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Old 09-22-2003, 04:37 PM   #1
Radical Centrist
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The continuing LUVBUGZ thread

Why befoul an IotD thread with personal crap? That's not fair to readers there because there are people who read there who don't read the rest of the Cellar. Let's do it here, where one can be more direct and personal. It's just us here.

Out with it then. LUVBUGZ: the good, the bad, the beautiful, the ugly. Let's discuss BUGZ in all ways. What do you like? What do you not like? What do you hate? What do you love?
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Old 09-22-2003, 05:06 PM   #2
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I'll have to admit to being absent for a few days. Which IotD thread are we talking about?
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Old 09-22-2003, 05:11 PM   #3
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Out of all the BS floating around here DagNEY is the only one to just come out and say she doesn't like me. Thank God someone can at least be honest about it and not try to cover up their real feelings with hidden innuendos. Thanks to you DagNEY, the feeling is mutual.
Now there you go again, Dear. You're saying everyone doesn't like you and is covering it up with innuendos. That's neither true or fair to "everyone". C'mon now, you don't want to be like the old man and dump on anyone you think might be thinking ill of you, do you?
You have to be careful with retaliation because if you're wrong you look stupid to the other people, besides the one you're retaliating against.
You think you're being held to a tighter standard than others. Yes, you probably are, just because of history. If a cat claws you, don't you watch it closer for awhile after that?
As much as I respect Dagney's opinion, DON'T go AOL. That's just disgusting.
Smile Baby, and the world smiles with you.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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Old 09-22-2003, 05:17 PM   #4
The Prodigal Brat Returneth
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Oh...thanks Toad....give me something to play with AFTER I gave it up.


Although I have a feeling, I'm not done yet.
The Constitution gives every American the right to make a total fool out of himself. But that doesn't mean you need to.

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Old 09-22-2003, 05:22 PM   #5
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Just do a search for everything posted by LB for the last two days.
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Old 09-22-2003, 05:35 PM   #6
Umm ... yeah.
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From Bugz:
Now how the heck was I being mean to you Whit?????? Where's the "thick skin"?
      But I was JOKING! Why is it everything I say pisses everyone off??? Couldn't you see the smilie??? Why can't I make the same jokes as everyone else?

A friend will help you move. A true friend will help you move a body.
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Old 09-22-2003, 05:37 PM   #7
The Prodigal Brat Returneth
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Originally posted by xoxoxoBruce
You think you're being held to a tighter standard than others. Yes, you probably are, just because of history. If a cat claws you, don't you watch it closer for awhile after that?
Ah, but Bruce, in the World According to Bugz, she's never done ANYTHING wrong. We're just mean, evil, and randomly attacking her.

Oh yeah, and I'm a stalker.
The Constitution gives every American the right to make a total fool out of himself. But that doesn't mean you need to.

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Old 09-22-2003, 05:43 PM   #8
Umm ... yeah.
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      Now now, Dagney, let's give Bugz her fair say first. UT appears to be looking for her to get specific about stuff, lets see what happens shall we?

      Hey Juju, nothing new dude. Same stuff different day. You can pick it up here without feeling you missed anything, just a few pointless specifics that'll clear up quickly. You were mentioned once though, pregnant ad IOTD, appearantly having you on a thread makes it a party. Neat huh?
A friend will help you move. A true friend will help you move a body.
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Old 09-22-2003, 05:45 PM   #9
The Prodigal Brat Returneth
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I agree with you Whit, but I also think it's a vent place for the rest of us who are sick of shovelling
The Constitution gives every American the right to make a total fool out of himself. But that doesn't mean you need to.

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Old 09-22-2003, 05:53 PM   #10
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It's not exactly the same! That's got different feet on it, and a different quality of leather... close though.
UT, I get the impression from the exclamation point at the end of the first sentence you were....snapping. Over reaction due to the same reason you started this thread?
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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Old 09-22-2003, 06:07 PM   #11
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Re: The continuing LUVBUGZ thread

Originally posted by Undertoad
Why befoul an IotD thread with personal crap? That's not fair to readers there because there are people who read there who don't read the rest of the Cellar. Let's do it here, where one can be more direct and personal. It's just us here.

Out with it then. LUVBUGZ: the good, the bad, the beautiful, the ugly. Let's discuss BUGZ in all ways. What do you like? What do you not like? What do you hate? What do you love?
Sorry UT, I wasn't thinking about the casual visitor or possibly new recruits that come by way of the IotD thread. BTY, that's how I got here in the first place. It was the Purple Polar Bear a friend e-mailed to me. I had never visited a forum before that and didn't really grasp the idea that it is like a whole little universe in and of itself. Fortunately for me, apparently unfortunately for you and the rest of the Cellar heavy hitters, the first person I talked to was bgmb, I think that's right, I call her "B". I sent her a PM asking how to make a post and she graciously helped me out. In my naivete I jumped in head first, or maybe head-up-ass first, and started posting away, not realizing that not everybody in the Cellar would be as friendly or welcoming. I saw people basing on each other left and right and thought WOW, I do that pretty good, I'll definitely fit in here. Boy, was I ever wrong about that. Next I see Dave giving Anne a huge blast of shit in the Digital Airbrushing thread. He went off like a bull with a cattle prod to his nuts. I personally thought he went a little overboard, but he has a right to his opinion. Geez, I thought, you can cuss and everything here and no one really gives a big happy crap, it just makes for an entertaining flamefest. Boy was I ever wrong on that one too. Almost from the minute I opened my big ass mouth I've been hit upside the head everywhich way possible. I could accept that if it was in good jest, but for the most part it's not. Many people around here are actually pretty damn mean, and if it weren't for the good ones I'd just leave and let you guys enjoy the thrill of victory whilst I ran away with my tail tucked between my legs and endured the agony of defeat all by my lonesome. I'm perfectly fine with people not liking me or disagreeing with me, but we should still be able to carry on a perfectly civilized discussion/debate in an adult manner. Not everybody likes everybody else, that's life. As I've said before at least DagNEY can come out and say it to my face rather than beat around the bush. That I can deal with even if she chooses not to deal with me. At least we both know where we stand with each other. I can even accept that not every comment made to me is a direct attack, but it is rather difficult to take advice from somebody who continues to do so while ripping my head off and shitting down what used to be my throat (I'm NOT refering to your earlier advice in the Abdomen thread). I heard what you said there and was going to try and heed it, before you posted again asking me not to post in any of your threads. Damn UT, am I really that despicable of a person that you don't even want to see my name in the same thread as your's? I never knew you felt this way. See what I mean about people just coming out and saying what's on their minds. I still don't really see what I did to piss you off to the point of basically telling me to take a hike. I have tried over and over and over to explain in detail to people here how I have taken their comments, why I feel the way I do and still no one can admit that they were in the least bit partially to blame for the their part in the misunderstanding or whatever you want to call it. Well, I can remember one time Whit fessed up he was a "little" condesending, but before I could thank him for realizing why I took offense, he rolled out another stink bomb and left it at my feet. I really don't know what I can do or not do to fit in around here. I guess I just don't, period. I've tried to be like one of the gang, I've tried to be funny, I've been a bitch, I've tried it all and still the littlest thing can set off a torrent of 'liquid feces'. I could go on and on, but I'm sure you've lost interest after the first couple of sentences.
You can't catch me...don't even try...go do something else...see ya next year.

Mama Loves You Baby Girl ~ May You Rest In Peace
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Old 09-22-2003, 06:21 PM   #12
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Originally posted by xoxoxoBruce
Now there you go again, Dear. You're saying everyone doesn't like you and is covering it up with innuendos. That's neither true or fair to "everyone". C'mon now, you don't want to be like the old man and dump on anyone you think might be thinking ill of you, do you?
You have to be careful with retaliation because if you're wrong you look stupid to the other people, besides the one you're retaliating against.
You think you're being held to a tighter standard than others. Yes, you probably are, just because of history. If a cat claws you, don't you watch it closer for awhile after that?
As much as I respect Dagney's opinion, DON'T go AOL. That's just disgusting.
Smile Baby, and the world smiles with you.
See, everybody. Bruce is actually giving me helpful advice without shitting it out his ass and smearing it in my face. Although he's done that too in a more private setting . But I didn't hold it against him when he did because I know Bruce is really trying to help me out and not just flinging shit to fuel the flamefest. Sure it hurt a little bit, no one likes to be told they're an asshole when all the joking and sarcasm is set aside for a moment, but I thought about what he said to me and tried to change for the better. Anyhow, Bruce, I thank you for your continued support (or deflea-ing) as you like to call it.
You can't catch me...don't even try...go do something else...see ya next year.

Mama Loves You Baby Girl ~ May You Rest In Peace
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Old 09-22-2003, 06:31 PM   #13
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Originally posted by Dagney
I agree with you Whit, but I also think it's a vent place for the rest of us who are sick of shovelling
DagNEY, I thought we agreed that neither of us like one another and that you've said your peace, ripped me one last good one for the road in the Pregnant Ad IotD, and decided to ignore me from now on. Granted you are free to go where you wish and comment on any post you wish, but I wondering why you are here??? There are plenty of your buddies here willing and able to continue where you left off. I thought at least I wouldn't have to worry about you anymore. We aired our stinking laundry, let that be the end of it. No one is asking you to shovel anything so why is the shovel still in your hand
You can't catch me...don't even try...go do something else...see ya next year.

Mama Loves You Baby Girl ~ May You Rest In Peace
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Old 09-22-2003, 06:37 PM   #14
Radical Centrist
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LB, if you review the threads I believe that you'll find that I've offered you nothing but helpful advice in a calm way and you took a big huge dump all over me for it.

I particularly enjoyed how you turned up to 11 to respond to my post suggesting you turn down to 4. It was a really supreme ironic twist.

You haven't really read a word I've said, because you are emotionally manic. You thrive on attention, and it really doesn't matter how you get it. You are absolutely desperate for human contact, and you don't know exactly how to go about getting it.

You will read this as me putting you down. But I am not; I am being your opposite. I am coldly, unemotionally stating facts.

There may be an awesome human being behind this attention-seeking emotional mania. But we can't see it, and won't make contact with it, because the mania gets in the way.
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Old 09-22-2003, 06:46 PM   #15
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Originally posted by Whit
      But I was JOKING! Why is it everything I say pisses everyone off??? Couldn't you see the smilie??? Why can't I make the same jokes as everyone else?

Shit Whit, hey that rhymes (I've always wanted to call you Nit Whit, but given my inability to convey a funny or sarcastic remark, I've fought the urge:p , but look I finally managed to slip it in a post ), anyhoo, stop poking little funnies at me when you know damn good and well I can't respond with my own little tidbits. You're not helping, just teasing now. Like waving a juicy steak in front of a pitbull chained to a tree. Free me from my chains Whit to run unabashed through the Cellar in all it's glee and jovialness (is that a word?, or maybe, just maybe I misspelled it, but of course you wouldn't be so rude as to correct my spelling....that would deifintely be an unforgivable PERSONAL ATTACK that I would have to live with for the rest of my wretched, flea ridden life):p :p :p :p :p
You can't catch me...don't even try...go do something else...see ya next year.

Mama Loves You Baby Girl ~ May You Rest In Peace
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