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Old 04-03-2006, 02:22 AM   #1
Wiseacre Emeritus
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Posts: 35
Cancer should not exist. Part 2

NOTE. When the medical authourities tell you that there is no evidence that Vitamin B17 prevents cancer all that means is that it has not been proven to the satisfaction of the FDA and NOT that insufficient research has been done. Vitamin B17 was first isolated in 1810 and was first used in cancer therapy as early as 1845 so there is well over 100 years of research.
The problem is that to for a new treatment to be approved by the FDA will cost upward of 250 million dollars in research which makes all medical research the exlusive domain of the large pharmecutcal corporations.
These corporations never carry out research on anything which cannot be patented or that you can buy on asupermarket shelf. When was the last time you picked up a prescription for fruit an vegetables if you dont beleive me.
In the 100 or so years since the isolation of B17 it has been demonstrated that cultures who have a diet rich in this vitamin are cancer free. The Huzas, The Escimos, The Abkasions, The Hopi and Navaho Indians of North America and some native populations of South America and South Africa all have in common that the degree to which they are free from cancer relates directly to the degree to which they have Vitamin B17 in their diet.
In other words as long as the adher to there native diet the cancer rate is zero. It is only when they become westernised and take on our diet that they become prone to cancer.
The Hunza's are of particular interest because they are an Apricot culture and their favourite delicacy is the the Apricot kernal. Although B17 is found in over 1200 different foods the kernals of fruit seeds other than citrus contain the highest concentration of B17 known to man Bitter Almonds being the richest source.
The Average Hunza has 200 times the intake of B17 in their diet than that of the average American.
At one time Millet used to be the staple grain for cattle. It is rich in B17 but has been replaced by wheat which is virtually devoid of it so there is no longer ressidual B17 in the meat we eat. Our Great grandmothers used to grind up the seeds of fruit in jams an preserves which they no longer do and mass production certainly does not utilise it in our food.
So over the last hundred years or so B17 has been gradually whittled out of the western diet and its during this same period that cancer has risen to the point where one in three people will be affected either directly or through a loved one.
In fact its more than one in three because the figure is only relevant if you count only those individuals whose cancer will develop to the point where it is diagnosible before they die by other means. There is an alarming number of autopsied males that are found to have prostate cancer after they have died by other means.

Before explaining how B17 tackles cancer i am going to go into a bit of detail about how cancer works and the first defence that our body has against this disease and then show how B17 works as the secondary back up.


In 1902 Professor John Beard an embriologist from Edinburgh University discovered that there is no discernable difference between cancer cell and Trophablast cells which occur in early pregnancy.
If you could see a speeded up film of trophablast in early pregnancy you would see it behave in exactly the same way as cancer. It does not become a part of the individual it is purely parasytic in nature. It grows and multiplies as it eats its way into the Uterice to prepare a place for the phoetus. This is the difference between a malignant lump and a benign one. The benign lump pushes away the sorrounding tisses wheras a milignant tumour eats its way into the surrounding tissue.
So why is it then that every pregnant woman does not end up with cancer.
Beard noted that aroud week 8 of early pregnancy that these cells begin to die off: Why.. He discovered that after 8 weeks the phoeutes pancreas becomes functional and that the pancreas secreates the enzyme Tripsin which plays a vital role.
normally the white cells responsible for fighting off didease will attack anything foreign to the body but because trophoblasts are not foreign the outer membrane contains a negative electro-static charge which the white cell also carries and so they repel each other like two magnets.
The enzyme Tripsin eats through the outer wall of the trophoblast leaving it fully exposed to the white cell which then destroys it.
With reguard to this it is interesting to note that the upper intestine near the point where the pancreas enters into it is the one place in the human body where cancer is almost never found and that also diabetics who suffer from a pancreas malfunction are 3 times more likely to contract cancer than non-diabetics.
Different cancer tumours have varying degrees of malignancy but baird noted that the more malignant the tumour the more it took on the characteristics of pregnancy trophoblast and that the most malignant tumours of all are indistinguishable from trophoblast or as Professor beard pointed out over 100 years ago they are one and the same.
So when the Stem cell combines with eastrogen to produce trophoblast in pregnancy the result is an ambilical cord and a placenta, but when this process occurs as part of the general healing process where tissue has been damaged by carcenogens then the result is cancer.
Well not quite. To be more accurate when this alternative healing process produces more trophoblast cells than the bodies natural defences can keep up with then the result is cancer.
And this is where Vitamin B17 comes in. This is natures secondary back should the first one fail. Here is how it works.

The B17 molecule contains 2 units of sugar 1 unit of Hydrogen Cyanide (Not to be confufused with industrial pottasium Cyanide) and 1 unit of Benzaldehide.
These ingredients are locked inside a membrane and are completely inert until the molecule comes into contact with a cancer cell.
There is only one enzyme that can unlock these ingredients. It is called Beta Glucosidase the unlocking enzyme and it does not appear in living tissue to any great decree except at the cancer cell where it appears in large quantities.
There is another enzyme called Rhodenese the protecting enzyme which occurs in all living tissue except the cancer cell which is consequently unprotected.
So when the B17 molecule comes into contact with a cancer cell the Cyanide and benzaldehide are released. Cyanide which as everyone knows in large enough quantities is deadly as too is benzaldehide. In fact these two acting together are 100 times more toxic than either acting alone. The toxicity is so great that it has been observed under a microscope that no cancer cell can survive, whereas when these ingredients come into contact with heathy normal tissue the Rhodenese breaks down these deadly toxins and converts them into by-products that feed and nourish the healthy cell.
It is a perfectly balanced mechanism of nature that has been observed for over 100 years that could not have been an accident.

It should be noted at this point that the greatest strengh of B17 is in its ability to prevent cancer from ever ocurring in the first place.
When you conduct research into its effectiveness in cancer therapy although there have been many astounding results there are factors that limit its success and this is mainly due to the politcs of cancer therapy.
In 1952 Dr Earnst T Krebbs junior was the first person to develop the concentrated form of B17 for cancer therapy which he caled Leatrille.
He personally reported almost 100% success rate for virgin cases which means cases where the patient had no prior treatment from conventional medicine.
And there is the problem. Most of the people who have been treated with Leatrille are not virgin cases, many of them being cases that have been told they have only a short time to live after conventional treatment has failed. When they die as many of them do they are counted as statistical failures for Leatrille when in reality it is a victory for Leatrille that any of them survive under these circmstances.
Added to this is the fact that early diagnosis is rare because in order to to diagnose cancer under current medicine you need a biopsy which is an expensive proceedure for which you cannot nip down to your local GP and have as part of a routine medical. Even in Britain where we have a health service you will have to go on a waiting list unless you have the money to go private.

For anyone who is suffering from cancer or knows somebody who is check out Metabolic Therapy (not to be confused with nutritional therapy)
It combines the use of Leatrille and enzyme therapy i was talking about earlier. The one is to boost the bodies own natural defence specifically against cancer while the Leatrille adds a huge backup.
If you cannot afford such treatment you can always ask the therapist for a recommended daily intake of Apricot kernels to give you the best chance possible.

Because of these factors relating to therapy i urge people to focus on the original statement that i made at the beginning.


Dont wait to get cancer and then be cured. By applying this knowledge now cancer can become a disease of the past like Scurvy and Co.

Good health to you.
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Old 04-03-2006, 02:38 AM   #2
The Sheriff of Nothingland
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ahhh thanks...really
something we both can enjoy??
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Old 04-03-2006, 05:16 AM   #3
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Vitamin B17: cancer cure or con?
22 December 2003
Reporter: Amanda Paterson

For many terminally ill cancer patients, an alternative treatment derived from apricot kernels is believed to be the last hope. But the controversial tablets are considered dangerous in some medical circles, with Queensland health officials banning their sale in that state. Today, ACA explores the pros and cons.

Twenty-one-year-old Mark Capadona has a brain tumour. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy have both failed. He’s now too weak to speak and doctors say he’s got 6-12 months to live.

Four months ago his mother Dorothy took him to the controversial Gold Coast clinic Fountain of Life, where he was intravenously fed an alternative cancer treatment called laetrile — a very intensive dose of vitamin B17 derived from apricot kernels.

According to Dr Michael Tait, who runs the Fountain of Life clinic, patients come to him when the system says there’s nothing more they can do. For Mark, the treatment showed an unbelievable change in his aggressive tumour.

"My son’s back’s better," says Mark’s mum Dorothy. "He’s put on weight and he is stronger. Without the B17, my son probably wouldn’t be here today."

Now, Mark is walking and is strong enough to eat. He takes laetrile tablets five times a day.

But chief medical officer with Queensland Health, John Scott, claims the tablets are dangerous.

"We’re dealing with a substance which basically contains a number of poisons and the most significant of those is cyanide," he says.

The laetrile is imported from Mexico and too much of it causes cyanide poisoning. As a result, Queensland Health has made it illegal to buy them there. Dr Tait, however, argues that if it’s controlled properly, taking the tablets should only have beneficial effects.

Laurel Johnson, 67, has a tumour on the side of her face, and cancer in her breasts, lungs, liver and spleen. She’s only been given months to live. But she believes laetrile will save her.

"I don’t feel I’ve been poisoned," she says. "It’s not going to kill me any faster than the cancer is."

Laurel claims the three-week intravenous treatment stabilised her cancer. But because she lives in Queensland, it’s illegal for her to import the follow-up tablets from Mexico. So, she’s forced to crush up massive amounts of apricot kernels to get the laetrile she needs.

Since the 1970s, laetrile has been clinically trialled as an anti-cancer treatment by the National Cancer Institute, the Mayo Clinic and the National Institute of Health in the US, and it failed all those tests.

Dr Paul Mannering, from Brisbane’s Mater Hospital, believes the health improvement in cancer victims is due to the power of positive thinking.

"The only explanation for patients saying that they’re receiving some benefit from laetrile must be through the placebo effect," he says.

According to Richard Clapham, who has inoperable brain and lung cancer, if it’s all in the mind, so what? He claims laetrile is keeping him alive but like Laurel, he’s forced to get his fix from crushed apricot kernels.

While there’s much scepticism surrounding laetrile, Laurel reckons what could be potentially false hope is better than no hope at all. That is as long as you can pay the price — the three-week treatment at the clinic alone costs about $8700.

For people like Mark’s mum Dorothy, she’d be willing to pay anything.

"He’s my son,” she says. “I told him in the beginning, we’ll sell everything to save him."
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Old 04-03-2006, 11:22 AM   #4
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Where's part I? If you want a better explanation of the theory set forward in the OP without all the mis-spellings, try here.

I am the queen of mis-spelled words, but when someone puts forth a scientific theory and includes such spelling atrocities as the following, I begin to have grave mis-givings if the person has the faintest idea what they are talking about:


People are hired to make posts like this one all over the Internet. Its a subtle form of advertising. If anyone bites on the OP, I'm sure the poster will helpfully give us all a site where we can purchase B17.

The Navajo, by the way, were as impacted by cancer as any of the other uranium workers in the 4 Corners region. Many of them died of the "red sickness" as they called uranium induced lung cancer. So much for native immunity to cancer.
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Old 04-03-2006, 12:01 PM   #5
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I don't need to get cancer. One more post like that first one in this thread, and I'm going to drink Draino.
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Old 04-03-2006, 01:02 PM   #6
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Didn't Steve McQueen try laetrile. He's dead?
I've haven't left very deep footprints in the sands of time. But, boy I've left a bunch.
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Old 04-03-2006, 01:35 PM   #7
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I dont know about Steve McQueen personally, but i do know and have covered why this often happens, and have also stressed the need to view B17 as the prevention for cancer not the cure.
You cannot cure chronic metabolic deseases, you can only prevent them through adequate nutrition.
B17 is to cancer what Vitamin C is to Scurvy. This is a fact based on 200 years observation and experiment.
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Old 04-03-2006, 01:55 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by rtexanssane
B17 is to cancer what Vitamin C is to Scurvy. This is a fact based on 200 years observation and experiment.
Bullshit. Many, many people 200 years ago and more never ate an apricot in their lives, and millet was an unknown grain to a large percentage of the world's people. Native American tribes did not eat apricots or grow millet. You can still buy preserves that have seeds in them - ever eat strawberry, blackberry or any number of other preserves? Plenty of seeds, straight from the supermarket shelves. Our grandmothers tried to strain the worst of the seeds out, BTW. Mine did when she made raspberry preserves, anyhow. I used to help her.

I could make the equal claim that the rise in the incidence of cancer is due to the introduction and popularity of Siamese cats. Did the native Americans have Siamese? No. Most still don't, therefore they remain cancer free. Look at the parts of the world where the Siamese has become prevelent - Europe, the US, and Thailand. WOW! Lots of cancer! Yep, its the wicked Siamese, alright. My argument makes as much or more sense than yours.

Sorry, I'm not going to run down and buy myself some natural cyanide. Nice try.
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Old 04-03-2006, 06:48 PM   #9
The Sheriff of Nothingland
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come on mari! everyone knows cats are a high source of cancer. dating back to the egyptians. they worshiped cats for their ability to inflict sickness on the non believers.
something we both can enjoy??
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Old 04-03-2006, 07:33 PM   #10
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Marichiko. Maybe we will have to agree to differ on this. All i will say is dont yet rule out the possibility that B17 could make cancer a disease of the past just as vitamins have ruled out other chronic metabolic diseases.
Millet and Apricot Kernals are just 2 out of over 1200 different types of food that it is to be found in, including certain types of grasses that graizing animals in these countries will naturally select when not in captivity, so the meat that those natives eat will contain B17 from the animals diet. Such is the case with the Eskimos who eat Caribou which is known to have a diet rich in Vitamin B17.
It is not relevant that these tribes dont know about the foods that contain Vitamin B17, what is relevant is that all the tribes i mentioned have been studied and found to have diets that include a good quantity of it.
I only mention Apricot Kernals because they are such a rich source and easily accessible for anyone who can be bothered to google.
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Old 04-03-2006, 07:36 PM   #11
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When does the sales pitch come?
If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you.
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Old 04-03-2006, 07:43 PM   #12
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My only question is why Ündertoad did not catch this as the spam it obviously is.
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Old 04-03-2006, 09:08 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by rtexanssane
Millet and Apricot Kernals are just 2 out of over 1200 different types of food that it is to be found in, including certain types of grasses that grazing animals in these countries will naturally select when not in captivity, so the meat that those natives eat will contain B17 from the animals diet. Such is the case with the Eskimos who eat Caribou which is known to have a diet rich in Vitamin B17.
I know that you get paid by the number of posts that you make to various boards per hour. I don't know if they monitor what sort of response you get, but here's a helpful tip. Introduce yourself as a new board member, first; post a couple of inane replies to whatever people are talking about, and THEN jump in with your sales pitch. You will be fractionally more believable that way if anyone whom you work for cares.

Lets now pan the camera out to the American West on a herd of cattle - Beef! Its what America eats! Notice those cattle gobbling down every last native grass, forb, and shrub in sight. The cows spend long summer days grazing in mountain meadows on public lands, eating exactly what the deer and antelope eat when they aren't busy playing. Sure, those animals get fattened up at the stock yards before they are delivered to your kitchen in handy plastic wrapped packs, but they grew up and spent their entire lives out gobbling down all those things you are talking about. Apricots, hell! Give me a nice juicy steak, any time!
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Old 04-03-2006, 10:41 PM   #14
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marichiko. I am just an ordinary person making a contribution to the correct forum. I made the mistake of thinking that offering life saving information would go down well.

It wont happen again.
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Old 04-03-2006, 10:53 PM   #15
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OK, if I start to see you post to other discussions around here and become a regular member, I'll apologize. Its highly unusual to have a new member just jump right in with two lengthy posts about laetril, though.
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