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Old 10-27-2011, 03:15 PM   #166
“Hypocrisy: prejudice with a halo”
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Another look at the proposed housing bailout...
Anyone but the this most fuked up President in History in 2012!
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Old 10-27-2011, 08:03 PM   #167
“Hypocrisy: prejudice with a halo”
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More Obamanation.....

President Barack Obama’s new student loan policy will force working class Americans to pay the ballooning college costs of middle class Americans, and will also hinder needed reform of the bloated education sector, say critics.
Obama is “shifting the burden of paying for college to all of those Americans who did not graduate from college — the waitresses, construction workers, mechanics — and that should infuriate the taxpayers who worked hard to pay off their loans, who decided to live a modest lifestyle to pay off their loans,” said Lindsey Burke, an analyst at the Heritage Foundation.
Obama’s policy is also widening the class division between working-class Americans and those with college credentials, said Matthew Denhart, a researcher at the Center for College Affordability and Productivity in Washington, D.C.
Whatever the real costs, the new subsidy could benefit Obama’s standing among the disenchanted voters in the coveted 20-something demographic. Almost 70 percent of that group voted for him overwhelmingly in 2008.
The new loan policy “will save you money, it will help more young people figure out how to attend college … you will be more comfortable and confident to buy a house … [and] that will give our economy a boost when it desperately needs it,” Obama told a cheering crowd of students at the University of Colorado’s Denver campus.
But, he added, “young guys, I need you involved, I need you active … I need you to get the word out.”
Colorado is a swing state, and his polls show him well below the 50 percent approval mark. (RELATED: Ron Paul says Obama’s student debt plan is possibly illegal)
On Tuesday, Obama’s 2012 campaign announced a new program to win back youth voters. The “Greater Together,” program is intended “to engage young Americans between the ages of 18 and 29.” It was introduced by a video that asks younger people “to get involved once again in the political process and to help him finish what they all started together.”
The next day, Oct. 26, Obama announced his new student loan regulations, which build on a 2010 law that forced banks to cede student loan work to the federal government. The law forced banks to lay off thousands of employees, and it allows students to walk away from taxpayers’ loans after 15 years or 25 years.
Obama’s policy caps monthly payments at 10 percent of graduate’s income after taxes. Additionally, graduates will be able to walk away from taxpayers’ loans after 10 years if they work in “public service.”
“Public service” jobs are limited to government jobs, plus some favored non-profits focused on “public interest” law, early education, health or libraries. Students working in for-profit companies will be able to discard their loans only after 20 years, according to the new policy.
But the colleges fees have to be paid somehow, even when repayments are stopped, said Burke. Sooner or later, this “will ultimately result in tax increases — in putting this on the backs of three-quarters of Americans who did not graduate from college.”
Working-class people will end up paying for middle-class graduates’ basket-weaving and women’s studies degrees, she said.
Moreover, billions of dollars in government subsidies and advocacy have gradually converted college degrees into markers of middle-class status, even when those degrees earn less money than vocational credentials, such as plumbing licenses, Denhart said. Employers can’t assess the economic value of non-technical degrees, he explained, so those degrees only allow “people to signal to employers and peers that ‘I’m qualified enough to have completed a college education.’”
Administration officials say the new financial benefits are free.
Roughly 1.6 million Americans with federal loans “could see their payments go down by hundreds [of dollars] per month … [and] it won’t cost taxpayers a dime,” Obama told the cheering students.
But there must be a cost, countered Denhart. “We don’t know the exact cost … it takes time to work it out.”
The monthly benefit for graduate depends on their income and whether they’re married and have children. The greatest benefit will go to those with the highest debt and the lowest income, for example, people with post-graduate degrees in social studies.
The new policy also allows roughly 6 million graduates to merge commercial ‘Federal Family Education Loans’ loans with government loans, and lower their interest rate by roughly a half-percent. Roughly 36 million graduates have outstanding loans, including $400 billion in FFEL debt.
The full cost of these benefits likely won’t be known for a decade, when graduates will begin to walk away from taxpayers’ loans, Denhart said. Costs incurred more than 10 years ahead aren’t accounted for in government budget plans.
In his Colorado speech, Obama acknowledged the rising costs of college. Those costs have tripled since 1982, and graduates owe almost $1 trillion to government and commercial lenders, Denhart continued. But Obama offered no proposal to curbs costs, or improve quality in the education industry, which is an important part of the Democratic Party’s political base.
Federal loans and additional grants allow universities to charge high fees, Denhart said, or even to further raise their fees.
Obama’s policies, said Burke, are keeping costs too high, and effectively preserving the “education bubble” in the same fashion that government subsidies and unwise regulations created the real estate bubble during the 1990s and 2000s. The real estate bubble wrecked the economy as it burst in 2008 when mortgage debts became unmanageable, and the education bubble will eventually burst when graduates can’t pay their loans, she concluded.
Republicans legislators oppose the taxpayer-paid bailout. “This plan will not create a single job, strengthen our economy, or promote fiscal responsibility,” said a statement from John Kline, chairman of the House committee on education. Instead, the plan will “encourage more borrowing across the board… more debt for students, more debt for taxpayers, and more red ink on the government’s books,” said the statement.
Obama’s unwillingness to deal with rising costs and the education bubble, said Denhart, is “unsurprising, but at the same time, incredibly disappointing … [because] what we’re seeing is an industry that refuses to reform its basic operating structure.”
Anyone but the this most fuked up President in History in 2012!
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Old 10-27-2011, 10:32 PM   #168
“Hypocrisy: prejudice with a halo”
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Anyone but Obama in 2012.....

By Neal Boortz
On Friday, Barack Obama announced that the rest of our troops in Iraq will be returning home by the end of the year. During that speech, and again during his weekly Saturday address, Obama made the following assertion: "The drawdown in Iraq allowed us to refocus on Afghanistan and achieve major victories against all Qaeda and Osama bin Laden.”
Oh really? First of all, the only thing that Obama did to “get” Osama bin Laden was get the hell out of the way and let the brave men and women of our military do what they do best. And where did our military get the intelligence to track down Osama bin Laden? According to an article published in the NYTimes in May, the intelligence used to locate Osama bin Laden came from an al Qaeda operative who was captured by our military forces in Iraq in 2004. Yet, Obama says that it is his troop drawdown that led to the capture of Osama bin Laden.
What arrogance. But you really can’t blame the guy. How would you like to be the guy who has to catalogue the accomplishments of Barry Obama to be used in a reelection campaign?
Ouch! Barry, this one is going to hurt....
Anyone but the this most fuked up President in History in 2012!
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Old 10-27-2011, 10:49 PM   #169
barely disguised asshole, keeper of all that is holy.
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First of all, the only thing that Obama did...
was more than Bush did in less than 1/2 the time. AND he has gotten more frikkin other fucks with his plan/direction than the previous prick did.
How would you like to be the guy who has to catalogue the accomplishments of Barry Obama to be used in a reelection campaign?
Well there are a heck of a lot more than the R congress has ... or Newt, or Bachmann, or Perry, or Santorum, or Paul or or or...
What does it say that he is only trailing against a "generic republican" yet when you actually put one of this group up, Obama is leading? Let me help you - It says that pretty much EVERY R candidate SUCKS worse than a nobody. THAT'S pathetic.
"like strapping a pillow on a bull in a china shop" Bullitt
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Old 10-27-2011, 10:53 PM   #170
barely disguised asshole, keeper of all that is holy.
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“The death of Osama Bin Laden marks the single greatest victory in the US-led campaign to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat Al Qaeda,” an official said.

The operation had been in the works for years. Since 9/11, the CIA gathered leads on those in bin Laden’s inner circle, including personal couriers.

In 2009, intelligence officials identified areas in Pakistan where the courier and his brother operate – but they were still unable to pinpoint precisely where.

In August 2010 came the big break. Intelligence identified a compound that aroused their suspicion – eight times larger than other homes in the area, built in 2005, on a property valued at $1 million. But access to the compound was severely restricted, with elaborate security and 12 to 18 foot walls topped with barbed wire. Incongruently, the compound has no phone service or televisions. The main building had few windows and a seven foot wall for privacy. Residents burned their trash.
FWIW, the real intel apparently came in 2009 & 2010, well after shrub was gone.
"like strapping a pillow on a bull in a china shop" Bullitt
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Old 10-28-2011, 12:25 AM   #171
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Such bullshit, bullshit... When you fill your head with shit like this, it's no wonder what comes out.


I listen to the local Fox network radio station. I've lost count of the times the host, Glen Beck, Sean Hannity, Michael Medved, Rush Limbaugh, whomever, just Makes. Shit. Up.

The commercial WHORING for attention is pathetic, just like your boy up there saying President Obama "got" Osama bin Laden. For fucking fuck's sake. No one with any brains listens to that, no one with any intelligence gives such nonsense any thought. I was listening to Glen Beck this morning, before I'd donned my intelligence for the day, and during one of the short breaks between commercials, he told the story of the new "secret" rules by DHS that would require the presence of a DHS officer to be present when anyone wishes to open their safe deposit box in the event that the banks were taken over. Ostensibly, to watch for the removal of any gold, since that would be the only remaining truly valuable monetary medium. He spun this conspiracy theory and then segued neatly into the "Sponsor of the Day" which was or some such.


All they're doing is titillating you to stay tuned through the next commercial. It is their entire business model, and it's successful, though hardly nutritious for the mind.

You can fill your head with such shit if you wish. It's a free country. But I'm not obligated to treat your regurgitations as anything more than any other stinky mess.

Did you even read the articles "cited"? Unlikely. Here, I'll quote it for you from the NYT, the source Boortz claims undermines President Obama's statement:
Among them was John Yoo, a former Justice Department official who wrote secret legal memorandums justifying brutal interrogations. “President Obama can take credit, rightfully, for the success today,” Mr. Yoo wrote Monday in National Review, “but he owes it to the tough decisions taken by the Bush administration.”

But a closer look at prisoner interrogations suggests that the harsh techniques played a small role at most in identifying Bin Laden’s trusted courier and exposing his hide-out.
“The bottom line is this: If we had some kind of smoking-gun intelligence from waterboarding in 2003, we would have taken out Osama bin Laden in 2003,” said Tommy Vietor, spokesman for the National Security Council. “It took years of collection and analysis from many different sources to develop the case that enabled us to identify this compound, and reach a judgment that Bin Laden was likely to be living there.”
Your guy, Boortz? He's full of shit. When you listen to him or cite him, you get splashed with it too.
Be Just and Fear Not.
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Old 10-28-2011, 04:51 AM   #172
“Hypocrisy: prejudice with a halo”
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Anyone but the this most fuked up President in History in 2012!
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Old 10-28-2011, 10:15 AM   #173
barely disguised asshole, keeper of all that is holy.
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Originally Posted by BigV View Post
Such bullshit, bullshit... When you fill your head with shit like this, it's no wonder what comes out.

You talkin' to me?
"like strapping a pillow on a bull in a china shop" Bullitt
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Old 10-28-2011, 10:19 AM   #174
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only when you make shit up.

My post was in response to mercy's dittohead repetition of Boortz's bullshit. Unless Boortz is your boy too, I'm not talkin to you.
Be Just and Fear Not.
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Old 10-28-2011, 10:19 AM   #175
Happy Monkey
I think this line's mostly filler.
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He was referring to Boortz via TheMercenary.
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Old 10-28-2011, 10:19 AM   #176
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This time.
Be Just and Fear Not.
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Old 10-28-2011, 10:29 AM   #177
barely disguised asshole, keeper of all that is holy.
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orly? I'll dismember that comment.
"like strapping a pillow on a bull in a china shop" Bullitt
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Old 10-29-2011, 10:43 AM   #178
“Hypocrisy: prejudice with a halo”
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Originally Posted by BigV View Post
only when you make shit up.

My post was in response to mercy's dittohead repetition of Boortz's bullshit. Unless Boortz is your boy too, I'm not talkin to you.
Neil Boortz rocks!
Anyone but the this most fuked up President in History in 2012!
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Old 10-29-2011, 10:49 AM   #179
“Hypocrisy: prejudice with a halo”
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Originally Posted by BigV View Post
I listen to the local Fox network radio station. I've lost count of the times the host, Glen Beck, Sean Hannity, Michael Medved, Rush Limbaugh, whomever, just Makes. Shit. Up.
Can't help you, don't care, don't listen to them.

The commercial WHORING for attention is pathetic, just like your boy up there saying President Obama "got" Osama bin Laden. For fucking fuck's sake. No one with any brains listens to that, no one with any intelligence gives such nonsense any thought.
I was listening to Glen Beck this morning,
Well that was your first mistake, generally speaking I think he is an idiot.

Yea, I see you acting like a pompous prick again and jumping off the cliff like a God Damm lemming.

All they're doing is titillating you to stay tuned through the next commercial. It is their entire business model, and it's successful, though hardly nutritious for the mind.
How does that work if I don't listen to them genius?

It's a free country.
Wow, the first factual statement you have made is this silly rant. You sound like a child throwing a tantrum.

Your guy, Boortz?
Boortz Rocks!

Anyone but Obama in 2012.

Have a great day.
Anyone but the this most fuked up President in History in 2012!
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Old 11-01-2011, 03:10 PM   #180
“Hypocrisy: prejudice with a halo”
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On FOIA, Obama wants a license to lie

It's not often that the liberal American Civil Liberties Union and conservative Judicial Watch agree on anything, but the Obama administration's lack of transparency has brought the two together. Obama's Justice Department has proposed a regulatory change that would weaken the Freedom of Information Act. Under the new rules, the government could falsely respond to those who file FOIA requests that a document does not exist if it pertains to an ongoing criminal investigation, concerns a terrorist organization, or a counterintelligence operation involving a foreign nation.
There are two problems with the Obama proposal to allow federal officials to affirmatively assert that a requested document doesn't exist when it does.
Anyone but the this most fuked up President in History in 2012!
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