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Old 06-14-2004, 10:58 PM   #1
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Are you safer today?

from the BBC Bush foreign policy under attack
A group of senior former US government officials will release a statement later this week condemning President George W Bush's foreign policy. The group call themselves Diplomats and Military Commanders for Change.

They say Mr Bush's policies have made the US more isolated and less safe, and damaged its standing in the world.

The BBC's Jon Leyne in Washington says former officials have criticised Mr Bush before, but this time the critics are especially well-respected.

They include William Crowe, who as chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, was America's top military officer and Admiral Stansfield Turner, a former director of the CIA.
Those signing the statement say they believe the Bush administration has made the international outlook more unstable and dangerous.

"A lot of people felt the work they had done over their lifetime in trying to build a situation in which the United States was respected and could lead the rest of the world was now undermined by this administration - by the arrogance, by the refusal to listen to others, the scorn for multilateral organisations," William Harrop, ambassador to Israel under President George Bush Senior, told the Los Angeles Times.

The signatories have also attacked US policy on Iraq, saying that all the assumptions made by the administration before the invasion have been proved wrong.
Nothing new here. The only people in the Cellar who like Bush do not even have the balls to put up facts in response to my so many citations. Citations from responsible sources all over the world. The mental midget president is just that. So bad that even Bill Kristol of the Weekly Standard, a vulcan, and a founding member of the Project for a New American Century has publically criticized this administration for making a mess of Iraq. More important, lets not forget why no one is going after Osama bin Laden.

Virtually every high ranking and now retired US General has called George Jr's war on Iraq wrongheaded. They say Saddam was completely cornered and was not a threat to anyone. Today we know that is completely true. So why is bin Laden running free? Blame the intelligence of this president and those who blindly support him.

In the meantime, watch interest rates. This is what happens when a government is spending like a mad dog. Yet does not even ask Congress for the massive funds necessary to cover current costs in Iraq. We are now well over the $200billion mark and clearly on target to meet or exceed the $400billion cost to liberate people who did not want to be liberated. And lets not forget that the mental midget president originally said this war would only cost about $2billion because Iraqi oil would pay for it. How many lies does he have to tell before we call him a liar?

American foreign trade deficiets today set new world records. But then what should we expected when, for example, the mental midget president quashed jobs in the productive Steel reprocessors industry by raising tarriffs to save the massive salaries of anti-American, anti-innovative steel makers.

These people in the BBC news report will only criticize George Jr for making the world less safer. They will not mention his moves to stifle free trade. They will not mention the massive numbers of scientist who now proclaim that George Jr has undermined American science for his political agendas. Some in the Cellar will respond with references to their body functions rather then defend the mental midget president. Why? They have nothing - no facts - to justify their love for god's choosen president. The tone of this post is justifed by the damage that the George Jr administration has inflicted to America.

Insiders keep asking this question. Did George Sr approve of what George Jr did in Iraq? Why do they ask? Because George Sr's advisors and friends have been very critical of the George Jr administration. George Sr is suspected by many to have disapproved of George Jr's international policies and has choosen to stay silent. It is also known that George Jr never consults George Sr for advise. Many close friends of both have said so AND George Jr publically says he does not consult with his father. So yes, there is good reason to believe even George Sr does not approve of his son's international actions.

I still remember the look on Tom Clancy's face when Charlie Rose asked him why we have this mess in Iraq. Tom Clancy said quite bluntly, "Because we elect idiots". A clear and blunt reference to George Jr. , mental midget president. No wonder George Jr loves Sharon.
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Old 06-15-2004, 12:07 AM   #2
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Members of "Diplomats and Military Commanders for Change". Presidents that each member served under are listed in brackets []. Notice that this group is bipartisan - classic of the professional diplomats who serve all presidents without party affiliation. Many served both Democratic and Republican administrations. All agree that the current president and administration has seriously and single handedly undermined good work they had accomplished over many decades. LA Times provided names and their biographies.

Avis T. Bohlen — assistant secretary of State for arms control, 1999-2002; deputy assistant secretary of State for European affairs 1989-1991. [George Sr, Clinton, George Jr]

Retired Adm. William J. Crowe Jr. — chairman, President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Committee, 1993-94; ambassador to Britain, 1993-97; chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1985-89. [Reagan, Clinton]

Jeffrey S. Davidow — ambassador to Mexico, 1998-2002; assistant secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, 1996 [Clinton, George Jr]

William A. DePree — ambassador to Bangladesh, 1987-1990. [Reagan, George Sr]

Donald B. Easum — ambassador to Nigeria, 1975-79. [Carter]

Charles W. Freeman Jr. — assistant secretary of Defense, International Security Affairs, 1993-94; ambassador to Saudi Arabia, 1989-1992. [George Sr, Clinton]

William C. Harrop — ambassador to Israel, 1991-93; ambassador to Zaire, 1987-1991. [George Sr, Clinton]

Arthur A. Hartman — ambassador to the Soviet Union, 1981-87; ambassador to France, 1977-1981. [Carter, Reagan]

Retired Marine Gen. Joseph P. Hoar — commander in chief of U.S. Central Command, overseeing forces in the Middle East, 1991-94; deputy chief of staff, Marine Corps, 1990-94. [George Sr, Clinton]

H. Allen Holmes — assistant secretary of Defense for special operations, 1993-99; assistant secretary of State for politico-military affairs, 1986-89. [Reagan, Clinton]

Robert V. Keeley — ambassador to Greece, 1985-89; ambassador to Zimbabwe, 1980-84. [Reagan]

Samuel W. Lewis — director of State Department policy and planning, 1993-94; ambassador to Israel, 1977-1985. [Carter, Reagan, Clinton]

Princeton N. Lyman — assistant secretary of State for International Organization Affairs, 1995-98; ambassador to South Africa, 1992-95. [Clinton]

Jack F. Matlock Jr. — ambassador to the Soviet Union, 1987-1991; director for European and Soviet Affairs, National Security Council, 1983-86; ambassador to Czechoslovakia, 1981-83. [Reagan, George Sr]

Donald F. McHenry — ambassador to the United Nations, 1979-1981. [Carter, Reagan]

Retired Air Force Gen. Merrill A. McPeak — chief of staff, U.S. Air Force, 1990-94. [George Sr, Clinton]

George E. Moose — assistant secretary of State for African affairs, 1993-97; ambassador to Senegal, 1988-91. [George Sr, Clinton]

David D. Newsom — acting secretary of State, 1980; undersecretary of State for political affairs, 1978-1981; ambassador to Indonesia, 1973-77 [Nixon, Ford, Carter]

Phyllis E. Oakley — assistant secretary of State for intelligence and research, 1997-99. [Clinton]

James Daniel Phillips — ambassador to the Republic of Congo, 1990-93; ambassador to Burundi, 1986-1990. [Reagan, George Sr]

John E. Reinhardt — professor of political science, University of Vermont, 1987-91; ambassador to Nigeria, 1971-75. [Nixon, Reagan, George Sr]

Retired Air Force Gen. William Y. Smith — deputy commander in chief, U.S. European Command, 1981-83. [Reagan]

Ronald I. Spiers — undersecretary-general of the United Nations for Political Affairs, 1989-1992; ambassador to Pakistan, 1981-83. [Reagan, George Sr]

Michael Sterner — deputy assistant secretary of State for Near East affairs, 1977-1981; ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, 1974-76. [Ford, Carter]

Retired Adm. Stansfield Turner — director of the Central Intelligence Agency, 1977-1981. [Carter, Reagan]

Alexander F. Watson — assistant secretary of State for Inter-American affairs, 1993-96; deputy permanent representative to the U.N., 1989-1993. [George Sr, Clinton]
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Old 06-15-2004, 12:38 AM   #3
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Regardless of whether you feel that Iraq was a mistake, shouldn't the question now be: "how do we move forward?". Anyone with a reasonable measure of common sense, intelligence, and reading ability can see that Iraq should never have happened, but it has.

I'm in Australia, and many (the majority, but not me), supported Australia's involvement in the campaign (yes, most Americans do not realise this, but Aussie troops, jets, and ships fought alongside the US and British forces).

Now the majority here believe that it was a mistake to invade, but we stand by our government's commitment, and I doubt that more than a small percentage would support withdrawing our troops before the "mission" has been completed.

If the US backs off now there will be no stopping the terrorists. The situation is definitely a mess, but I can't see any way out, other than progressing forward, now. Bush has to finish what he started. Hopefully he will take a little more care with his next project.
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Old 06-15-2004, 06:28 AM   #4
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Hopefully, he won't have an opportunity to take on any more projects.
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Old 06-15-2004, 09:14 AM   #5
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I think that any increase in safety which has been wrought by Patriot, Iraq and Afghanistan are offset by the increased fervor our actions have instilled in the Arab nations and the radical factions therein.

In other words, yeah, some of the guiys who wanted to mess with us have been neutered, and some of the security holes have had a dirty rag stuffed in them, but now we have about ten times as many radicals who want our national balls on a plate, so the odds that something will succeed goes way, way up.
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Old 06-15-2004, 10:15 AM   #6
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Originally posted by bluesdave
Regardless of whether you feel that Iraq was a mistake, shouldn't the question now be: "how do we move forward?". Anyone with a reasonable measure of common sense, intelligence, and reading ability can see that Iraq should never have happened, but it has.
Solutions are not possible with the current president and his administration of vulcans. Anyone from a centralist position is being driving out of this administration that is moving more and more to extremist persons while putting up a front - a lie - of moving to a centrist position. No solutions are possbile until those who lie, advocate torture and violation of basic human rights, feel they can lead by going it alone, feel that the world is always wrong, assume that Saddam is a terrorist and bin Laden is not a threat, create silly international diplomacy such as the Roadmap, spend voraciously with money we just don't have, undermine American science and innovation, protect unproductive American companies with tarrifs, hinder investigations of corrupt companies (Enron, etc) only because it creates the uncertainty that in turn creates recessions, almost get us into a shooting war with China over a silly spy plane, ....

Need I say more about the real solution. This man is an idiot. A mental midget. Effective solutions to Iraq and other world problems are not possbile with this former alcoholic and bean counter in power. The US government is chock full of good, knowledgeable, informed, professional diplomats who could be solving even the Iraq problem. But we know from so many insiders that professionals are now subverted by political agendas. And if insiders discover facts contrary to that political agenda, then the administration will even out CIA agents in retaliation. Facts no longer matter. The truth is only found in political rhetoric. Solutions cannot survive under such extremist Rush Limbaugh type reasoning and threats such as the outing of CIA agents (without prosecution of those administration official for treason).

We cannot discuss any solutions until we eliminate the only reason why those solutions cannot be implemented - the mental midget president. Even in 500 BC, it was well understood that you don't disband the army and police of a conquered nation. Only a mental midget president would do that. Currently are the consequences of what happens when a man with insufficient intelligence and with no experience whatsoever becomes president - only because he is god's choosen president.

Yes I have been reading too many insiders so appauled at what has happened to the American government. We have never had a president lie so much since Richard Nixon. We have never had a president so ill informed since WWII. There are no solutions with this mental midget in power. A man so stupid as to make widespread looting and mayhem possible in Iraq, then even deny it was happening! A man who outrightly undermined the Oslo Accords. A man who undermines science in the name of religion. A man who sees everything only in black and white; good and evil. A man who destroys our relations with virtually every nation in the world. A man who makes the world so dangerous for Americans that it is now better to let foreigners think you are Canadian. A man who undermines the return of both Iran and N Korea into the world community. How can Iraq be solved when the American leader is a fool.

A statement of fact. Solutions are not possible with this president and his Rush Limbaugh reasonings. God clearly must hate us when he chose George Jr to be president. Once upon a time, nobody expected the Spanish Inquisiton. Then we elected George Jr.

Last edited by tw; 06-15-2004 at 10:18 AM.
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Old 06-15-2004, 11:59 AM   #7
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I watched the press conference today, that man is fucked in the head, seriously, you watch him talk, he gives me the creeps.

The attempts to link Saddam to terrorism were laughable. Despite the mess with Iraq once again they're trying to manipulate intel to suit political purposes, no wonder half the top intel people are bailing, they know they're the ones that are going to take the flack for political manipulation by Rummy and co. Rummy is all in a category of his own though, the intel the CIA were giving him wasn't hawky enough so he set up his own little intel shop inside the pentagon to turn out whatever information they needed for the next step in the 'new american centuary'.
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Old 06-17-2004, 08:00 PM   #8
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from CNN Bush insists Iraq, al Qaeda had 'relationship'
President Bush on Thursday said that there were "numerous contacts" between Iraq and the terror network.
Bush, in a brief appearance before reporters, was asked why the administration insists that Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda had a relationship "when even you have denied any connection between Saddam and September 11, and now the September 11 commission says that there was no collaborative relationship at all?"

The president answered:"The reason I keep insisting that there was a relationship between Iraq and Saddam and al Qaeda, because there was a relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda."
At what point do we decide that George Jr will never stop lying.
Bush reiterated that the administration never said that "the 9/11 attacks were orchestrated" between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda. "We did say there were numerous contacts between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda," he said.
Even though Cheney said otherwise and George Jr had to correct Cheney. Well George Jr forgot to mention that as a spokesman for his administration, Cheney did say Iraq was involved in the WTC attack.

Why is this news? The Nine Eleven commission just said that there was no relationship between Saddam and the WTC attack. George Jr again said they are wrong - and puts forth convincing evidence. Considering the credibility of this president, who are we to believe? The president who did everything to sideline, stifle, and impede this commission, or the Nine Eleven commission. One of those two must be lying. Need we guess which one?

Doesn't just make you safer knowing the president is living in a different world from the rest of us?
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Old 06-17-2004, 08:31 PM   #9
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from the NY Times Cheney Won't Back Down on Saddam - Qaeda Links - Aides
President Dick Cheney, who took the lead in pushing the idea of long-standing links between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda, has no intention of backing down despite a finding to the contrary by the Sept. 11 commission, aides said on Wednesday.

Administration officials stood by Cheney, who critics accuse of using faulty intelligence about alleged weapons of mass destruction and Iraqi links to al Qaeda to push the nation to war.

A White House official said Cheney's assertion, which he repeated this week, that the ousted Iraqi leader had long-established ties to al Qaeda, were based on ``facts.''
What should we call a whole flock of liars? A gaggle?

Don't we just feel so much safer now that Cheney knows in his heart that he can believe his own lies?
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Old 06-17-2004, 08:32 PM   #10
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Originally posted by tw
What should we call a whole flock of liars? A gaggle?
Nah...fucking idiots.
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Old 06-18-2004, 06:16 AM   #11
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Originally posted by tw
What should we call a whole flock of liars? A gaggle?
No, that's a murder of liars brother.
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Old 06-18-2004, 06:38 AM   #12
Happy Monkey
I think this line's mostly filler.
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An administration of liars.
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Old 06-18-2004, 06:48 AM   #13
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Flock works, they're gutless sheep after all.
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Old 06-18-2004, 03:51 PM   #14
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Originally posted by Happy Monkey
An administration of liars.
By jove, I think you've got it.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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