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   Undertoad  Monday Sep 12 09:03 AM

9/12/2005: Python takes on electric fence and loses

Found at an anonymous LiveJournal page, which is in Russian so I can't read it. (Hey, a little help from any of our Ruskie-savvy users?) Don't know any of the details. But I do know that you don't want to bite an electric fence under any circumstances.

Happy Monkey  Monday Sep 12 09:44 AM

Especially if your teeth point backwards, and you couldn't let go if you tried.

chronos  Monday Sep 12 10:19 AM

My God that thing is HUGE!!!

Trilby  Monday Sep 12 10:25 AM

Yet another disturbing, ancient, reptile that could eat me. I don't like it. Why can't we have Images of fluffy, furry, sweet, CUTE animals doing adorable or heroic things? Like Lassie or Flicka or something. Why not a monkey-butler, a Clydesdale in Christmas bells or gorilla kissing it's baby? A firehouse dalmation, a kitten in a yarn basket, a bunny munching baby lettuces in the garden? All good ideas.

Hobbs  Monday Sep 12 10:31 AM

Originally Posted by Brianna
Yet another disturbing, ancient, reptile that could eat me. I don't like it.
This should make you feel much better Brianna. This means there is one less legless reptile on the planet that could potentially eat your face off. It should also do you heart some good to know that this thing was electricuted and suffered the justice for all those cute, fuzzy bunnies this thing devoured in it's lifetime.

thng  Monday Sep 12 10:52 AM

I don't think that particular wire is electrified.
Notice in the first image that the wires are wrapped around each metal fencepost, which means it's grounded.

The wires pinching the python in the lower left of the 2nd image do seem to have insulators, and could be electrified. But having touched an electric fence before, I'm not so sure the python could've made it that far under the fence.
Then again, maybe the fence sent it into convulsions which shot it forward and sent it flailing.

(grew up on farm with animals. and electric fences. and yes I've touched them)


wolf  Monday Sep 12 11:12 AM

Originally Posted by Brianna
Why can't we have Images of fluffy, furry, sweet, CUTE animals doing adorable or heroic things? Like Lassie or Flicka or something. Why not a monkey-butler, a Clydesdale in Christmas bells or gorilla kissing it's baby? A firehouse dalmation, a kitten in a yarn basket, a bunny munching baby lettuces in the garden? All good ideas.
That's what Friday is for.

Here's the secret decoder information ... if an animal is mentioned for an IOTD for any day other than a Friday, it's going to be icky.

Happy Monkey  Monday Sep 12 11:12 AM

Many electric fences only get pulses periodically. My guess is, the snake was squeezing under the electrified portion between pulses. When the pulse came, it snapped back, and tried to bite the fence. It's teeth locked on to the non-electified part, and it couldn't escape, while the pulses continued to come.

wolf  Monday Sep 12 11:14 AM

Welcome thng.

Since you've told you electric fence story, we know your excuse. Use it wisely.

Calamormine  Monday Sep 12 11:22 AM

Originally Posted by Brianna
Yet another disturbing, ancient, reptile that could eat me. I don't like it.
Am I mistaken in remembering that Pythons didn't eat humans? It is very possible that I am just completely crazy. On the off chance that my memory serves me correctly however, you wouldn't have much to worry from him. I do remember as a child going to a circus with my father and petting the wonderful Pythons with the complete assurance that they were harmless. Looking back, I was an aweful little child, so that may have had something to do with it.

And with an equal amount of uncertainty, I didn't think that all wires in an electric fence are hot. I seem to remember my grandfather saying something of the sort when I was on his farm, something about not wanting to barbacue the animals, only scare them.

But this is all coming from memories of long ago, so it's very probable that I'm wrong on both accounts.

plthijinx  Monday Sep 12 11:55 AM

at least you didn't pee on the electric fence Thng! that would be a kick in the

Hobbs  Monday Sep 12 12:13 PM

The Comm-Nazis have me blocked from this site, so I can't verify what it says, but Google brought up this link on Snopes. Let me know what it says pls.

wolf  Monday Sep 12 12:15 PM

True. Snake overate and then got stuck in the fence.

Hobbs  Monday Sep 12 12:28 PM

Originally Posted by Calamormine
Am I mistaken in remembering that Pythons didn't eat humans?
This may be staged, I've seen conflicting reports on these photos. There are reports of Reticulated Pythons trying to swallow children.

*** Bri, look away girl! Look away! ***

vocalperk  Monday Sep 12 02:20 PM

Hey a request for Russian!

the link to the livejournal site just shows several reader comments. In order they say:

"I wonder what he ate before this..."

"(something), the boy gobbled it up."

"What a beaut..."

"What a huge worm!"

Also, on the guy's main LJ site that links to the comment page, the link says "two pictures. just two pictures."

BigV  Monday Sep 12 03:02 PM

Welcome to:

thng, Calamormine, and vocalperk!

Wow, three new members in just 15 posts. UT, IotD, or pythons in general must be your best recruiting tool. Cool.

Trilby  Monday Sep 12 05:13 PM

I totally looked at the pic of the snake with kid in it's belly.

The only thing that makes my fear of alligators, crocs, large (and even medium)-sized snakes and all other slimy, scale-y, reptillian, gross and toothful beasties is that I live in Ohio. All we need worry about is Gov. Taft. And that's enough.

capnhowdy  Monday Sep 12 05:37 PM

A shock from an electric fence should not be lethal to any animal. In some states (mine was that way last time I checked) it is illegal to exceed a certain degree of shock. Most of them are rated at 110-120 volts @ 50-60 cycles. That would only scare hell out of an animal even as small as a newborn puppy or kitten. Most victims just get the hell off of it VERY QUICKLY. Most will not come back for a second round.
All of the wires are not electrified. You need a ground to complete the circuit, unless, like most people or animals, are grounded where thet stand. In the image, only the wires with the plastic insulators are "hot". Electric fence "chargers" have two connections: positive and negative. The negative is for things that touch the fence and are not naturally grounded. A bird could sit on an electric fence all day and never feel a thing as long as he didnt touch the wire connected to the negative pole of the charger or touch the ground (earth) simultaneously.
It is my guess that the reptile touched both +&- , panicked, struck the fence and expired due to exhaustion or suffocation. Imagine being hung on two wires with your jaw agape for a long time not being able to swallow or breath properly while getting a continual pulsating shock. Prolly wouldn't last too long.
Then again who knows.... the commies may run 230 volts on their fences. But if they did it would kill a farmer/ rancher as quick as an intruder.
I know snakes are essential in the balance of nature, but I like them better when they are dead or way the hell away from capnhowdy. I've been bitten before. Now I hate me some snakes. They give me the heebie jeebies. And trust me....they don't like us either.

Hobbs  Monday Sep 12 05:53 PM

Here's a site that gives a little more detail behind the series of photos.

Since this is in South Africa, the rules of engagment concerning electrified fences is not the same as here.

This Article might give some indication (again, I can't validate the authenticity of the information in this article. It appears to be an Ausssi based website).

capnhowdy  Monday Sep 12 06:09 PM

Electric fences are commonly used in South Africa to ward off intruders, notably in the the country's former white suburbs, and are designed to deliver a non-lethal shock.
from Hobbs' article.....

more evidence: shit happens. I wonder why it killed the child. No wonder there are regulations for those things in our country/state.

Griff  Monday Sep 12 09:24 PM

In 1991, an accidental fatality occurred when a very young child's head came in contact with an electrified fence wire while the child was crawling through wet grass. The fence was correctly installed and functioning properly. The energizer was a small plug-in unit and UL approved. The fence wire was electroplastic twine--a relatively poor conductor compared to steel, copper or aluminum wire. Thus Premier strongly cautions adults to keep all small children away from all electrified fences. Children should be warned not to play in an area where electrified fences exist. Individuals of all ages should take extra care to avoid accidentally contacting any electrified fence with the head and neck--as this may allow a pulse to pass through the spinal area.
From this site. Input voltage isn't an issue but I'll let tw go professor on this if you need it.

lumberjim  Tuesday Sep 13 06:49 AM

Originally Posted by BigV
Welcome to:

thng, Calamormine, and vocalperk!

Wow, three new members in just 15 posts. UT, IotD, or pythons in general must be your best recruiting tool. Cool.
can you imagine the impact if the thread had been about python penis? we'd be overrun.

seakdivers  Tuesday Sep 13 05:37 PM

Egads - that first picture (with the teeth) totally startled me! Agggh.... I should have added snakes with big scary teeth to my list of heezbeez.

chrisinhouston  Thursday Oct 6 09:34 AM

Python explodes after trying to swallow a 6 foot alligator!

Mage  Thursday Oct 6 09:11 PM


Mage  Thursday Oct 6 09:14 PM


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