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Old 10-14-2003, 05:19 PM   #16
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Congrats on the hound !!!
Now Zippyt's advice for novice dog owners ,
1) UT is right about the peeing thing , it works .
2) sit on the floor to get down to his level . This works well for all dogs ( exept for labs , great when they are pups , but bad when they weigh close to 100 lb , ever had a 100 lb wet slobbery lab try to sit in your lap ???)
3) get obedients training for you both . make sure there are no kids around while this is going on , they think this is a game . Nothing better than being able to tell a dog heal and they suck up to your left leg !!! Nothing worse than a dog with no manners !!
4) don't change his name ( much , UT is right here again ). When nameing a dog it is best to keep it one sylable , some thing you can yell ( no here smoochie !!! try Moose Heal !!!)
5) get a chip implant for ID purposes (most vets will do it , $65 ??)
6) figure out where he can run , big field , woods , etc... Dogs need their exersize ( borde dogs tend to chew on things )
7) don't change his food right away , and keep the table scraps to a minamim , when he is settled try to switch him to Dimond brand adult food , it is all our boston terrier has ever had and his coat is shiny, his poop is productiv and washes away quickly
8) the dog and cat will probley get along after a while ( Oliver our boston has a cat , they are BEST buddys , but will chase each other all around the house ) , but put up the breakables for a while .
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Old 10-14-2003, 07:21 PM   #17
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Get a crate big enough for you to sleep in because in a few months he's going to take over your bed. Bet?
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Old 10-15-2003, 12:48 PM   #18
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The Beagle-O (that's what I call um) is very cute. Beagles do tend to be a handful and most are very vocal. I have never crate trained any of my dogs, but people who do swear by it. Their crate is like their "nest". If you continue with the crate it will become your dogs own little place to feel safe and to sleep. UT's ideas about taking him out right away to go pee outside is good advice, as well as the praise when he does go outside. Don't keep him crated for too long though. Dogs generally will not relieve themselves where the sleep, so he will hold out as long as he can before going in his crate, but this should not be for long, extended periods of time. He needs to know that when he needs to pee that someone will let him out pretty quickly or he may not want to continue using his crate. The Nature's Miracle that Wolf mentioned is an excellent product, I have found that the longer you leave it on the soiled area the better it works because it gives the enzymes plenty of time to breakdown the stain and odor.

As far as diet, it is also good advice to NOT change his food until he gets settled in to your place. Once he has though and you decide to change his food you should do it gradually over a week or so by initially only adding a little of the new food to his old food, then gradually adding more of the new food until he is totally onto the new food. You still may see a loose stool or even diarrhea, but depending on the dogs sensitivity you may not notice any change in his stool. I recommend Nutro Max brand dog food. They have chicken/rice, chicken/lamb/rice, and lamb/rice diets. For pets with sensitive systems and prone to skin problems I would recommend the lamb/rice diet which is called Nutro's Natural Choice. I realize this post is getting a little long so if you want to know more about why I like Nutro diets I'll be happy to tell you either in a PM or in another post.

As far as toys/treats go. Many people do not recommend rawhide because the dog can chew off pieces and swallow them which then swell in their stomachs and cause blockages. Also, depending on where the rawhide is obtained, some countries use questionable tanning processes/chemicals which have made many dogs sick. I'm sure others here will disagree, but I ask is it worth taking the chance? Pigs ears are OK, but not too many depending on how fast they go through them. Some people use cow hooves (Choo Hooves) which I give my dogs, but the argument with these is that they splinter and can also cause internal damage to your dog. If you do give hooves be sure to take it away when it gets small enough to be swallowed. Also, smoked hooved and pig ears are messy so don't give it to your dog on the new carpet.

Obedience training is also very important. There are several good books, but personally I had to go to a class because as others have mentioned, dog training is actually owner training and I didn't have enough discipline to practice enough on my own. Note, if you do go to a class, try to contact a local Beagle Club or rescue group and ask who they would recommend. Some trainers are a little wack and try to use force (excessive force) to train rather than guidance and praise. If you go to a class and feel uncomfortable with the trainer and their methods, STOP going, get your money back. I have seen several dogs go through bad training and end up with bad behavioral problems and NO obedience.

I'm not trying to scare you, although it may sound that way, I'm just trying to pass on some advice. Every dog owner has their fave foods, treats, training, etc. and everyone you talk to will offer different advice, I just hope this helps a little. Oh, good toys are Gumma Bones for chewers, Kong Toys (highly indestructable and can insert treats in them) and Booda Bones (rope toys), I recommend avoiding "squeeky" toys and latex toys as they are easily destroyed and consumed (expensive for the number you'll probably go through and dangerous if eaten).

Finding a good vet is another issue, but take him in and have him checked out and keep up on his shots. Unless you feel very adamant about a name change I wouldn't change it, but if you do, try to find something similar sounding as has already been suggested. Exercise is very important which should be no problem with your son around to give him a run for his money. Always provide fresh, clean water.

I almost forgot about the kitty. Don't introduce them nose to nose. Let your cat be higher than the dog when you do the intro. (on a table or cat tree, etc.) The cat can get a birds eye view to access the new intruder and won't feel as threatened. Let them get to know each other slowly and casually. The dog may just want to play, but may be a bit overwhelming for the cat. Don't leave them alone together until they are very familiar with each other. Unless the dog is aggressive towards the cat, the cat will be able to defend itself, but you may come home to a disaster area with stuff knocked down and broken. If I can help with any other questions feel free to ask.

Good Luck and Enjoy your new Buddy.
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Old 10-15-2003, 01:57 PM   #19
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Thanks all for the advice!

As much as I dislike his current name, it could be worse, so I will count my blessings and keep calling him Houdini.

He is currently on Science Diet, and I think theres, what, 2 suggestions in this thread so far...

Nutro Max

yeah, 2 suggested brands. I imagine as long as its high-quality food, its just a matter of reading the labels and making a judgement call?

I will definitely try UT's trick for training the dog in where to go. We moved into our new house recently, with its brand new offwhite carpet, and anything that might help in keeping that carpet nice is well worth it.
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Old 10-15-2003, 02:13 PM   #20
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My two are on Innova. I think the main thing is to get a high protein food and not just the supermarket stuff. One great benefit to high protein food is that they eat less of it and then poop less of it. Find a pet store that turns over its high quality dog food and you'll know it's fresh.
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Old 10-15-2003, 02:33 PM   #21
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Originally posted by perth
Thanks all for the advice!

As much as I dislike his current name, it could be worse, so I will count my blessings and keep calling him Houdini.

He is currently on Science Diet, and I think theres, what, 2 suggestions in this thread so far...

Nutro Max

yeah, 2 suggested brands. I imagine as long as its high-quality food, its just a matter of reading the labels and making a judgement call?

I will definitely try UT's trick for training the dog in where to go. We moved into our new house recently, with its brand new offwhite carpet, and anything that might help in keeping that carpet nice is well worth it.
Science-Diet is a good food, most vets will recommend it because Hills (makers of Science-Diet) also make a line of specialty vet restricted diets for urinary tract probs, food allergies, digestion probs, etc. so vets are prone to also recommend regular Science-Diet products. If Houdini isn't currently having any probs w/ it I probably wouldn't change diets, but if you do, try Nutro. Actually, a lot vets are recommending Nutro now. When reading labels look for chicken or poultry by-products (heads,beaks, feet, guts, etc.) and avoid them. They are tasty to the pet, but offer little nutritional value. Also avoid corn-based foods (ground yellow corn). Just like us, you know, you eat corn and it comes out corn . Corn is hard to digest and causes skin problems in many pets. Corn gluten meal is better as far as nutritional value and digestibility, but still can cause skin probs in some pets. Wheat is also a prob for some pets. The Nutro Nat. Choice doesn't use by-prod., corn, or wheat. For these reasons, and the high digestibility of lamb as the protein source, most dogs do very well on it. The regular Nutro (chicken/lamb/rice) is a very good diet too, higher in fat (and I believe protein too) so if your pet tends to get chubby I'd stick with the Nat. Choice. But, don't take my word, check out the ingredients and compare to SD. Again I say SD is a good food and you may not want to ruin a good thing, but if you do change check out Nutro . Geez, you'd think I was getting kick backs or something for promoting the stuff, but unfortunately I'm not. I've always had dogs and cats, worked in pet supply stores, feed stores, shown dogs, rescued cats and dogs and am a biologist, not that the latter as anything to do with it.
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Old 10-15-2003, 02:47 PM   #22
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Innova is a good food too from what I remember. I don't think it contains the by-products and corn. I think they use barley and rice if I remember correctly and they are big on natural ingredients which is good. Innova is another one I'd use to compare with if you decide to change foods. Back when I was looking at it it was on the pricey side and had just come out in the US as a contender with the other premium foods so it wasn't always available at the time.

If I may add, it's not just the high protein in a diet, but the digestibility of the diet that you need to keep an eye out for. Premium foods cost more than junky supermarket foods (although Iams and Hills can now be found in the supermarket), but in the long run you save money and have a healthier pet because they are digesting their food better therefore you feed less and have less coming out the back end and what you are left to clean up will be smaller, firm, and less smelly (less farts too ).
You can't catch me...don't even try...go do something else...see ya next year.

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Old 10-15-2003, 06:51 PM   #23
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A caution on the Choo Hooves. A dog trainer friend of mine gave them to her dogs and they loved them but two problems developed. First was stepping on them in your bare feet on the way to the bathroom at night. The second was two of her dogs cracked teeth on them. You think your dentist is expensive? Wait till you get a bill from a doggie dentist.
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Old 10-15-2003, 09:21 PM   #24
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Originally posted by xoxoxoBruce
A caution on the Choo Hooves. A dog trainer friend of mine gave them to her dogs and they loved them but two problems developed. First was stepping on them in your bare feet on the way to the bathroom at night. The second was two of her dogs cracked teeth on them. You think your dentist is expensive? Wait till you get a bill from a doggie dentist.
Oh Yeah......I've hucked a few cow hooves across the room after stepping on them with bare feet. Good point, Bruce. I have also heard about getting a cracked tooth on them too, although this has never happened to any of my dogs. Oh and they kinda reek too, but most dogs really dig um. Another toy to avoid regarding cracked teeth is those hard rubber balls. If your pet intercepts a throw you can bust out some teeth and the hollow rubber balls with bells in them should be avoided too. I heard of more than a few pets that have broken off canines that got caught in the hole.
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Old 10-15-2003, 10:44 PM   #25
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oh and on the cat front , they can become best buddys
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Old 10-15-2003, 10:46 PM   #26
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or at lests put up with each other .
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Old 10-15-2003, 10:50 PM   #27
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And some times the cat will have the upper hand !!!
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Old 10-15-2003, 11:14 PM   #28
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Zippyt, really cute pics.
You can't catch me...don't even try...go do something else...see ya next year.

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Old 10-15-2003, 11:26 PM   #29
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Why thank you Ms buggs
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Old 10-15-2003, 11:48 PM   #30
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And sometimes size doesn't matter .
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You can't catch me...don't even try...go do something else...see ya next year.

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