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Old 10-06-2004, 10:12 AM   #1
Stubbing the cigar of truth into the ashtray of your mind
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 3
Exclamation Bush, Kerry and the Awful Truth

The Lesser of Two Evils

October 6th, 2004

First fact for the day: Bush 1, Bush 2 and John Kerry all attended the same alma mater (Yale) and were members of the same society there, the Order of the Skull and Bones. For those who are uninitiated, the Order of the Skull and Bones was founded by a man named William Russell who, among other things, was responsible for running drugs such as opium through China in the late nineteenth century. This legacy of drug running was handed down through the society and those of its members that worked for Russell and his descendants, right up to Bush 1, who, as America's Drug Czar was in a unique position to further his financial gain through the trafficking of opium, heroin and cocaine. In fact, his company, Zapata Oil, was investigated for allegedly allowing smugglers to use its pipelines to transport drugs across several international borders. When Bush 1 worked for the CIA, he was responsible for putting together the infamous Bay of Pigs episode (Codenamed "Operation Zapata" [his company]), in which the principal vessels that carried the rebel forces were named Barbara (his wife) and Houston (his base). Strangely, on the Watergate tapes and other White House recordings, Nixon repeatedly referred to the Bay of Pigs and Bush's role in it. The only wacky thing in all of this is that Nixon was notorious for using the Bay of Pigs moniker as a codeword for something else, namely the Kennedy assasination. What, therefore, are the two things that the Bush family are neck deep in? Oil and drugs. Where is America currently fighting a war on two fronts at the instigation of Bush 2? Afghanistan (huge oil reserves and the largest opium crop in the world) and Iraq (oil central). Coincidence people? Gimme a fuckin' break. To recap, Fact 1 is that Bushes 1 & 2 as well as John Kerry (Class of 1966) all went to the same rich kid school and were all in the same rich kid club doing the same rich kid shit. Not to mention the fact that Kerry's wife, Teresa Heinz, is descended from Senator John Heinz, who was a Skull and Bones member during his graduating year from Yale, 1931. Guess it took a lot for Kerry to ask for her hand from a fellow Bonesman, eh? Let's move on.

America invaded Iraq for that noblest of political reasons, enlightened self interest. No nation acts for any other reason except when under pressure from another, stronger country. Saddam was a prick and Iraq will eventually be better off for his absence, BUT his being an asshole isn't why we invaded. His chemical and biological weapons (not WMD) were enroute after being shipped in by the French, and were re-routed to Syria at the last minute, but we didn't invade because of that either. Why did we go in? Was it, as the average anti war protester would say, because of oil. In part, yes, but really it was about securing America's position in the world. We all labour under the misapprehension that America has this vice like grasp on the world and the way it is run. This is only partly the case. America is a nation based on its economy. If America went broke, its power would be gone. If it did not have the financial wherwithal to offer (and withhold) foreign aid, the corporate muscle to essentially run the world's stock exchange and the currency that is synonymous with power and affluence, the dollar, America would just be another country without decent public transport or any discernable health care and a GDP on par with Nigeria or, if we were lucky, Chad. The American economy was based entirely on the power of the dollar in 1971 when Richard Nixon withdrew the US from the gold standard that dictates there be a reserve of gold equal to the currency in circulation. Instead, it was replaced with the only thing as inherently valuable to the modern world as gold...<<drum roll please>>...OIL. Due to the fact that America is the biggest consumer and trader in oil, the dollar became the de facto trading currency for oil. In a master stroke of economics and public relations, the reserve currency of America became...the dollar. How can the reserve currency be the same as the one in circulation, you ask? Well, if we buy more oil than anyone, and everyone else buys oil in our currency, then our biggest export ceases to be any commodity in the classic sense and becomes our currency. America's biggest export to the world is the dollar. Everyone has to buy oil in dollars, meaning that the US is essentially subsidising its own imports. We get more for our dollar at home and get less for our dollar abroad. Simple. So where did this turn into invading Iraq? Well, remember all the slanging matches with the French and the American government's bellyaching about the European Union and what a bad idea it is? Due to the single currency in Europe and the introduction of so many new nations into the Union, the EU and not the US is now the biggest buyer of oil with the most stable single currency. So our European friends got together and said, hey, why should we buy in dollars when the euro is now a stronger currency and we buy more oil anyway? So the EU put out feelers and lo and behold, someone bit and offered to trade oil in euros instead of dollars. Who was this masked man, this financial daredevil willing to risk the wrath of the Yanks and their shiny green paper? Saddam Hussein, dictator and all round dick, sticking a fat hairy middle finger up to the country that had sold him weapons and subsidised his genocide throughout the 80s and then imposed sanctions on him when he stepped away from the party line. "I'll do it" said the mustache man, and suddenly there are American troops on the streets of Baghdad. You know the rumblings about Iran? Iran agreed to sell in euros recently. You know the USA's antagonistic stance towards Venezuela's (democratically elected) President Hugo Chavez? Venezuela recently assumed presidency of OPEC and recommended the selling of oil for euros as an alternative or hand in hand trading policy to the dollar standard. Why don't Bush 2 and his pack of wolves want this? Because as soon as the dollar's domination of the global currency market and global oil trade is brought to an end, all those countries that buy our dollars won't anymore, because they'll be trading in euros. Once that happens, the dollars in circulation around the globe will eventually trickle back to the US, triggering a huge rise in inflation since there will be more dollars on the street than we need, and this in turn will trigger a recession to rival even the Great Depression of the 30s. So an example must be made. Iraq and Afghanistan now toe the line since they're being run by ex-UNOCAL employees who kowtow to the party objectives. Iran will back down or get fucked. Venezuela will experience continued instability as the CIA endeavours to unseat the President and install a more economically friendly leader.

Some people might say that in that case Bush did the right thing for his country. Others might argue that if we stop sticking our finger in the dam and instead try to sort out a solution that will operate in the long term without costing us billions of dollars and thousands of lives, we might end up not being hated by the rest of the world for stacking the deck and then shooting other people for cheating.

So when you answer the pollsters or tick that ballot box, at least know what you're really voting for. You're participating in a two party system that only differs from Communism in the number, not the quality, of the options presented. You will be deciding between two candidates with nigh on identical financial backgrounds and blue blood credentials. The only difference there is that you must consider is this: Which one of these men will prepare the USA and the world for the president after him? Which one will think ten years ahead of the game, twenty years ahead of the game, not just four years? Clinton handed Bush a budget surplus at the end of his eight years. Bush is now running a $6 trillion dollar deficit. For all his philandering and slickness, good ole Bill still passed on a country that was in a better state than when he got it. Will Bush? Obviously not, judging from his actual performance and not from the rhetoric offered by his party and their PR agency, Fox News. Will Kerry? Maybe. But when you're given the choice between definitely not and maybe, I'll take Russian Roullette over six in the chamber any day.

The world hates America right now. It didn't when Clinton handed over power. It didn't after 9/11. They do now. Was it us, the men and women in the street, who pissed off the rest of the world? I don't think so. The guy that did piss them off wasn't even elected by us.

John Locke once said that "if the government does not accurately represent the people, it is not only the right of the people to remove that government from power but their duty."
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