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   Undertoad  Wednesday Jan 3 12:54 PM

January 3, 2007: Big-ass rabbits go to the Norks

"Un megaconejo," reports the gallery. It's partly the photo that makes this bunny big, but the official caption says the incredible beast is almost 10kg (22 lb)!

Bred to be that way, apparently, by breeder Karl Szmolinsky of Eberswalde, Germany... the guy holding the beast.

Now apparently the North Koreans want to breed Szmolinzky's rabbits, and have gotten a shipment of the first 12 of them. Szmolinsky himself will head over soon to help set up a farming program there.

As a bonus, each and every one of the rabbits will have an IQ higher than that of Kim Jung Il.

milkfish  Wednesday Jan 3 01:11 PM

Do the North Koreans realize that those megaconejos actually have to eat?

Trilby  Wednesday Jan 3 01:11 PM

Looks like Witch Hazel put another spell on Bugs Bunny.

tw  Wednesday Jan 3 01:13 PM

Alice may not need to go to wonderland.

Sheldonrs  Wednesday Jan 3 01:14 PM

At last, a rabbit that will hug me, and squeeze me and call me George.

maximum  Wednesday Jan 3 01:45 PM

maybe kim jung il figures he might just be able to strap a nuke on to a pack of these mega-bunnies?

wolf  Wednesday Jan 3 02:08 PM

I'm too lazy to look. Wasn't the original Big'ss Bunny a Friday IOTD?

Sundae  Wednesday Jan 3 03:45 PM

It certainly was (also too lazy to look and post a link)
It enabled me to get another question right on the Big Fat Quiz of the Year (British TV). Blessed the Cellar's name, even though it was just for fun.

Thread title threw me a little I admit - Norks being a very common (as in trashy rather than popular) word for teh boobies in the UK. Half expected a breast-feeding rabbit.

xoxoxoBruce  Wednesday Jan 3 03:48 PM

Yeah, me too.... and it's your fault, SG.

YellowBolt  Wednesday Jan 3 03:52 PM

Originally Posted by maximum View Post
maybe kim jung il figures he might just be able to strap a nuke on to a pack of these mega-bunnies?
I was thinking more of an ARMY OF MASSIVE FIGHTING BUNNY TERROR, but that works too.

Wombat  Wednesday Jan 3 04:50 PM

Killer Rabbit

Spexxvet  Wednesday Jan 3 05:26 PM

Think of all the good luck you'd get from one of those feet!

nil_orally  Wednesday Jan 3 06:21 PM

Over here in Oz, the word is norgs, Sundae Girl.

Sorry, drifted off there for a second.
If they make those rabbits any bigger, I won't have to get my girlfriend to wear the headband with ears on anymore.

tulzscha  Wednesday Jan 3 07:18 PM

No doubt the North Korean people will be told stories of how the god-leader created the massive rabbits in a singular act of beneficence...

Those damn photographers and their wide-angle lenses. Always making stuff look bigger than it really is... (camel spiders ftw)

capnhowdy  Wednesday Jan 3 07:26 PM

Fried is good... But better with gravy.

Now we need a mutant Elmer Fudd. Just when you thought it was safe to go out in the woods.

fargon  Wednesday Jan 3 07:40 PM

Beware the cute vorpal bunnies!

Run away, run away!

Shawnee123  Thursday Jan 4 01:11 PM

Night of the Lepus


pdaoust  Thursday Jan 4 07:54 PM

We used to have some of these 'megaconejos' on our farm. Specifically, they were 'Flemish giants', and yeah, they were pretty huge. When you picked them up, it felt like you were holding a small child. And when they panicked and started thrashing, they carved you up with their toenails.

We also had a 'Dutch dwarf' rabbit in the same pen. Two breeds from the Netherlands, on opposite ends of the spectrum. It was kinda neat. They started mating, and fortunately for all rabbits concerned, the father was the dwarf and the mother was the giant.

SPUCK  Friday Jan 5 05:15 AM

Oh gawd!! I hate vorpal bunnies!

Slight  Monday Jan 15 12:07 AM

Now posted on slashdot.

Kitsune  Monday Jan 15 09:18 AM

Originally Posted by milkfish
Do the North Koreans realize that those megaconejos actually have to eat?
Don't worry -- we've encountered this problem before and have it covered.

Undertoad  Thursday Apr 5 08:38 AM


Karl Szmolinsky sold the rabbits to Pyongyang so that they could be used to set up a breeding programme to boost meat production in the Hermit Kingdom.

However, amid concerns that they have been eaten by the country’s leaders, Mr Szmolinsky will not be sending any more.

The 68-year-old breeder had been due to travel to North Korea after Easter to provide advice on setting up a rabbit farm. A North Korean official rang him last week to say that the trip had been cancelled. Mr Szmolinsky said he suspected that his rabbits, which grow to the size of dogs and can weigh over 10kg (22lb), were eaten at a birthday banquet for Kim Jong Il, the North Korean leader, although he emphasised that he had no evidence of this.

"It’s an assumption, not an assertion," Mr Szmolinsky said. "But I don’t think the animals are alive anymore, I think they’ve been eaten."

He added: "North Korea won’t be getting any more rabbits from me, they don’t even need to bother asking."

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