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Old 11-03-2004, 06:05 PM   #1
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A funny thing happened on the way to work today,

It was really eery, you know how sometimes you just have that feeling that things are not right in the world? I had chills down my spine and couldn't get the goosebumps to go away - my hair stood on end. For the life of me I couldn't figure out what was spooking me, but I new it darkness - just pure evil. I followed my same route during the morning commute just knowing that something unusual was waiting for me, anticipating my every move, I was terrified I tell you. And then halfway, through my commute it happened. I went into the same tunnel that I do every morning but when I exited that tunnel my world turned upside down. I realized that I could still see the sun. THE SKY HAD NOT FALLEN AS I EXPECTED!!! How could this happen, or not happen as the case may be? GWB was reelected - stars should be falling from the sky, earthquakes ripping my country apart, livestock falling dead from disease and people giving in to the cold hand of famine brought to them courtesy GWB.

I was so shocked and taken aback at the image of normalcy I was witnessing in Phoenix I started flipping through the radio stations. Surely the rest of the country must be overcome with death and destruction. But alas, I found no sign of these events that were foretold. Was I misled? In my preelection research I'm sure that I was told that a Bush reelection would inevitably trigger the apocolypse.

I sat in my office today just knowing that if I searched the internet I would be overwhelmed by the news of GWB and his brownshirts shutting down planned parenthood clinics, rounding up people with dark skin into corals for processing on their way to the ovens, doors being kicked in so our children might be forced into the military, and advertisements asking me to purchase a recently shredded piece of the original Constitution.

But it must be even worse than I thought - I did not find one news story denouncing these events. The only possible explanation is the Bush Co has taken over all the media sources. Bush and his evil minions surely crushed all the fine Americans who bravely stood in opposition to his world domination tour under the heals of their hobnailed boots. But no evidence exists in the evening news, the paper, the radio, the internet. The Bush Oppression Plan has been successful.

As I sat here at my desk with a tear in my eye, one shining hope appeared before me - THE CELLAR! Surely Bushco can't suppress those brave souls from getting news of the apocolypse out, could he?


as i read the posts from the last 17 hours my heart slows and my goosebumps fade away. the truth has been given to me. I wasn't deceived - how wonderful! The end truly is here - those brave souls are going to lead an exodus to far away lands of freedom and liberty!

Now I feel whole again. I'm secure in the knowledge that this Bush reelection will open the door to the end of this experiment called America. It must be so, I saw it in The Cellar.
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Old 11-03-2004, 06:09 PM   #2
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The meth lab is going well, eh?
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Old 11-03-2004, 06:28 PM   #3
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sorry to be melodramatic folks but i was a bit surprised when i logged in here today. the reason i enjoy the cellar is because of the people who i find here. while we often disagree on issues, the strong majority of cellarites are rational people. but i think it may be time for wolf, bri, and whoever else can help to break out the meds - bring it down a level folks.

i'm not suggesting that anyone should be happy that their candidate failed to be elected. i understand that it pisses you off. i even understand the reasons why you think this is a catastophe. mourn your candidacy in an honorable fashion and then start preparing for the next go 'round with the lessons learned this year.

But remember above all - this happens every four years. the US political scene is just like a big pendulum. It swings way out the right for awhile and the it comes back and swings way out to the left and then it swings way out to the right and then... do you see a pattern?

America goes to far to the fringes at times - but just like a pendulum it always comes back. and it will this time too. just look forward to the day when the D's can gloat over the R's who are crying their beer over another missed opportunity - remember 1996?

the facts still remain that in 2004 the democratic party did not put forward a ticket that people felt comfortable supporting. Kerry and Edwards are most likely good men who would have done the best they knew how to do if elected. but the ticket was spoiled. 51% of Americans didn't were turned off to the idea of those two in office. there are a lot of reasons. probably the biggest being Kerry's post vietnam actions. some of it boils down to the fact that while we heard over and over that only the rich would have their taxes raised - middle class america knows that it doesn't really work that way.

My hope is that the leadership of the democratic party spends the next four years taking their party back from their own extremists. a strong moderate democratic party is one that a majority of americans would back. a D party that truly focuses on good jobs, good education, and a strong but reasonable approach to the world beyond our borders would draw people back and lure a lot of moderate R's in. If Kerry really was the person he pretended to be after the Clinton leadership team came on board he would have been elected. i honestly believe that. unfortunately he had a record that didn't fit with the new image. (a problem that any sitting senator will face in a presidential race)

In also hope that a new party will take root to pull the moderate republicans back toward the middle. if the Libertarian party wasn't so over the top in their idealism they could do it. unfortunately there are too many Radars within their midst to gain broadbased support quickly. but, hopefully the party will mature and adopt a more realistic approach to the world as they gain more seats in the government.

anyway - those are my thoughts. accept them or ridicule them - it's your choice.
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Old 11-03-2004, 06:28 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by sycamore
The meth lab is going well, eh?
other than the damn bugs that i can't seem to get off my arms? yeah.
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Old 11-03-2004, 07:04 PM   #5
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Well don't get too comfy, friend, because on post-election day one we have...TADAAAA!

Surprise number one!

And if you think that it was a coincidence that this anouncement happened after the election was safely over, then Wolf would be glad to find accomodations for you.

As for suprise number ...something..., remember how Bush 41 had to reluctantly go back on his "no new taxes" promise. How long before Bush 43 has to go back on the "no draft" promise?

The incredibly short time period between end of election and the first surprise gives me an eerie impression of a stack of similar bad news sitting on a desk in the oval office waiting to be parceled out each week.

Of course, with Republicans safely controlling both houses of Congress, it's going to be hard to blame "the liberals in Congress". But I'm sure Mr. Rove will give it the old college try.

But you tell me over, and over, and over, and over again my friend
You don't believe we're on the eve of destruction
No, no, you don't believe we're on the eve of destruction
Exercise your rights and remember your obligations - VOTE!
I have always believed that hope is that stubborn thing inside us that insists, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us so long as we have the courage to keep reaching, to keep working, to keep fighting. -- Barack Hussein Obama
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Old 11-03-2004, 07:07 PM   #6
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rich that is old news. they've been wrangling that one for awhile. last talk was they were sure they could make it through august and september but it was expected before the end of the year.

no - i don't think it is a good thing. i'm just not prepared to watch for the falling sky.
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Old 11-03-2004, 09:15 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by lookout123
i'm just not prepared to watch for the falling sky.
Long ago there was a beautiful Indian princess, Shining Star, who had reached the age of marriage. Three young braves vied for her hand -- Running Bear, Tall as Tree, and Falling Rock. But Shining Star was wise. All three were strong and handsome, but she wanted more to know what was in their heart of hearts.

So she put to them a task. Each one must travel. They must bring back the most brave and free creature they could find.

After many weeks, Running Bear returned with a large stag that he had managed to kill with just his knife and his cunning. Shining Star respected his gift, but waited to see what the others would bring.

After much more time, Tall as Tree returned. On his shoulder was a magnificent eagle. Tall as Tree had befriended the eagle and it traveled with him now as a companion. Shining Star could see that Tall as Tree had been wise, for the eagle had been brought back, but was still free.

They waited many more seasons but, sadly, Falling Rock never returned. In the end, Shining Star married Tall as Tree. But she always wondered what fine and wonderful thing that Falling Rock would have brought back. After years, the travels of Falling Rock became legend. Some still wait for him to return. And that is why to this very day, if you look you can see the signs... that say "Watch for Falling Rock".

All right, all right. It's no sillier than lookout's story.
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Old 11-03-2004, 09:37 PM   #8
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good job dar! we do still have our humor.
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Old 11-04-2004, 06:26 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by lookout123
I sat in my office today just knowing that if I searched the internet I would be overwhelmed by the news of GWB and his brownshirts shutting down planned parenthood clinics, rounding up people with dark skin into corals for processing on their way to the ovens, doors being kicked in so our children might be forced into the military, and advertisements asking me to purchase a recently shredded piece of the original Constitution.
Your error is expecting the apocalypse to happen so quickly. They have four years (since the House and Senate are now too lopsided for the Dems to reasonably retake in 2006), all the time in the world to let their own special brand of theocracy creep in incrementally. Judicial appointments and a retry of the Constitution Restoration Act are the first steps, and then the "America is a CHRISTIAN NATION" froot loops will have legal grounds to stand upon.

Take a good look at Alabama. It'll look awfully familiar soon.

The theocrats have the tools to do whatever they want now. They just have to space it out gradually so that Joe Average doesn't wake up.

Last edited by vsp; 11-04-2004 at 06:34 AM.
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Old 11-04-2004, 12:06 PM   #10
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The apocalypse is set for 2012. It will not be the job of this administration. it's for the 2008 team.
wolf eht htiw og

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High Priestess of the Church of the Whale Penis
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Old 11-04-2004, 12:12 PM   #11
Happy Monkey
I think this line's mostly filler.
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I can see why you're expecting Santorum...
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Old 11-04-2004, 07:06 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by vsp
The theocrats have the tools to do whatever they want now. They just have to space it out gradually so that Joe Average doesn't wake up.
Yup. And if they were really *smart* theocrats, they'd legalize ganja to go along with the tobacco and alcohol so that Joe Average would be too fucked up to care that someone was about to tattoo his SS # on his forearm.
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Old 11-04-2004, 07:38 PM   #13
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Lookout, I just don't think you and the other pro-Bush folks can even begin to understand the animosity the rest of us feel toward the president. The Cellar has actually been quite moderate in its response when compared with other spots on the net. I took a peek just now at the masses over on AOL, and it's like checking in on the howling gates of hell. There is so MUCH rage that it's scarey. I almost could give credence to the thought that has been bandied about that four more years of what we've already experienced will bring us close to civil war. If Bush thinks he got a mandate from this election, he's a damned fool.
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Old 11-04-2004, 09:36 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by marichiko
If Bush thinks he got a mandate from this election, he's a damned fool.
and if you think that the cellar is truly representative of society at large, you are a damned fool.

this board is primarily inhabited by fairly liberal folks - and that isn't a bad thing. but it is amusing to me that when you all get together in your post election moarning stage (which you deserve) the only thing you come up with is that 54,000,000 + people were either fooled, stupid, or evil. while some of them are - you just can't accept that a lot of americans looked at the same information you have access to and came up with different conclusions. that doesn't make one group intelligent and the other stupid - it makes them different.

the pendulum will swing back without the end of the world. it would be difficult for a republican to be elected in '08. the best thing that could possibly happen for the democratic party is to learn the lesson of '04 and take it to heart. bring the party back to the center so that americans have a choice between the far right and the far left. if that happens i, and many others, will again vote for a democrat for president. i don't want a candidate who only talks tough about the world scene for a few weeks before the election. i said it before - if Kerry's last 20 years gelled with his last 2 months i would have actively campaigned for him.
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Old 11-05-2004, 12:09 AM   #15
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Lookout, I never said the Cellar was a representative cross section. I was talking about AOL. I don't know how representative that group is either, but certainly its far larger and much more diverse. I very rarely mess around on AOL, I just use it to interface on to the net. Tonight, however, one of their headlines got my eye, and I checked out their nationwide discussion. It was VERY nasty.
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