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Trilby 10-07-2011 04:37 PM

SamIam - I ask once again: why dost thou persist in thy folly?

ZenGum 10-07-2011 05:33 PM

Merc does seem terribly disappointed that there haven't been any actual riots yet. He has to keep going back to the WTO ones.

TheMercenary 10-07-2011 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by SamIam (Post 761528)
We can certainly call the tea baggers that. They are infamous for their use of racial epitaphs. :rolleyes:

Wow, really? And those liberals who now have power didn't say that about Bush? You need a link? 8 years of that shit.

Hi Kettle....

TheMercenary 10-07-2011 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 761539)
Merc does seem terribly disappointed that there haven't been any actual riots yet. He has to keep going back to the WTO ones.

Naw.... I just recognize that they have their weapon pointed in the wrong direction.

I still would love to see them shut Wall Street for a week and see who suffers first. The protesters or those who work on Wall Street?

SamIam 10-07-2011 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by TheMercenary (Post 761563)
Wow, really? And those liberals who now have power didn't say that about Bush? You need a link? 8 years of that shit.

Hi Kettle....

I must say that I consider Bush racist - then and now. However, I don't recall any incidents where a group of liberals got together in Congress and disrupted proceedings with racist taunts. But that's OK on the link.

Stormieweather 10-07-2011 08:14 PM

For me, the point of the protests are this:

Things are NOT right with this country.

We are a mess and a lot of the blame lies at the top...including the banks and wall street institutions that played investment games that eventually cost millions their homes and jobs.

Our government is bought and paid for.

Human rights are being eroded and eliminated on a daily basis.

Our planet is being destroyed.

Our economy is in dire straights and getting worse (yes, it's getting worse!).

We are squandering billions (not to mention lives) on wars no one wants or needs.

The middle class is disappearing into poverty.

Education is being ruined and dismantled.

Someone has to do SOMETHING!! At least those people care enough to speak up.

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not. " The Lorax

Lamplighter 10-07-2011 11:05 PM

You'd almost think you were in Woodstock - Kumbaya
Portland Marathon agrees to accommodate Occupy Portland encampment
Published: Friday, October 07, 2011, 8:47 PM *** Updated: Friday, October 07, 2011, 8:47 PM

After a day of closed-door meetings, the Portland Marathon and demonstrators at
Occupy Portland have agreed to coexist, seemingly averting a tense standoff or violent confrontation.

The "people's marathon" -- so called for its policy of rewarding all finishers equally --
has agreed to let the protesters keep their encampment on Chapman Square.
But, in deference to the marathon's safety concerns, the camp will be blocked from runners' view
near the finish line in front of the Justice Center, and occupiers who leave camp won't be allowed back in until later.

Police and officials have praised the protest for staying nonviolent and refraining from damaging property,
but police arrested 21-year-old Nolan Zane MacGregor and a 17-year-old boy early Friday
on accusations that the pair spray painted several locations downtown
-- including a police car -- with Occupy Portland slogans.

tw 10-07-2011 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by Stormieweather (Post 761596)
Someone has to do SOMETHING!! At least those people care enough to speak up.

Does not matter if it is a car breakdown, economic malaise, or war. In every case, a problem must always be defined before any solution can be discussed, implemented, or advocated.

For example, why are so many losing their jobs? That problem is based (in part) in an answer to a simple question. What is the purpose of a business? To many, a profit? Then jobs get destroyed. Profit is the purpose of the mafia and other organizations that destroy jobs and nations. Jobs are only created when the product is the purpose of a business. When innovation exists. Profits only exist when industry leaders worry about the product (ie innovation); not about profits. When industry leaders define as corrupt what business schools teach.

If the purpose is a profit, then no profits exist. If the purpose is the product, then a reward (profits) exists. Then jobs are created. So many are so corrupt as to advocate what is taught in the business schools. Make a profit. Screw everyone else.

If that fundamental problem is not first defined, then forget about anyone providing a solution. A person who solves problems first identifies the problem and what created it.

Long before anyone can create a solution, first this and other problems must be defined. We used money games to create jobs four and ten years ago. History repeatedly teaches what happens next. Massive job losses. Therein lays the problem. So many so hate the nation as to want to make job losses even larger. They want even more tax cuts. A perfect example of people who have solutions by ignoring what is and has created the problem.

ZenGum 10-08-2011 06:55 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 34396

Trilby 10-08-2011 07:09 AM


SamIam 10-08-2011 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by tw (Post 761677)
Does not matter if it is a car breakdown, economic malaise, or war. In every case, a problem must always be defined before any solution can be discussed, implemented, or advocated.

For example, why are so many losing their jobs? That problem is based (in part) in an answer to a simple question. What is the purpose of a business? To many, a profit? Then jobs get destroyed. Profit is the purpose of the mafia and other organizations that destroy jobs and nations. Jobs are only created when the product is the purpose of a business. When innovation exists. Profits only exist when industry leaders worry about the product (ie innovation); not about profits. When industry leaders define as corrupt what business schools teach.

If the purpose is a profit, then no profits exist. If the purpose is the product, then a reward (profits) exists. Then jobs are created. So many are so corrupt as to advocate what is taught in the business schools. Make a profit. Screw everyone else.

If that fundamental problem is not first defined, then forget about anyone providing a solution. A person who solves problems first identifies the problem and what created it.

Long before anyone can create a solution, first this and other problems must be defined. We used money games to create jobs four and ten years ago. History repeatedly teaches what happens next. Massive job losses. Therein lays the problem. So many so hate the nation as to want to make job losses even larger. They want even more tax cuts. A perfect example of people who have solutions by ignoring what is and has created the problem.

Well, there's nothing wrong with making a profit. The problem occurs when companies and CEO's get into the "its never enough" mindset. The problem occurs when profit is worshiped to the exclusion of all else. The problem occurs when the end justifies the means, no matter how immoral or destructive to society at large those means usually are.

I don't think its a matter of the corps or CEO's "hating" the nation. They are indifferent to the nation. All that matters is money which buys power which allows for grabbing more money, etc. The nation and its people are just things which must be manipulated, stepped over or stepped on in the quest for "more". But a CEO doesn't hate the American people any more than you or I might hate an ant we happen to step on.

@ Zen - Good one!

tw 10-08-2011 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by SamIam (Post 761778)
I don't think its a matter of the corps or CEO's "hating" the nation. They are indifferent to the nation.

The world is ternary. Hate, love, and indifference have a difference meaning when you job is to work for your employees. And when the companies purpose is the advancement of the nation and mankind.

Indifference is a total deregard - the definition of hate - towards your charges. You may not like the term. But it applies.

Nobody said profits are bad. If a company is making products that advance the nation and mankind, then the company is probably making a profit. If a company is not making profits, then the company and its products are not doing what they should. One need only view 2008 Ford and GM to observe those 'night and day' differences.

Profit is the reward. Anybody can buy Olympic medals. Those medals are not the purpose of mankind. Winning the race - pushing out the envelope - doing what no man has done before ... that is the purpose of the race. The medals, like profits, are only the reward.

Most usually hear this concept for the first time. Most of us are so brainwashed by business school doctrine as to believe the purpose of a company is its profits. Want to see the first reason for our economic malaise? Many of use need to first look in the mirror. Or learn what the true purpose of all companies (profit, non-profit, NGO, etc) really is.

Problems are not solved until the problem is first defined. And that include top management. If indifferent to their responsibility, then that is a hate that also creates the resulting economic harm. That same attitude is found in the Mafia's wise guys.

ZenGum 10-08-2011 07:02 PM


Indifference is a total deregard - the definition of hate - towards your charges.
Indifference and hate are very different.

Trilby 10-09-2011 07:08 AM

hate and love are two different sides of the same coin.

Indifference is a dollar bill. With a corner ripped off.

tw 10-09-2011 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 761881)
Indifference and hate are very different.

Not when you are responsible for the resulting destruction due to indifference.

You could replace the word hate with contempt. Both words are describing the same attitude.

GM's contempt for their customers and products resulted in products that one would only sell to customers they had no respect for. Customers to GM were an evil necessity because only profits were important.

Occupy 'X' Street is the people finally getting angry at a hatred traceable what is taught in business schools. Self serving profits are more important than the customer, the nation, mankind, and the real purpose of productive businesses.

Good reason why business schools so hate Deming. Deming defined the true purpose of businesses. Business schools hate a philosophy where the product and customers are more important than the wealth of an elitist manager.

Welcome to the result of, "If we enrich the richest, than all will have jobs." So many have read the warnings here long ago. Tax cuts and other money games for the rich historically create job losses. Almost ten years of tax cuts and other money games created what? 9% unemployment that could have easily become 40% unemployment.

The richest and their ‘paid for’ political cronies demonstrate what can only be called hate for the rest of America. If they were not hateful, then they would be admitting their 'trickle down economics' was a sham to enrich the richest at the expense of all others. The fact that they still preach Limbaugh spin and money game solutions can only be attributed to hate inspired by contempt. Same hate that empowered Madoff, Skilling, Lay, Fiorina, Nardelli, Nasser, Kozlowski, Akers, Wagoner, and a long list of other enemies of the people.

You may not consider it hate. But if these were decent people, then so many Americans would not have suffered so much at their expense. They did so with ruthlessness that can only exist with hate.

When you are responsible, an indifference comes only from a hate of your charges.

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