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  1. Sweet - new section!!
  2. Personal Philosophies
  3. free country
  4. What Criterion for "Just War"
  5. Sun Tzu's The Art of War
  6. Silliness that changed you.
  7. Cry for help?
  8. Logic as Arbiter of Truth
  9. Fucked up mental priorities.
  10. Original sin or original innocence?
  11. The Sky is Falling
  12. Good and Evil: Universals?
  13. Spirit or brain?
  14. Suicide
  15. Seriousness That Changed You
  16. "the God of the Bible" (or "unbogging the IotD blog")
  17. Progressive Islam
  18. What if... there were immortals?
  20. Then and Now
  21. Sexual assault
  22. Souls
  23. It's not natural
  24. Most & Least Favorite Ways to Cope
  25. Christians and Pagans
  26. Souls
  27. What is a "successful relationship?"
  28. Reincarnation
  29. Losing my religion.
  30. "Mind over Matter" proven at Princeton
  31. Old or New Testament God: Which is more fun at parties?
  32. analyses of post-drug ingestion in limited user field
  33. Death
  34. Disillusionment
  35. planes of reality
  37. Creation vs. Evolution
  38. Creation of the Universe
  39. why sacrifice?
  40. Well, that about wraps it up for Christianity
  41. Tough Readin'
  42. mood swings
  43. Prove evolution. Earn 250 large!
  44. What I've learned about men and marriage
  45. Cellar, Big Thought of the Day
  46. Miracles
  47. How important is socialization?
  48. Karma? Is it and if so what is it?
  49. Acid Trip
  50. Doing a 180
  51. Chinese Philosophy
  52. What is "freedom"?
  53. Continuing the religious debate from over in IOD....
  54. The Killing of Animals in its many aspects
  55. Effectiveness of prison
  56. Is there free will in heaven?
  57. "For God and Country"
  58. Some things you know are wrong
  59. The ethics of citizenship
  60. Ladder theory
  61. Welfare
  62. an e-ligion is born
  63. Which pill would you take?
  64. Subjective Reality
  65. Mathematics? It's all just life.
  66. Intelligent Design. Science or an evolution in marketing for creationism?
  67. Decision Making
  68. The Holy Grail of Democracy
  69. you are all going to hell
  70. School or Scam
  71. Why we should enforce the death penalty
  72. Who here has studied philosophy?
  73. Evolutionary Science-v- Creationism
  74. "Yum" or "ahh"? ,your choice
  75. A little strip I found interesting
  76. fodder
  77. Time Travel INC.
  78. When is white black?
  79. (What iff.)
  80. (Creation)
  81. The importance of Why?
  82. Question for the right wingers
  83. when faith fails
  84. Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Blocked
  85. The Right To Die
  86. Faith... to what/whom?
  87. The Right to Live
  88. (V'ger) Steri-lize....steri-lize...(/V'ger)
  89. Control
  90. Feeling fatigued
  91. Choice
  92. Second Chances
  93. "A fake abortion provider lures in desperate poor women..."
  94. On Morality
  95. Yet another screw-up in child protection...
  96. questions about "pagan"? religion/s
  97. pick your posion
  98. Atheist Plans New Lawsuit Over Phrase 'Under God'
  99. the Astrology game
  100. Lafayette Ron Hubbard and Scientology
  101. What good do you see in it all?
  102. insanity: the journey or the destination?
  103. Dissonance
  104. Ascension of Christ
  105. a fun little morsel.
  106. Pride
  107. You Must Control Your Temper!
  108. The Rules of the Game
  109. Who needs a work ethic...
  110. Purple Monkey Dishwasher
  111. The Story of Human Sacrifice
  112. logistical logistics :confused:
  113. What if you didn't have a name?
  114. To Be, or Not To Be..?
  115. Your "super power"
  116. Has this ever happened to you?
  117. Strange parallels in religion...
  118. Skills Vs. Looks
  119. Are Redheads Better?
  120. Monologue on Art
  121. Neo-paganism sees growth in numbers
  122. Quo Vadis?
  123. Zen
  124. God and Devil
  125. Are there only two philosophical questions?
  126. A little somethign I picked up from a cave man...
  127. Rationality encapsulated...
  128. Pure Lifew Ministries
  129. Horror
  130. Philosophism
  131. Hey Pagans, seen this yet?
  132. IN SEARCH........
  133. On Belief, Knowledge, and Justification
  134. Why?
  135. Dark Matter, Dark Energy
  136. The World as it is, What we are, and What We are looking for.
  137. The Last Exit
  138. what type of religion is yours?
  139. Happy Easter
  140. Your Last Day on Earth
  141. Once upon a time...
  142. My Manifesto
  143. Pagan curiosity
  144. Why Americans Hate Things That Are Wrong
  145. Defy this age of sarcasm!
  146. Who rules your world--your heart or your head?
  147. Mmmm... Dawkins...
  148. God does exist... five proofs
  149. refuting relativism
  150. Further validation of the hip hop culture...
  151. What Will Sandra Day O'Connor Think About, Now that She's Retired?
  152. Save Katie Holmes!
  153. Footprints of 'first Americans'
  154. Random Thoughts From Both Sides of My Brain i.e. Dual Lobe Mental Expansion
  155. For sale on Ebay...streetlight and Tree....
  156. a snake
  157. dreams
  158. The search for meaning
  159. Question and an Answer
  160. Further Pussificatory rhetoric...
  161. The latest from Paul Graham
  162. The Unknown
  163. Bonzai Tree
  164. Why is everyone so angry?
  165. Spells
  166. Morality quiz in one question
  167. I have Found Religion
  168. The Brick Testament
  169. Ramadan
  170. WWJB (What would Jesus Blog)?
  171. Enlightment
  172. Trash Out
  173. Feel the Power of the Lord
  174. The Atheist Test
  175. Tough love motivational platitudes
  176. Talk to the Hand
  177. I own a Creche
  178. "But surely he stinketh by now."
  179. Half full or half empty?
  180. Five Brides for Five Strangers
  181. Final Choices
  182. Final Choices
  183. bac
  184. Common sense
  185. The Best Attitude Under BAD Circumstances
  186. You Don't Know What You're Doing (Or Why You're Still Fat)
  187. No Stars For The Eclipse
  188. Automation
  189. Anybody believe that John Edwards really speaks to the dead?
  190. be the devil
  191. skewed ideologies = cultish brainwashing ?
  192. Gulag Tales
  193. Religious Freedom vs Social Mores
  194. who could help me?
  195. Bill Nye The Science Guy incurs the wrath of Fundamentalists
  196. Military Musician
  197. Military Musician
  198. Is God Patriotic Enough?
  199. Truly Blessed And Highly Favored????
  200. Mormon Madness
  201. The New "Tolerance"
  202. Our Pagan Wedding
  203. What would you study?
  204. Good and Bad things
  205. Patrick Henry Is Turning In His Grave
  206. What is your totem?
  207. Suffer the little children...
  208. "Art" as a "Job"
  209. Channelling
  210. The Final Freedoms
  211. Inspirational quotes or concepts....got any goodies?
  212. Antisocial Personality Disorder
  213. We're Gonna Be Toast!
  214. Irrational quotes or concepts....got any goodies?
  215. Critical Reading vs Critical Thinking.
  216. How we know what we know: utter denial in human beings
  217. Medical Ethics Seminar
  218. to fear the lord is to hate evil
  219. What is God?
  220. God? gods? Does it even make sense?
  221. Religion: Good or Bad?
  222. Difficult Civil Rights Question
  223. Jesus Camp
  224. Why, oh why?
  225. Why, oh why?
  226. wondering
  227. Religion?
  228. Insufficient Authority - Do not open this thread
  229. Yom Kippur
  230. Definition of a Bastard
  231. Be Wary of Strong Drink...
  232. Intolerance.
  233. A Belief Question
  234. What is it to be Christian ?
  235. Should guns be allowed to become Christians?
  236. If you weren't a Christian...
  237. What is a pagan
  238. Good Show
  239. Celebrity Atheists
  240. Types of Intelligence
  241. They actually had to research this?
  242. Meet Lilith- A modern woman for ancient times
  243. "Why does the world hate the Jews?" Article
  244. Justifiable Conquest?
  245. Was Judas a villain?
  246. I'm a fraud...
  247. Where Is Sex?
  248. Christianity vs. Islam
  249. sacred feminine
  250. Jeeee-sus!