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Old 01-15-2005, 06:09 PM   #16
Traded your soul for pogs.
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Originally Posted by Kitsune
Her full explanation revealed all, though, and I found out that she had simply strung me along in order to try to get me to attend her church and convert. At that point, her conversations with me about philosophy suddenly had much more meaning -- she was finding out which side of the fence I was on and through this she found a heathen she wanted to save to get points with the big man in the sky and did everything she could in order to send me down the right path. That was her goal, nothing more, and once she found out I was "too far gone", even friendship wasn't permissable.

Was she mormon?
I love England, what can I say?
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Old 01-15-2005, 06:14 PM   #17
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No, she was Presbyterian.
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Old 01-15-2005, 06:16 PM   #18
Traded your soul for pogs.
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Originally Posted by Kitsune
No, she was Presbyterian.
Wow... I'm shocked.
I love England, what can I say?
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Old 01-15-2005, 08:42 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Kitsune
You should count your lucky stars she "dumped" you. Women like that are to be avoided like ebola. I guess a clue was spending all those late nights together with no "action." Sounds like her church was offering commissions for converts and, well, she couldn't close the deal. Not that it hurts any less, just some perspective.

This thread just makes me wish I knew "then" what I know now. *sigh*
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Old 01-17-2005, 12:35 PM   #20
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When I was in college, I was utterly smitten by a girl in one of my journalism classes. We had tons of chemistry, I thought. We'd sit around and talk, flirt across the room, team up for group labs. I finally got the nerve to ask her out (this took more effort than anything I had ever done or have done since - I was completely out of my mind over her) and she said yes.

I spent the remainder of the day hovering about 6 inches off the ground, wondering how life had gotten so good. The next night, when I called to confirm, she cancelled the date, saying she had a boyfriend and didn't want to cheat on him.

Have you ever had all the blood in your body migrate to your face in under a second? It's a singular experience. Damn. That sucked.

I'm not the most resilient person in the world. For a year and a half, everything I did was defined by that single rejection. I dated, but I never really gave anyone a chance. I didn't relate well to people - I figured if I couldn't have my first choice, I wasn't going to give myself emotionally to door #2. I had a lot of one-night stands. Hell, I had several one-hour stands.

My senior year, she reappeared in another class, and tried to start flirting, etc. I couldn't make myself be friends with her. What I did do, in a splendid display of tastelessness, was go out drinking at 11 in the morning with another girl from the same class. By classtime, we were both spectacularly drunk, laughing hysterically and leaning on each other to keep from falling over. I'm sure I looked really cool. I thought I was getting "revenge". Well, at least she didn't flirt anymore...
Sìn a nall na cuaranan sin. -- Cha mhór is fheairrde thu iad, tha iad coltach ri cat air a dhathadh
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Old 01-19-2005, 10:13 AM   #21
I can hear my ears
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Originally Posted by sycamore
So, James...when do we get to hear about your crush(es)?
well, ther was this one girl named Kristi. I noticed her the first day of 12th grade Biology. She was a junior, but smart enough to be in our class. I was a big fat scary looking "techer" I had long hair, a beard, black engineer boots, and weiged around 260 at 6'2". If i didnt have such a pleasant demeanor and a baby face, you'd have been afraid of me.

So, it was probably mainly the hormones of being 17 yrs old, but I was a bit smitten by her. I had secret fantasies of rescuing her from some desperate situation. I made friends with her in bio, played it cool, and then I started losing weight. I dropped about 60 lbs in the six months between november and june. I drew her portrait, and hung it up in my one artist show that year. i went to a couple parties that she was at, but I think I played the friend card to well, and she started dating a guy that was in college . he was a nice guy, the prick. Anyway, I wound up falling for a punk rock girl and forgetting about her. never seen her since. I saw her buddy one time a few years later, but i didnt ask about her.

pretty boring and cliche now that i write it down.
This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality
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Old 01-19-2005, 10:29 AM   #22
changed his status to single
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there was someone that i met in Jr High and maintained a crush on all the way through my sophomore year in HS. she wasn't going for it, but we did get to be incredibly close friends. i set the crush aside but didn't abandon it. for a few years i enjoyed being a serial dater. she never approved of any of the girls i dated. i was too stupid to pick up on other signs over the next few years. eventually, she got engaged and asked me to stand up for her at the wedding. being her best friend, i said yes. then about 3 months before the wedding she asks me if i think we could have a future together if she calls off the wedding. i was of course stunned, appalled, and excited. i thought the guy she was engaged to was a complete schmo and i did still carry a bit of the crush. in the end, i told her that i thought we might, but it is unreasonable to talk about it while still engaged. if she was tht curious she just had to take her chances and find out. she chose not to, i chose not to stand up in the wedding. (even if i didn't like the guy, i thought it would be disrespectful to take part in a wedding that was almost called off over me.)

she is still married to him 10 years later and has a couple of kids. she was EXTREMELY upset when a few years back i had a rather torrid summer fling with her younger sister. ah well, it was fun.
Getting knocked down is no sin, it's not getting back up that's the sin
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Old 01-19-2005, 04:07 PM   #23
Slattern of the Swail
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Originally Posted by lookout123
she was EXTREMELY upset when a few years back i had a rather torrid summer fling with her younger sister. ah well, it was fun.
WHAT??? I don't believe it!
Tell us more!
In Barrie's play and novel, the roles of fairies are brief: they are allies to the Lost Boys, the source of fairy dust and ...They are portrayed as dangerous, whimsical and extremely clever but quite hedonistic.

"Shall I give you a kiss?" Peter asked and, jerking an acorn button off his coat, solemnly presented it to her.
—James Barrie

Wimminfolk they be tricksy. - ZenGum
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Old 01-24-2005, 01:44 PM   #24
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I was in 9th grade, and where I lived, 9th grade was still in Jr High. I knew this kid named Jim Powell, who lived in my neighborhood. He was an 8th grader at the time. I thought he was so cute...he had really blond hair and blue eyes and he was incredibly annoying, which for some reason, I found endearing in the 9th grade. He played trombone in the band and I played flute, so I would turn around and look at him when I thought he might not see me. He was also in my math class. Anyway, I was obsessed with this kid...I drew a picture of him from his picture in the yearbook, and use to listen to songs that had the name "jim" or "jimmy" in the lyrics. I was a dreamer, so I would think about growing up as a teenager and dating him. I even imagined what our wedding would be like. I was truly in puppy love...Until one day I got enough courage to ask him out. I called him on the phone one day after school and asked if he wanted to go skiing with me over the weekend. He said he would think about it and then never called back or gave me an answer. I was so embarassed and ashamed...I thought he must have been laughing at me behind my back, because of it. I guess those kind of experiences are pretty common among young kids. I feel like that story is pretty boring and common. Maybe you guys will think I am a little psycho...hehe. Oh well.
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Old 01-26-2005, 11:53 PM   #25
halve your cake and eat it too.
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Geez.. I had this huge peice all written, but.. ya know it's just too complicated and I'd have ot do some graphs.. 8x10 colour glossy photos with little pictures and arrows on the back of each one..

suffice to say yes. and after a rather tumultous relationship she begged me to move across the country for her, I did.. and when I got there she dumped me for a coke dealer. then suckered me into getting engaged to her a few months later.. only to dump me for a future IT guy.. then 5 years later showed up on my doorstep (after I moved back here) next thing you know.. we're living together planning on getting hitched (for real this time) next thing you know... yeah you guessed it... she dumped me for her dance partner.. although we still talk from time to time.. it still breaks my heart.

oh yeah.. have I mentioned I'm a sucker for love? although a little colder these days
no my child.. this is not my desire..I'm digging for fire.
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Old 01-27-2005, 05:48 PM   #26
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It's still too tender to tell the whole story, but bottom line is, I thought he was all that, a bag of chips, 32 ounce drink and icee on the side. I was ignoring all the red flags that went up. I simply did not see them. He ended it when he left to go home and slept with a woman that I reallly really disliked (and he knew it). He had talked shit about her to me, then went out and screwed what was, essentially a whore.

I was devastated.

Impotentes defendere libertatem non possunt.

"Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth."
~Franklin D. Roosevelt
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Old 01-27-2005, 06:35 PM   #27
lurkin old school
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Thinking about this, my crush stories are all from my side, crushing on others, with one exception: there was this one guy, we'd been good friends since meeting in homeroom in 5th grade. He was a bud. We drifted apart a bit in high school, different crowds, but senior year and the summer following we kept meeting up at parties and rekindled our bud-ship. We talked a lot. He went to college on early entry that summer 1980 (Penn State), I wrote him and as a good adventurous 18 year old with my freshly minted fake ID, I went to visit him with a gang of others and check out the parties. This was seen as visiting HIM and after a few drinks, he got all emotional on me, possesive. I was really surprised that he had these feelings. I didnt handle it well in retrospect, I actually felt a bit betrayed or something, as did he. It was so wierd and unfamilar. I really hurt him. That had never happened to me before...I felt guilty, I must have flirted and led him on. But he had never asked me out, he knew I was seeing another fella (that he was not keen on), and he was having all sorts of identity problems and feelings of being lost- stuff I could in no way solve-though he seemed to think I could. Looking back on that (rare) experience so long ago, it's held in a dear place. This guy was the first to ever profess love and cry over me - and how often does that happen in your life? Now in my geezerhood, I'll always love him for that, for showing that. Last time we ran into each other was in about 1986 at the Capital City Mall, I remember talking about Freddy Mercury. Strange crush.
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Old 01-27-2005, 07:45 PM   #28
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My biggest crush ever was this long-haired rocker guy, a senior when I was a sophomore. He was in theatre with me, and we ended up being in a play together where our characters had to kiss. That was the first time I'd ever kissed a guy, on stage in the middle of rehearsal in front of the entire cast and crew. He wasn't that great of a kisser, but I didn't care. He was completely oblivious to me, however, as I was FAR from the only girl in school dreaming about him every night.

And the runner-up for biggest crush ever would have to be the current star of that television show "The O.C."--before he was famous. I went to high school with him, too, and he was just as cute back then as he is now. I was in a play with him as well, now that I think about it.
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Old 02-02-2005, 01:14 PM   #29
"I may not always be perfect, but I'm always me."
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Ugh...I have always hated having a crush on someone. To me, that meant, "You like him, but he won't like you the same way." Chalk it up to not having the highest of self esteem about myself. Kinda hard to do when you are a teenager, overweight, and have a best friend that the guys pratically drool over (she had, and still has, a nice "rack", so you do the math...). I seemed to always be the "cute friend" that guys didn't want to do anything with except hang out, etc. Looking back in hindsight, maybe that wasn't such a "bad" thing. But, at the time, it sucked big time.

So anyway, crushes. God, I had so many, it's sad really. I even had a brief crush on a cousin of mine. Damn, but he was fine!

Had a major league crush on a friend...who was/is gay....fool!!!! I didn't even try to "change" him, I just lusted for him from afar (or at least, as far away emotionally as I could get). Sucka....
"Freedom is not given. It is our right at birth. But there are some moments when it must be taken." ~Tagline from the movie "Amistad"~

"The Akan concept of Sankofa: In order to move forward we first have to take a step back. In other words, before we can be prepared for the future, we must comprehend the past." From "We Did It, They Hid It"
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Old 02-02-2005, 02:06 PM   #30
twatfaced two legged bumhole
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Clod, which one, Ryan? I watch it when I have a chance, I love Seth's sense of humor.
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