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Old 02-13-2011, 11:43 PM   #196
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From the Cardinal on 10 Feb 2011:
I assure all the faithful that there are no archdiocesan priests in ministry today who have an admitted or established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor against them.
Which is spin for "the Archdioceses has successfully protected pedophiles from prosecution". So that Cardinal is doing his job.
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Old 02-14-2011, 05:30 PM   #197
Perry Winkle
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My father was a die-hard Catholic when he was young. He was on track to go to seminary and become a priest. He felt it was his calling.

His mentor demanded sex. He refused and stopped pursuing that path.

I'm glad, because I likely would not exist if it weren't so.

Ever since that episode he's had a shaky relationship with the church. For the last several years, he and my mother have stopped identifying as Catholics and have attended a Protestant (I can't remember what flavor) church.

I have to wonder if this sort of widespread paedophilia and sexual misconduct is unique to the Catholic church, or if it's common in any sexually repressive (spiritual?) organization.
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Old 02-15-2011, 01:03 AM   #198
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Originally Posted by Perry Winkle View Post
I have to wonder if this sort of widespread paedophilia and sexual misconduct is unique to the Catholic church, or if it's common in any sexually repressive (spiritual?) organization.
Corruption and contempt for mankind was defined. Does the organization (including non-profit, church, political party, mafia, etc) work for a product? Or are they only into their rewards? The Philly Inquirer published on 13 Feb 2011:
Probe of how the church investigates allegations against priests found it focuses mostly on its reputation and assets.
Which means the church is no different from the mafia or a president who lies about Mission Accomplished.
Cardinal Justin Rigali condemned that report, especially the assertion that church officials knew exactly what they were doing when they protected pedophile priests over children.
The Grand Jury says Cardinal Rigali was fully aware of pedophile activity. And did nothing to protect kids from rape. Two Grand Juries six year apart discovered the exact same crimes. So he denies it as any murder or rapist also would.
"I assure all the faithful," Rigali wrote, "that there are no archdiocesan priests in ministry today who have an admitted or established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor against them."
Apparently he is living in a world with Mubarak. But Mubarak has morals.

From the NY Daily News of 13 Feb 2011:
Archbishop Timothy Dolan slammed as "ludicrous" Sunday allegations that his old diocese in Milwaukee hid $130 million to avoid paying child abuse victims.
Dolan said he was "saddened" by the claims, which were raised by lawyers for alleged victims of pedophile priests.
Sad? Who had less credibility than a corrupt lawyer? A Catholic bishop.
The Milwaukee archdiocese, faced with a flood of child sex lawsuits, filed for bankruptcy last month.
A rich archdioceses in a very Catholic town could not find $130 million? This scumbag did his job so successfully as to be promoted to an even richer NY archdioceses.
Cardinal Adrianus Simonis—who drew criticism earlier this year when he claimed that Catholic bishops had not been aware of clerical abuse—reportedly gave parish assignments to the pedophile priest after sending him away for treatment. The priest then molested more children in his new parish.
Cardinal Simonis served as Archbishop of Utrecht [Netherlands] from 1983 to 2007
Since so many here are condoning these rapes by their silence, then why would DAs in every state bother to investigate organized pedophilia protection rings? Marci Hamilton notes:
FOX News, Bill O'Reilly, and Sean Hannity, among others, routinely skew reporting on religious issues, and suppress stories that might put religious leaders in a bad light.
A Google News search for "pedophile philadelphia source:Fox source:News" reports not even one news story. Fair and Balanced because Fox News viewers should only be told what to think.

How many extremists here are remaining silent? What happened to the conservative moral majority? If moral, why am I and not they noting these widespread crimes? Silence?

How many more extremist (repressive) organizations - that would impose their extremist dogma on American laws - are promoting pedophilia? Good question. Who else are protecting the worldwide rape of kids - even by their silence?
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Old 02-15-2011, 01:42 AM   #199
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How many priests are pedophiles? Well this Grand Jury accuses Fr James Brennan. Not to be confused with two Fr Robert Brennans (Robert E and Robert L) cited in the previous Grand Jury report as pedophiles.

Fr James Brennan was assigned to Cardinal O'Hara High School in Springfield PA when he was known to have 'inappropriate contact'. Who was also there? Fr McCarthy (accused in 1970 and in 1986 at that school), Fr Leneweaver, Monsignor Giliberti, Monsignor Furmanski, Fr. Wisniewski, Fr. Gallagher, and Fr. Cannon were also assigned to O'Hara High School and listed in the first Grand Jury pedophile report. Fr. Cribben was the principle who knew of their actions and ignored it. At what point does the church shut down a school to protect the kids? Oh. That would hurt profits.

The second Grand Jury sites another pedophile at that school. And also lists both Cardinals Bevilacqua and Rigali as knowing about the pedophilia while doing nothing to avert it. Both Cardinals even reassigned multiple known pedophile priests to high risk activities. And never once reported these crimes to authorities – as any mafia god father would do. The previous Grand Jury report also accused Cardinal Krol of doing same. That's all three Philadelphia Cardinals protecting pedophilia.

But Fox News was too fair and balanced to report any of this. How may other extremsts protect pedophilia for a poltical agenda? How many other justisdictions will not investigate because extremists hope to cover it up? Why so much silence?
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Old 02-15-2011, 11:36 AM   #200
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Originally Posted by tw View Post
But Fox News was too fair and balanced to report any of this.
Exactly what outlet did report it?
"like strapping a pillow on a bull in a china shop" Bullitt
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Old 02-15-2011, 08:27 PM   #201
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From on 13 Feb 2011:
An editorial in the New York Times argues that the US bishops have failed to recover their credibility in the aftermath of the sex-abuse scandal. Citing the recent report of a grand jury on the Philadelphia archdiocese, the Times observes that there are still widespread suspicions that the bishops have not removed all accused abusers from active ministry.
So the NY Times, a responsible new service, reported it and wrote an editorial. How can that be when Fox News, so fair and balanced, will not even discuss it?

The Pittsburg Tribune asks on 15 Feb 2011:
Did the same thing happen in Pittsburgh?

We are forced to ask this most difficult question given that the Philly grand jury directly implicates Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua, who stepped down as the prelate of the Philadelphia archdiocese in 2003 and is the former bishop of Pittsburgh.

The grand jury said it "reluctantly" decided to not file charges against Cardinal Bevilacqua because it did not have enough evidence. But he is accused of transferring problem priests to new parishes without divulging prior sexual-abuse allegations.

Did the same thing happen under Bevilacqua's watch in the Diocese of Pittsburgh between 1983 and 1987? It is an eminently fair question given the alleged audacity of the inaction in the Philadelphia cases.
The National Catholic Register, part of EWTN News (a Catholic Church media company) discusses what news organizations reported:
While Church law and the criminal justice system stipulate that the accused are “innocent until proven guilty,” media coverage of last week’s clergy abuse scandals in Philadelphia and Los Angeles gives credence to an opposing principle: The accused are guilty until proven innocent.
Or ABC News on 14 Feb 2011 entitled Suit:Pa. Catholic Leaders Failed to Protect Kids:
A civil lawsuit filed Monday against the Archdiocese of Philadelphia by a man who said two priests had sexually abused him as a child may signal a new era in church-abuse litigation in Pennsylvania. ...
The priests charged with rape by the grand jury are not the same ones named as perpetrators in the man's lawsuit. However, both the grand jury report and the civil suit accuse Monsignor William Lynn, the secretary for clergy for the archdiocese from 1992 to 2004, with failing to protect children from known or suspected molesters.
Meanwhile, the fair and balanced Fox News reported what? Oh. When preaching to the brainwashed, only tell them what they need to hear.

Meanwhile ABC News also reports in "Ex-Dutch Cardinal Denies Cover-up for Abuse Priest":
Some 2,000 cases of sexual abuse are being investigated by an independent commission, headed by a former government minister, set up last year when reports of abuse in the church became a worldwide scandal.
But the Dutch church, which has more than 4 million members, first set up an internal body to deal with abuse allegations in 1995. Known as Help and Law, it has been accused of lacking transparency and accountability.
Simonis was archbishop of Utrecht from 1983 to 2007, and was made a cardinal in 1985.
What did Fox News report about pedophilia? Why so much silence?

Oh. Reporting on pedophiila by conservatives is fair and balanced - when only Fox News is moderate and everyone else is a pinko extremist.

Always trust your kid to horny priests. Fox says it is safe.
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Old 02-16-2011, 09:34 PM   #202
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From The Economist of 10 Feb 2011 entitled “Chapter 11, verse 8
Facing mounting lawsuits, Catholic dioceses turn to bankruptcy”
Milwaukee has a particularly tortured history. It has been rife with scandal—a Father Lawrence Murphy was alleged to have abused some 200 deaf students, for example, and a convicted priest was sent to work with children in California. Yet civil suits have only recently proved successful. Plaintiffs in other states have charged the church with negligent supervision of priests, but this argument found little traction in Wisconsin’s courts. Victims made progress, at last, in 2007. The archdiocese, plaintiffs claimed, had committed fraud in the 1970s and 1980s by misrepresenting such priests to future victims. The state Supreme Court let that claim stand.

A wave of lawsuits followed and, on January 4th, the archdiocese filed for bankruptcy. The filing puts all the suits on hold. Jeff Anderson, the plaintiffs’ lawyer, argues that the bankruptcy was timed to avoid an embarrassing trial. “It is part of a pattern,” says Mr Anderson, who has brought hundreds of suits against various bits of the church, including one against the Vatican. The archdiocese says this is nonsense. Bankruptcy will simply allow it to deal with creditors equitably and settle claims more quickly than in a trial.

But the bankruptcy will hardly be speedy. All bankruptcies are complex, but those for a church are much more so, explains Jonathan Lipson, a law professor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Financial statements filed in the bankruptcy court on February 7th presage fights to come. The archdiocese presented $40.7m in assets, compared with $98.4m in its financial report last year. The discrepancy, the archdiocese says, is because certain assets are held in restricted trusts,
Meanwhile, in Philadelphia, the state of Pennsylvania had passed a law that says charges cannot be filed two years after a priest raped a kid. The report bluntly says a 10 year old victim cannot file charges after the age of 12.

Remember who has power and who is the victim here. Pedophillia is safe when the Pope and his Cardinals can manipulate the laws. The Pope ordered all Catholic American law makers to change American laws to conform with Church doctrine.

Why is it so hard to even get excommunicated?

Last edited by tw; 02-16-2011 at 10:06 PM.
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Old 02-21-2011, 09:52 PM   #203
Urbane Guerrilla
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Originally Posted by tw View Post
Always trust your kid to horny priests. Fox says it is safe.
Oh, but without saying a word about it.

Way to try and have it both ways, lamebrain. "A liar needs a good memory." --Quinilian
Wanna stop school shootings? End Gun-Free Zones, of course.
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Old 03-02-2011, 08:53 AM   #204
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Just my opinion but if you deliberately harm a child in any way, priest or not, you should have your genitals ripped from your body and get them shoved in your mouth and made to choke to death on them.
No trial, no appeals and no cover-ups.
And any church, priest or Pope who allows this to happen should suffer the same fate.
Laugh and the world laughs with you; cry and the world laughs AT you.
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Old 03-02-2011, 09:49 PM   #205
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Originally Posted by Sheldonrs View Post
No trial, no appeals and no cover-ups.
And any church, priest or Pope who allows this to happen should suffer the same fate.
Careful. UG will use that same 'lynch mob' reasoning to attack you too.
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Old 03-09-2011, 05:12 AM   #206
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From the NY Times of 8 Mar 2011:
21 Priests Suspended in Philadelphia
The mass suspension was the single-most sweeping in the history of the sexual-abuse scandal in the Roman Catholic Church in the United States, said Terence McKiernan, president of, which archives documents from the abuse scandal in dioceses across the country.

The archdiocese’s action follows a damning grand jury report issued Feb. 10 that accused the archdiocese of a widespread cover-up of predatory priests, stretching over decades, and said that as many as 37 priests remained active in the ministry despite credible accusations against them. ...

Nor did it name the 21 whom it suspended, drawing the fury of groups representing abuse victims. Many parishioners are likely to learn that their priest was accused when he fails to appear for Ash Wednesday services.

The announcement was a major embarrassment for Cardinal Justin Rigali, who, in response to the grand jury report, had initially said there were no priests in active ministry "who have an admitted or established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor against them." ...

"We may have to be asking, what did the cardinal know and when did he know it?” said Leonard Norman Primiano, a Roman Catholic and chairman of the religious studies department at Cabrini College in nearby Radnor, Pa. He described the mass suspension as “astonishing."

At a minimum, the scope of the suspensions underscored the grand jury's contention that the archdiocese had failed to clean house after a grand jury report in 2005 found credible accusations of abuse by 63 priests. And it suggested that potentially, predatory priests had had access to thousands of children for years.
Philadelphia is one of few jurisdictions that decided to investigate. And found widespread pedophilia combined with possible coverup by three Cardinals. That for only one archdiocese. Philly region and multiple more archdioceses. Are the others innocent? Of course not. But most prosecutors do not have the balls to go after reason for most corruption. Its not a question of pedophilia in your region. The question is how many and why are your prosecutors not investigating an organization where the crime was either covered up or ignored at the highest levels probably everywhere.

Knowing that pedophilia still exists, the Cardinal insisted it did not. Then had to stop the coverup when a more honest institution - the government - forced then to be honest.

How major is this story? Even Fox News on 8 Mar 2011 reported it for the first time. Well, the Fox article was as short as possible - only 7 paragraphs. And without any mention of the other Grand Jury report that Fox had completely ignored.

If 85% of all problems are directly traceable to top management, then what does that say about god? God and Fox would pretend it does not exist?
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Old 03-09-2011, 07:23 AM   #207
Why, you're a regular Alfred E Einstein, ain't ya?
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Originally Posted by tw View Post
From the NY Times of 8 Mar 2011:


If 85% of all problems are directly traceable to top management, then what does that say about god? God and Fox would pretend it does not exist?
Heeheee. God and Fox both believe in Fair and Balanced.
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Old 03-10-2011, 02:19 AM   #208
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Originally Posted by Shawnee123 View Post
God and Fox both believe in Fair and Balanced.
According to business law, a priest is an agent for god. When he is doing pedophilia in the name of god, well, that is what he meant by "let's get down to business".

Can he be accused of an "illegal contract"?
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Old 03-11-2011, 08:32 AM   #209
Why, you're a regular Alfred E Einstein, ain't ya?
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An ewwwlegal contract, certainly.
A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones who need the advice.
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Old 07-25-2011, 05:22 PM   #210
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From the NY Times of 25 Jul 2011 is the Catholic Church all but openly encouraging pedophilia. Never forget that this Church has also ordered it disciples to impose Church doctrine onto all American laws and citizens. To even promote a hate of gays. And will not even apologize for its political agendas. Promoting such hate is how extremists obtain power.
Vatican Recalls Ambassador to Ireland Over Abuse Report
The government report, conducted by an independent investigative committee and released July 13, found that clergy in the rural Irish diocese of Cloyne did not act on complaints against 19 priests from 1996 to as recently as 2009. More damningly, it said that the Vatican had encouraged bishops to ignore child-protection guidelines adopted by Irish bishops in 1996 that included “mandatory reporting” of abuse to civil authorities.

The report caused a firestorm in Ireland, a country long dominated by the church. For the first time Irish lawmakers aimed their ire at the Vatican directly, and not at local church leaders.
It is no accident that the Catholic Church in Philadelphia was doing same; to basically protect pedophiles at the expense of others.
The prime minister told Parliament last week that, “The rape and torture of children were downplayed or ‘managed’ to uphold instead, the primacy of the institution, its power, standing and ‘reputation.’ ” Mr. Kenny added that the Vatican had not listened “to evidence of humiliation and betrayal” with compassion but had instead chosen “to parse and analyze it with the gimlet eye of a canon lawyer.” The Irish parliament also passed a motion denouncing the Vatican’s role in “undermining child protection frameworks.” ...

The Cloyne Report is Ireland’s fourth on the pedophilia scandal since 1994, when the government fell over the state’s failure to confront a known pedophile priest. But it is the first to point a finger directly at Rome. It cited a confidential letter by a former Vatican ambassador to Ireland who said the child-protection policies adopted in 1996 violated canon law and dismissed them as “a study document.”

The report said that letter “effectively gave individual Irish bishops the freedom to ignore the procedures” and “gave comfort and support” to priests who “dissented from the stated Irish church policy.”
Cardinals in Philadelphia did same. One was not prosecuted due to Alzheimer’s that impeded his ability to defend himself. The current Cardinal has been removed. Let's not mince words. Because he was exposed by grand juries of all but encouraging pedophilia. His closest advisors on this issue were arrested for protecting pedophiles.

Most DAs in America are not doing their job - opening grand jury investigations of their local dioceses. This is not a local problem. This is a world wide attitude created at the highest levels of the church. If for no other reason, because the Church cannot be bothered to address it. If Satan exists, he also lives in Vatican City.
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