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Old 12-29-2012, 03:24 PM   #46
in a mood, not cupcake
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Posts: 3,034 don't seem to realize that when I said "you go with your bad self," I was being sarcastic. You are obviously not a 'bad boy' by any stretch of the imagination.

Feel free to keep your dreams of badassness alive...just don't include me in them, you rude, gross li'l bastid.
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Old 12-29-2012, 08:50 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by sexobon View Post
You're the dishonorable liar who cried "gun freak", "arsenal", and "bragging about his guns" when none of those are objectively true. You're grasping at straws like an aging whore who's lost her looks. You've disgraced yourself and discredited any subjective opinions you hold. It's sad that you're so desperate for attention from some such person as my "bad self"; yet, so caught up in denial that thou has protested too much and given yourself away with "I'd never paid you any mind before this thread.
Why do those, with an honest concern for big guns, use logic? Adults who are still children, instead, cannot use a prefrontal cortex. Logic is only found in adults who are adult. Who do not reply emotionally.

Posting cheapshots is routine in this thread. By posters enthralled by big guns. Sexobon demonstrates why those who need unrestricted big guns typically act like adult children. An adult, using the brain that forms after age 16, would not post personal attacks. Adults reply with logic; not with the emotional brain that characterizes children.

The emotional (adults who are still children) will adamently deny that reality.

Science also says some adults never form / use their pre-frontal cortex. But then my father fully enjoyed manipulating them with brainwashing. Children and adults who are still children can be told how to think. Will reply with anger, emotion, and cheapshots when manipulation is exposed. As Sexobon has done to bluecuracao.

Why is Sexobon so easily manipulated by the NRA? By not replying as an adult, he identifies himself as easily manipulated by advertising and other forms of brainwashing. The most easily brainwashed may ferocously attack others who are logical (adult). Just like a kid having a meltdown. Sexobon did just that.

Adults who are still children were told that cigarette smoking increases health. They believed it. That big guns increase safety. Another obvious myth. Adults, who still act like kids, are why guns have created so many massacres. The least adult among us need more and bigger guns. Hollow point bullets. NATO caliber assault rifles. And weapons that only serve one purpose - to hunt humans.

Why do adult children need that? The emotional, inspired by big guns and the thrill, would also post that personal attack on bluecuracao.

Sexobon demonstrates why gun violence is increasing. I expect Sexobon to reply again like an adult child. By not using what should have formed at age 16 - a prefrontal cortex. If using a prefrontal cortex, we would not be discussing why so many gun fanactics post cheapshots.

Adults using logic are not posting cheapshots. Adults recognize why unrestricted ownership of big dics - sorry - big guns only decreases safety. As statistics and history repeatedly demonstrate.

Let's see how many gun fanatics will try to use their prefrontal cortex. A logical Sexobon (engaging the prefrontal cortex) will post a serious and detailed aplogoy to bluecuracao. If not, well, that is why unrestricted gun ownership increases gun violence.
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Old 12-30-2012, 12:59 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by tw View Post
... But then my father fully enjoyed manipulating them with brainwashing. ...
It's not that complicated tw, it really isn't. There are some people, who when it comes to some issues, see things in black and white with nothing in between. When I presented an opinion that differed from Blue's, she erroneously attributed being a "gun freak", having an "arsenal", and "bragging about his guns" to me in a fraudulent attempt at sensationalism to deceive others. It's no different from when others misquote statistics to support their position. Each person decides for them self whether the erroneous information was presented accidentally; or, deliberately. If I believe that erroneous information was presented deliberately, I no longer take such people seriously and treat them as fodder for my entertainment. The issues no longer attach; therefore, neither do outside influences on my position on them.

A logical sexobon recognizes that this approach, of separating the two, is vastly superior to tw's routine mixing of "big dic", "brainwashed", "children", "so easily manipulated by... [Rush Limbaugh, Dubya, NRA...etc.] into serious discussions just because someone disagrees with him. Employing your usual modus operandi here suggests your reply wasn't for Blue's benefit; rather, you just used her situation to further your own agenda. That's where an apology is owed.

Sorry about your father.
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Old 12-30-2012, 04:56 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by sexobon View Post
It's not that complicated tw, it really isn't. There are some people, who when it comes to some issues, see things in black and white with nothing in between. When I presented an opinion that differed from Blue's, she erroneously attributed being a "gun freak", having an "arsenal", and "bragging about his guns" to me in a fraudulent attempt at sensationalism to deceive others. It's no different from when others misquote statistics to support their position.
OK. If statistics were wrong, then where are correct numbers in your post? Adult logic demonstrated wrong numbers by posting correct numbers. Meanwhile, I don't see anything from bluecuracao that justifies your cheapshots. But I do see plenty of child-like insults directed at bluecuracao because big guns fascinate you. You have demonstrated a big dic attitude. No insult. Just fact.

bluecuracao posted what was clearly reasonable:
I have never been able to get the first part. While individual protection against crime is perfectly understandable, the thinking that guns will protect anyone from so-called U.S. government tyranny is looney.
You replied:
Those trained in insurgency operations know how to take down the US government which is why our special operations forces are the first ones to be downsized after every conflict in which they are used.
Why do special forces have relevance? Then you speculate wildly, without any facts, of federal agents attempting to disarm Americans. A conspiracy to enslave us all?

Only sentence missing in that paragraph was a UN scheming to occupy America. Classic doctrine from the Michigan Militia. Even the Michigan Militia eventualy learned how to replace paranoia with reality.

Paranoia of federal agents explains an appropriate reply from bluecuracao:
Best of luck to you, my friend. Please just stay far, far away from anyone else with your arsenal and your paranoia.
Your phobia of government conspiracy was followed by this obviously illogical and emotional outburst:
Blue you ignorant slut, you lost your looks awhile ago and it's about time you wised up and realized that they're not going to get you by on the losing end of an argument anymore.
So that your outburst does not obfuscate what is relevant. You still have not posted those statistics. Adults provide hard facts. Children disparage.

Adults who are children also claim to have been special forces. You are obviously too emotional to qualify. Your integrity is clearly questionable.

"Blue you ignorant slut ..." is not from a stable adult. Unfortunately many who post emotional - who demonstrate no prefrontal cortex - also need big guns. To defend against a government conspiring to ... well, what exactly is government conspiring to do? Or were 1st graders also complicit in your conspiracy?

Just so you do not get confused by upwelling anger. Where are statistics that prove we all need big guns? Where, using hard facts, is an actual threat?

My agenda was clear. Honestly means facts and numbers. Your statistics exist only in allegations. Big weapons needed because government - as best I can tell from your post - is conspiring to enslave us all. Fear proves we all need weapons designed only to hunt people.

Rather than post statistics; you posted this lucid comment:
you wouldn't know the difference between bragging and simply relating information with the confidence that comes from experience even if the facts of a matter came up and bit you on your lazy ass. You present as being so burnt out that you either can't remember; or, can't be bothered to refresh you memory as to which dweller said what; or, has what. Typical crackpot, all mouth no brains.
Wow. While you were at it, why did you not also post "Jane you ignorant slut." Or do you also fear the crime of plagiarism?

So that you need not get confused by primordial anger - where are your statistics? Honesty means hard facts and numbers. You belittled bluecuracao for no logical reason. Because you were accurately categorized. Show us how you know something without insulting anyone. Post those statistics that you fear to share.

Last edited by tw; 12-30-2012 at 05:02 AM.
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Old 12-30-2012, 05:18 AM   #50
Slattern of the Swail
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ssshhhhhh! merc has been secretly replaced by sexobon - let's see if anyone notices!

btw, doing an ad hominem attack on a woman about her attractiveness/whorishness in an argument is like yelling Nazi.

You automatically lose. AND you get the 8th grade boys trophy for douche-bagness.

and I've seen your pic, sexobon. You're not much to look at, honey, so try to keep your mouth shut on that front. It'll just backfire on you. Like it did now.
In Barrie's play and novel, the roles of fairies are brief: they are allies to the Lost Boys, the source of fairy dust and ...They are portrayed as dangerous, whimsical and extremely clever but quite hedonistic.

"Shall I give you a kiss?" Peter asked and, jerking an acorn button off his coat, solemnly presented it to her.
—James Barrie

Wimminfolk they be tricksy. - ZenGum
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Old 12-30-2012, 10:29 AM   #51
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No solutions yet, this is what I think

I've been giving the "gun ban law" some thought, and here it is: this person steals guns, (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW), shoots and kills his own mother (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW), transports these guns loaded (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW), brings guns onto school property (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW), breaks into the school (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW), discharges the weapons within city limits (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW), murders 26 people (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW), and commits suicide (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW).
And there are people in this country that somehow think passing another ANOTHER LAW banning guns would protect us from someone like this. If you haven't noticed, people like this are not concerned about breaking laws - they only care about fulfilling their own twisted agenda. The only people that a gun ban law would impact are the LAW ABIDING CITIZENS, which will only serve to cripple the ability to protect ourselves.

>going to hide behind my Detroit riot rifle bought in the 70's never used for anything really<
Speaking simply... do not confuse this with having a simple mind.
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Old 12-30-2012, 10:50 AM   #52
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Speaking of existing laws, it's a federal offense to even try to buy a gun if you know you are not eligible. Yet of the hundreds of thousands (maybe millions) that have tried and been rejected, not one has ever been prosecuted.

tw asks...
Why do special forces have relevance?
Don't all posters, on any subject, post what's most relevant to their personal situation, what they're most familiar with?

Seems nobody has noticed before, that Sexobon is a most excellent shit stirrer when he wants to be. Probably too subtle, usually.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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Old 12-30-2012, 08:30 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by Nirvana View Post
No solutions yet, this is what I think
Some people have and always will try to kill others. Some people will always be mentally unstable. Neither peers nor the system have or will identify many of these people.

So what has changed? One thing. Suddenly these people are equipped and encouraged to arm themselves with unrestricted access to military grade weapons.

Nobody was saying anything about a gun ban no matter how often extremists insist that is being promoted. Only change is the intensity of weapons that have no purpose but to hunt and kill people in mass numbers.

So far we have been lucky. Attacks even back to Columbine were with weapons and ammunition intended to kill over 100. In so many cases, only weapon failure resulted in so few deaths.

Need protection? A .22 was always sufficient. A Darringer was easily could ward off a threat. But that does not do enough damage to satisfy the emotional. They need NATO rounds, hollow point bullets, 50 caliber rifles, and 155 mm howitzers. And then need sandbags, bullet proof glass, security guards with armoured vests, unrestricted wiretapping, hate of immigrants, and fear. Because the solution is only more weapons and a bunker mentality.

After is, it was always about them verses us - according to those who subvert an honest discussion.

Details to undermine so much gun violence is simple if only adults using a prefrontal cortex are negotiating a solution. But today, with tea party, Rush Limbaugh, NRA, professional propaganda machines massacrading as think tanks, and even the Chamber of Commerce all now promoted extremist rhetoric to the emotional, then a logical (adult) discussion is impossible.

Step one to a solution is to first identify the problem. Problem is so many now armed with numerous military style weapons and ammunition. Even clips that carry 100 rounds. These were not readily available and encouraged 20 years ago. A problem not just apparent in the US. These 'big dic' concepts are the primary reason for so much recent violence in Mexico. Where same criminals were not a major problem until the US started arming them with NRA promoted "protection".

Eliminate the soundbytes. Then the problem is traceable to what weapons a civilian needs. Why do we know need weapons that only have one purpose - to hunt and masscre herds of people? That is the only thing that has changed.
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Old 12-31-2012, 10:42 AM   #54
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Not an extremist > just saying

Clarification >I don't think anyone needs semi automatics or more than 10 rounds of ammo in a clip.

If you can't hit what you are aiming for with that number, you need target practice. Fuck whoever thinks they are going to rob me or my family or do us bodily harm in our own home. I don't mind my 8 shot limit, I think the hole would be the size of Texas...

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Speaking simply... do not confuse this with having a simple mind.
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Old 12-31-2012, 10:59 AM   #55
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I should say I live in the middle of nowhere 35 miles east of Gary IN and 16 miles north of one of the meth capitols in the US. The nearest police are 5 miles east but won't come here as they are city and I have to call county or state which would take 30 mins at least. I have had people/assholes come here shoot and gut my cattle before and then realize that they could not move a 1500 lb animal when it was dead. What if I would have walked up on them? Would they have shot me too? F that....
Speaking simply... do not confuse this with having a simple mind.
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Old 12-31-2012, 06:36 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by Nirvana View Post
Clarification >I don't think anyone needs semi automatics or more than 10 rounds of ammo in a clip.
And so you have what was good and sufficient 40 years ago when gun violence and massacres were not so routine. Your gun is good for hunting and for personal protection. Only wacko extremists say "liberals will ban shotguns". Only extremists say hunters need hollow point bullets and armour piecing rounds. Same people also say we need 100 round clips. Only wackos will advocate hand grenades, 100 round clips, and 155 mm howitzers to increase safety.

If a gun is illegal for hunting, then that gun is probably unacceptable even for personal protection. Nobody needs a gun designed only for hunting herds of people. But the NRA and its disciples say otherwise.
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Old 12-31-2012, 09:58 PM   #57
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A logical Sexobon (engaging the prefrontal cortex) will post a serious and detailed aplogoy to bluecuracao.
I agree, and I'm waiting for that apology.
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Old 01-01-2013, 08:59 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by bluecuracao View Post
I agree, and I'm waiting for that apology.
You posted on New Year's Eve, that you're waiting on me. Things are as they should be. Tw is dismally trying to analyze what his father left him incapable of understanding in an pathetic effort to get into blue's pants. Trilby says "... and I've seen your pic, ..." when I've never posted my pic on the internet! It's good to know the Cellar jesters are alive and still so easily riled as to provide me with continuing entertainment throughout the New Year. Carry on ...

Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce View Post
...Seems nobody has noticed before, that Sexobon is a most excellent shit stirrer when he wants to be. Probably too subtle, usually.
Mea culpa. The place was getting boring towards the end of the year.

Last edited by sexobon; 01-01-2013 at 09:17 PM.
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Old 01-04-2013, 10:58 PM   #59
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Nice Mossberg Nirvana.
"like strapping a pillow on a bull in a china shop" Bullitt
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