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xoxoxoBruce 02-23-2012 06:05 PM

Merc, you've had contact with medical people in a number of locations. Did you find that medical terminology is rigid across the board, or variations in use/meaning between national regions? Between countries, (speaking English of course)?

TheMercenary 02-23-2012 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 797394)
Merc, you've had contact with medical people in a number of locations. Did you find that medical terminology is rigid across the board, or variations in use/meaning between national regions? Between countries, (speaking English of course)?

Not at all. I spent 6 weeks in Hong Kong with the British at their hospital on an Officer Exchange program in the late 1980's, it was a completely other language but once you learned what the terms were the medicine was the same. A common culture separated by a language. There is very little variation between Aussies and Brits for obvious reasons, Canadians are easier to understand, but internationally the French is the common language.

Edit: IN the US it is pretty standard. The problem is that people with a little bit of understanding are the ones who spread the most mis-information.

xoxoxoBruce 02-23-2012 06:19 PM

Well yes, that's why I asked if the people who actually do know, have any confusion in what those terms actually mean and/or imply. Thanks.

Rhianne 02-23-2012 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by TheMercenary (Post 797391)
Only with the prefix of "Spontaneous". Otherwise it means something else and documented as EAB or Elective Abortion.

I'm speaking from experience.

Stormieweather 02-23-2012 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by Rhianne (Post 797411)
I'm speaking from experience.

So am I.

classicman 02-23-2012 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by Ibram (Post 797212)
Would you vote for Santorum or Obama given those two options?

I'd have to hold my nose and vote the same as the last election.
I cannot think of anything that could possibly convince me to vote for Santorum.

SamIam 02-23-2012 09:22 PM

I don't understand why everyone - not just in the Cellar, but in the country - has gotten distracted by the arguments on birth control, abortion, women's rights, etc. put forth by one of the worst right wing whackos to run for office in a very long time. Santorum obviously has suffered from childhood on due to the brain washing which resulted from a fanatical Catholic upbringing. He lacks the capacity to think for himself, and he will never be presidential material no matter how much the religious right adores him.

The major problems facing this country seem to be getting largely ignored. What about the continuing high rate of unemployment? How can we move the US economy out of the worst recession since the 30's? How can we encourage US corporations to not only stop outsourcing American jobs, but to bring those outsourced jobs back to the US? Is the ever widening gap between billionaires and the working class (and everyone else) a serious problem? If so, how do we resolve it? How can we balance the budget without under cutting programs essential to the nation's well being? Are corporations REALLY people? Are super pacs Constitutional? How can we reform campaign funding? And on...

Somebody want to tell me Santorum's position on these things? Someone want to tell me what solutions the Republican Congress has put forth, other than to "just say no"?

Why are we arguing about the definition of an abortion versus a spontaneous abortion versus a miscarriage? Why do we give legitimacy to the ideas of some ignorant rabble rouser by spending 60 or 70 or however many posts arguing what he has said when what he has said is pure bullshit not worth a second thought?

Just my humble opinion.

sexobon 02-23-2012 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 797372)
What makes you think Romney would have a choice who's a heartbeat away?

Romney is used to doing things his way. He knows that the far right is already in the ABO camp which is why, for as much as he changes his tune, he isn't trying to be a Santorum. The gains to be had running with Santorum for VP in the general election are minimal since Santorum will neither sway more moderates nor convert liberals and could be as divisive in the White House as the Tea Party is in Congress. Romney and the GOP would be better off with even Gingrich as a VP running mate to charm the moderates during the election and advocate for a strong Chief Executive to get their agenda moving afterwards. They'd have a greater chance of prevailing over infighting (as hindered the Obama administration) since Gingrich could be to Romney as Cheney was to Bush Jr. while Santorum would just continue to be a pacifier. I'd be surprised though if either was actually the first choice for VP and it will probably be offered to one of those the party wished had run for President; but, declined. The national campaign experience of being on the ticket would be invaluable to any of them open to running for President in the future, win or lose now.

classicman 02-23-2012 09:47 PM


Someone want to tell me what solutions the Republican Congress has put forth, other than to "just say no"?
Ask the man in charge ...

25 House-Passed Jobs Bills Stuck in the Democratic-Run Senate


SamIam 02-24-2012 01:20 AM

Oh, come on Classic. Surely you can dig up something a little less partisan than Republican House Speaker Boehner’s blog! If you want to read a lot of whining, that blog will keep you entertained, but if you want a serious unbiased view of the issues, you’re better off watching Jon Stewart.

Plan for America’s Job Creators – requires Congressional approval of any major government regulation. I’ve been wondering about these elusive “job creators” every since I first heard the Republicans bandy the term around, but we have yet to be informed of who these people or corporations (I guess they’re the same thing now) are and what they have been doing for the American worker. I guess with “no regulations”, they will be even more free than before to send American jobs overseas, pollute the environment like the big uranium companies who killed off large portions of western Colorado, and whatever else they feel like doing at the expense of the American people and the Nation. God forbid that a corporation be accountable to any regulations or laws. Yep, can’t see why the Dems didn’t vote unanimously for THAT one.

The Workforce Democracy & Fairness Act
(H.R. 3094) passed last week stops the Obama administration’s National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) from circumventing Congress to allow job-threatening “ambush” union elections. In other words, let’s weaken the unions even more before finally outlawing them. Heaven prevent that the American worker get a fair shake. In fact, let’s bring back the 14 hour day (Hey! I’m already working that), abolish the minimum wage, and make OSHA a thing of the past. Those Republicans – so slavish in obedience to their Super Pacs!

Regulatory Flexibility Act
: As far as I can figure, this Act will force the Forest Service, the Bureau of Land Management and certain Indian tribes to throw out the National Environmental Policy Act and the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act in favor of small businesses (less than 500 employees) who wish to set up money making ventures on public lands. Logging and mining companies will have a field day, and, as usual, slither out of making even the smallest attempt to repair the damage they cause to forests, rivers, ecosystems, wildlife, etc. How nice for them. I’m sure our children will enjoy visiting mine tailings sites and eroded mountainsides.

I could go on, but why bother? If you can’t read this stuff with an analytical mind and a critical eye, why waste your time? These are NOT job bills. They are anti-regulatory bills. Hello?

TheMercenary 02-24-2012 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 797450)
Ask the man in charge ...

25 House-Passed Jobs Bills Stuck in the Democratic-Run Senate


You beat me to it. Not to mention an actual Budget which also passed the house and Demoncratically controlled Senate and Hairy Reed refuse to even discuss. Why? Because he would have to compromise and pass some stuff the Repubs want to get done and he doesn't want to even bring it to the floor for discussion. They could pass a budget with a simple majority if they wanted. I think he is just hanging on hoping Obama gets re-elected.

Lamplighter 02-24-2012 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by SamIam (Post 797467)
Oh, come on Classic. Surely you can dig up something a little less partisan than Republican House Speaker Boehner’s blog! If you want to read a lot of whining, that blog will keep you entertained, but if you want a serious unbiased view of the issues, you’re better off watching Jon Stewart.

Here, here !

SamIam 02-24-2012 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by TheMercenary (Post 797477)
You beat me to it. Not to mention an actual Budget which also passed the house and Demoncratically controlled Senate and Hairy Reed refuse to even discuss. Why? Because he would have to compromise and pass some stuff the Repubs want to get done and he doesn't want to even bring it to the floor for discussion. They could pass a budget with a simple majority if they wanted. I think he is just hanging on hoping Obama gets re-elected.

Why is it the Dems who are always supposed to compromise? If you bothered to read that link, you would see that those Republican REGULATORY bills do not concede so much as a single inch. All of them are about giving free rein to the robber barons and allowing them to ride rough shod over everybody else. Tell us just how many jobs even one of those regulatory bills is supposed to create. Tell us just how many jobs the "job creators" have created since they got all those Bush era tax cuts. And I mean jobs here in the US, not off shore somewhere. And please, please do not present us with a 250 word cut and paste from some ultra right wing "think tank." Stretch yourself. :eyebrow:

classicman 02-24-2012 11:38 AM

Sam - Did you not read the sarcasm in that? REALLY????

SamIam 02-24-2012 12:14 PM

No, REALLY I didn't (and neither apparently did Merc). Sometimes you seem to play both ends against the middle which can make you interesting, but hard to figure out. :confused:

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