (the Aspie) has finally gotten into a pilot program that is run by UNC-CH in our county called TEACCH. TEACCH tested him, confirmed what I have been telling doctors for years, and that made him eligible for a test program in the school district here. Basically, it's a fully monitored program for High Functioning Autistic/Aspberger's kids. They go to the HFA class in the morning for homeroom, and the teachers check for homework, organization, school uniform compliance, etc. Then they go to their regular classes, and the teachers make sure the HFA teachers have the list of homework. The HFA students can eat with the rest of the kids or in the HFA class during lunch, and then resume classes. At the end of the day, the Freshmen and Sophmores get an actual classtime in the HFA room, where the teachers work with them on homework, tutoring, organization, and IEP goals, including social training and life skills, and proctor testing if the student needs special testing requirements. They then get them on the HFA bus or take them out to get picked up by parentals. It's an AWESOME program, and once the student is in, he's in for the remainder of their school time in the county, so it's not like he has to resubmit every year. There is one of each level of school (elementary, middle and high school) participating, so the only real downfall is that no matter what school you are zoned for, you go to the pilot school. This creates, in some cases, 2.5 hour bus rides twice a day. A small price to pay, and my son loves to read anyway, so he just reads on the bus. He'll be 16 in Feb.

My youngest is going to be 12 in March. Her daddy is the one in the Air Force, who is finally retiring after 20 years. I think he retires in April. He has recently found Jesus again (I didn't know he was lost!) and is so devout as to make me look like an atheist. He is Apostolic Pentacostal, goes to church at least 3 -4 times a week, and therefore my daughter has been experiencing some life changes. Like, she can't wear pants unless she's doing chores. She also apparently "spoke in tongues", but I have serious doubts as to that being authentic, for a number of reasons, not least of which is my opinion on the whole speaking in tongues thing to begin with. But she's growing up fast, and I talk to her on the phone at least once a month. When she's 14 she gets to choose where she lives, and I have a strong suspicion where that's going to be: Where she can wear pants when she wants.

As for me, on Dec 7 2007, I got into a car accident (on my way to pick up my Zoloft script). I got T-boned on the passenger side, which pushed my Chevy Aveo into a ditch across the road, which made the car roll. I rolled 1 1/2 times, finally ending up upside down in the front yard of some guy's house. The experience itself is strange. It was all at the same time a mixture of slow mo and fast forward. I remember saying "Oh, shit," thinking that the car had hit my back end and I was sliding, then the car started rolling. I heard a male voice very clearly saying, "Cover your head with your arms and duck down in case the roof collapses." So I did. I closed my eyes and continued to feel the car rolling, and my hands were in fists above my head as I tried to duck down in the seatbelt as to not get decapitated. He said, "That's right, say covered and down." and finally the car came to a halt.

I opened my eyes and was looking at the roof. Glass was everywhere. I took a breath as I was hanging by the seatbelt and wiggled my toes and my fingers. My leg hurt, but I didn't think it was broken. I could still feel all my parts. I popped the seatbelt and looked around. I heard someone running over and saying "Call 911." He asked me if I could get out of the car. I asked him if he could open the doors, he said no, crawl out before the car catches on fire. Well, that certainly gave me some haste. I combat crawled out of the driver side window and turned over, laying on the grass, again checking my parts. I decided to get up. My right leg hurt most. The rest is pretty much a blur, I remember taking pictures of my car, calling my husband at work and starting with "First, I'm ok...but...." He drove me to the hospital and I called the insurance company and my job on the way. (I'm not going to be in next week...)

The ER took me right in, I was hypertensive, which is a medical term for "blood pressure so high her eyeballs are about to pop out". As I stripped down, I discovered why my leg hurt: while I was bracing myself during the rolling, I had pushed outward with that leg against the center dashboard, and had basically a first degree denim burn right below my knee. There is still an indent there today. They collared me and did xrays, CT scans, and other stuff. Gave me morphine for pain (which I have discovered I don't fact, I was telling them to get it out of me because it made me feel bad. I can't even describe it well...dizzy, semi naseus but not, disconnected. The nurses said that's a good thing, because if I don't like morphine I wouldn't like street drugs either.) They discharged me 6 hours later. I had a perfect bruise in the shape of a seat belt across my chest and belly, and I still have a sort of indent across my abdomen where the seatbealt held me in the car. Other than bumps, bruises, and an indented leg, I was shaken, but fine. I did have some cuts on my hands and arms that would have been my face if I hadn't covered up. Other than that, I was fine. I was one more "proof" to me that there is someone looking out for me. I believe it was Jesus or a guardian angel that spoke to me. The doctors took a look at the pictures of the car I took on my cell phone and were amazed I made it out of that alive, let alone relatively unscathed. They called it a Christmas miracle, and I agree.

Impotentes defendere libertatem non possunt.

"Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth."
~Franklin D. Roosevelt
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Old 01-06-2009, 02:22 PM   #2
Junior Master Dwellar
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We bought a house 2 years ago July during the subprime bubble. We financed $210K and now the house is worth $139K. We're about to be in foreclosure and we're looking for apartments. We're not devastated, as some are in our situation, but we're looking at it rather pragmatically. We couldn't afford the house when we got it, the whole situation was messed up to begin with, the builder gave us numbers that changed every time we went in there, the land guy hosed us out of a better piece of land for less money, it was just a mess. We have learned, though, how to do this and how *not* to do this. We'll just move into an apartment until my son is out of high school, then I'm set on going back to school for my degree.

Oh yeah, I finally decided what I want to be when I grow up!! But..let me start with the Czech Republic Story....

I've gotten into the whole family tree thing, and on my British side I've gotten back to early 1700's, but on the other side, I'm stymied in two places. One of those is one set of Great Grandparents.

GGF Jan Koprowski was born in Poland in late 1880s. GGM Marianna Sprc was born in what is now the Czech Republic a year later. GGF moved to the CR and apparently, his father was well off, a hotelier. Her father was a servant in the house. They got together, and she got pregnant. They eventually got married after my great aunt Stefania was born. They had 3 children in the Ostrava area, then Jan moved to the US. Three years later, Marianna and the children followed him, and they had 4 more children in Oklahoma (one of which was my grandmother).

Well, as I was researching all this, I noticed that as soon as I got to the Czech side, the research stopped, altogether. It was frustrating to say the least. I found out that the Czech Republic does not allow their records online, so I was out of luck.

My niece is a flight attendant, and her and my sister take trips overseas once a year on her flight passes, and last year they were going to Prague. I managed to go along, and we spent 7 days in the CR to see the sights and for me to do my research. It was PHENOMENAL!! I'd been to Eatern Europe before (Some of you may remember my Croatia trip) but this was a whole new experience for me. I didn't feel like a tourist, I felt like I was finally home. Everything about it felt right. The people, the places, the food, the "flavor". It felt right. I seriously considered staying. The responsible part of me (I know, who'dve thunk it?) won out and I did come home.

But I came home with a plan. I've always been enamoured with languages, and have self taught myself several languages. Since I learn them easily, what I want to do is to get a degree (preferrably a Masters) in the Czech language and Slavic Studies, and be an interpreter for the govt at the the Prague embassy or teach English at a university in the CR (preferrably the eastern side of the country, near Opava/Ostrava. Either way, I want to live there. That is the new, improved dream.

Arimoose quit the prison and started working at the cable company in a different department, but that didn't work out so well, so he quit a few weeks before Christmas. He hasn't found anything yet, but he's looking every day.

So...that's the reader's digest version. You're mostly caught up.

Told you it's boring. :P

Impotentes defendere libertatem non possunt.

"Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth."
~Franklin D. Roosevelt
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Old 01-06-2009, 02:41 PM   #3
Looking forward to open mic night.
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Lol! It's good to see you! You didn't know me as I was a lurker. I wish you well, and again: It's really good to see you. Thank you for the update and I hope you can find the time to revisit.

Show me a sane man, and I will cure him for you.- Carl Jung
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Old 01-06-2009, 02:55 PM   #4
I can hear my ears
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My therapist tells me I have committment issues, but that's before I stopped going to her.
This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality
Embrace this moment, remember
We are eternal, all this pain is an illusion ~MJKeenan
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Old 01-06-2009, 03:48 PM   #5
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Wow - good to hear from you again! One question, tho:

Are you still crunchy on the outside and chewy on the inside?
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Old 01-06-2009, 05:12 PM   #6
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WB OC! I had wondered ...
Living it up on the edge ... of civilisation, within the southwest coast of
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Old 01-06-2009, 05:29 PM   #7
changed his status to single
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wow. thanks for the update OC. Welcome back.
Getting knocked down is no sin, it's not getting back up that's the sin
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Old 01-06-2009, 05:43 PM   #8
lurkin old school
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I bet you could get a gig teaching English in the CR. I think there are many exchange programs. And really good beer.
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Old 01-06-2009, 08:46 PM   #9
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Good to hear from you, OC. Sounds like life is never boring, as always.
"To those of you who are wearing ties, I think my dad would appreciate it if you took them off." - Robert Moog
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Old 01-06-2009, 09:24 PM   #10
I hear them call the tide
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Welcome back!
The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity Amelia Earhart
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Old 01-07-2009, 01:53 AM   #11
The future is unwritten
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Everything about it felt right. The people, the places, the food, the "flavor". It felt right. I seriously considered staying.
Ha, I knew you were a commie down deep.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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Old 01-07-2009, 03:23 AM   #12
We have to go back, Kate!
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Sounds like a plan to me Onyx *smiles*

Thanks for the update.
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Old 01-07-2009, 08:34 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Beestie View Post
Wow - good to hear from you again! One question, tho:

Are you still crunchy on the outside and chewy on the inside?

LOL Hi Beestie!! Yes, I am. I'm amazed you remember.

Impotentes defendere libertatem non possunt.

"Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth."
~Franklin D. Roosevelt
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Old 01-07-2009, 08:38 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Elspode View Post
Good to hear from you, OC. Sounds like life is never boring, as always.
**cuddle Patrick**

You know, it never ceases to amaze me that I usually feel like I have nothing to say, or that nothing is going on, and then I sit down to catch people up, and I suddenly realize that all the little things that happen on a daily are the same things that make up the very fabric of our lives. There are always punctualtion marks, but the dotdotdots are the filler.

Impotentes defendere libertatem non possunt.

"Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth."
~Franklin D. Roosevelt
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Old 01-07-2009, 01:23 PM   #15
lobber of scimitars
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Wow, what a ride. Good to see you back around the place.
wolf eht htiw og

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